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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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BUCKYLE;1963069; said:
That dating game type ripoff was done every week for two years on BTN's "Friday Night Tailgate".

You took the words right off my fingertips. I used to laugh my butt off when they did those. The players had fun with it and it was always fun to watch.

As for ESPiN, I got into a fullfledged argument with one of my best friends when I told him how much of a tard he is for watching ESPiN all day long every day. But again, he roots for TSUN. I am re-evaluating our friendship for obvious reasons.
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jwinslow;1962904; said:
Homework for tomorrow:

Substitute 10 minutes on EDSBS for the time you spent watching Sportscenter while eating breakfast. You'll be a much better man for it.

I haven't watched Sportscenter in years. In summer the baseball and soccer highlights bore me to tears, and in winter I can't take the hockey. It's not about Sportscenter for me, it's about the specialized cfb programming. I am a junkie for that stuff.

I remember as a kid getting to see the Buckeyes on TV once a year, maybe twice. We listened on the radio to the other games and read the newspaper. That was the extent of the access I had to Bucks and CFB info. Then cable/sat. came along and the number of televised games increased to the point where they are all on TV now, and more importantly, there is tons of info on virtually every team. I could only dream of that stuff as a kid.

I'm no apologist for ESPN, and I agree there are lots of other sources of information and many of them are better sources. I have my internet sites, CBS college sports has their shows, BTN, STO, and all the rest. But if you are a junkie, ESPN likes to feed my habit as much as anyone. It's right there on ESPNU and all I have to do is set my dvr. I use the ff button a lot, but it's good to know what your critics are saying. Every now and then there is some kernal of truth in what they say.
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I think ESPN has gone down this (sad, pathetic) path by necessity. I, too, watch only games there. They are catering to the "casual" fan. It's all a numbers game. I don't think catering to the hardcore fans works for them. Even their wall to wall to wall NFL coverage is mostly the above mentioned noisemakers using footbally words.

I love EDSBS. Orson is the funniest sports writer alive, in my imo. The commenters are pretty anti tOSU but Orson lets everyone have it with both barrels, even the speedy SEC. Who else do you all read? During the cfb season I can't get enough. The meltdown threads (where they post comments from suicidal/homicidal fans after losses) from Roll Bama Roll on SBNation are always entertaining, unless tOSU fans are featured. :pissed:
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Unfortunately the content of all TV is driven by the audience.

I retired about the time the 24 hour news channels were hitting their initial stride. You could actually tune in and find out what was going on in the world and why. Now they are catering to either end of the political spectrum without going deeper than the average viewer can understand - which is pretty shallow.

MTV cater to teens. ESPN caters to young males who lack critical thinking skills.

The Playboy channel caters to well educated mature males who are only interested in watching the articles.
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Ohio State's response to EspIn:

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Oh look. Another Outside the Lines piece about Ohio State football on ESPN. :so: I've tended to think we had it coming to us as far as media coverage goes with this whole situation, even if ESPN has ulterior motives due to the way the Big Ten Network came to be. It's getting ridiculous now. With all the other stories of impropriety this summer, why isn't this story broadly about issues with NCAA rules violations in college football? I mean, as I'm watching this, there was absolutely nothing new revealed in this piece. I'm interested what some of our non-OSU board members have to say about this? Am I looking at this through my scarlet glasses, or has this become completely overkill?
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