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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1962875; said:
Ah, yes.. the glory days.

As good as the "talent" (I really hate using that word when talking about a sportscaster... especially today's sportscaster) was back in those days, it seems to be what ruined the network. The schtick became the focus, and it looks forced... the run from maybe 92 - 96 was not forced and seemed genuinely "fun" without a real objective other than being funny while providing sports highlights. Even the fights they picked (ie NASCAR driver Jeremy "the man" Spencer) were funny and not with some sort of over riding agenda. Of course, I was younger then... maybe I missed it.

In any case - pairing the Kilborn crew with the commercial campaigns they used to run which were premised upon the notion that all of sports emanated out of Bristol... somewhere along the way, the "joke" has become the objective.
Yes, the heyday of SportCenter. I tend to agree with you though that what was once amusement while in the midst of telling the news ultimately became a full time concentration and people were brought in specifically because they had some schtick. And yeah, that feels forced just like the arguments between Mark May and Lou feel.

That said, I still enjoy a good 720p ESPN night game broadcast quite a bit. I don't seem to have time for anything else anymore, but I still enjoy the Saturday evening/night games quite a bit.
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OSUK;1962799; said:
Forgive my skepticism, but I suspect that most of these guys swearing off ESPN will be watching a lot of CFB Live, The Blitz, and the preview shows in August. You'll be there every Sat morning watching Gameday. Yeah, they have sucked with how they have treated our Bucks, and Mark May is a wonderful euphemism for what comes out of the extreme lower portion of the GI tract, but where else are you going to get info on the game we love? I'll watch. I'll just be throwing stuff at the TV.

I rarely watch Gameday, never watch The Blitz or CFB Live and somehow I manage to get along just fine. I get info online without spending hours listening to BS and watching commercials, so I won't have to "swear off" anything.

Will I watch games on ESPN? Absolutely. I'm not a cut off your nose to spite your face kind of guy. I love the games and I look forward to watching them.
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OSUK;1962799; said:
Forgive my skepticism, but I suspect that most of these guys swearing off ESPN will be watching a lot of CFB Live, The Blitz, and the preview shows in August. You'll be there every Sat morning watching Gameday. Yeah, they have sucked with how they have treated our Bucks, and Mark May is a wonderful euphemism for what comes out of the extreme lower portion of the GI tract, but where else are you going to get info on the game we love? I'll watch. I'll just be throwing stuff at the TV.

I don't mean to pile on, but I have to disagree. In fact, I have no interest at all in any CFB shows put on by ESPN. Last year I begin moving from "Gameday" to the B10Net Kickoff show. Honestly, I got tired of the constant fellating of shoelaces, USC, that dumbass putting on mascot heads...fuck that.

At least the B1G show was all B1G schools/traditions/stories.

I'll watch the games on ESPN, but I literally tune in about 1 minute before kickoff.
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jwinslow;1962979; said:

Point Made

...BRADY HOKE: The best summary of a Brady Hoke speaking engagement is to imagine Lloyd Carr using a gigantic Matt Foley puppet to address the media. The similarity in cadence is eerie, right down to repeated citations of "We're Michigan" as a justification for just about any statement Hoke wanted to make. ("I should have a large pizza up here hot and fresh right now. Why? Because we're Michigan, that's why.")...


imagine that emoticon with hot (OK, luke warm - It's after 7 PM) coffee emanating from the, now disinfected, sinuses

The only thing missing was a reference to the "VAN... down by the RIVER"
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OSUK;1962799; said:
Forgive my skepticism, but I suspect that most of these guys swearing off ESPN will be watching a lot of CFB Live, The Blitz, and the preview shows in August. You'll be there every Sat morning watching Gameday. Yeah, they have sucked with how they have treated our Bucks, and Mark May is a wonderful euphemism for what comes out of the extreme lower portion of the GI tract, but where else are you going to get info on the game we love? I'll watch. I'll just be throwing stuff at the TV.

I'll happily pile on...I haven't watched sportscenter in a couple years. I watched about 45 minutes of gameday total last year, and I wasn't paying attention to more than 10 of those minutes. I still watch games, but not the infotainment garbage. ESPN is no different than MTV. Started off as a cool idea, then became a fucking disaster.

If they have anything really cool, someone will link it on BP. I can't even tell you what channel ESPN is on my cable, but BTNHD is the only favorite my DVR has learned.
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Pheasant;1963005; said:
I'll happily pile on...I haven't watched sportscenter in a couple years. I watched about 45 minutes of gameday total last year, and I wasn't paying attention to more than 10 of those minutes. I still watch games, but not the infotainment garbage. ESPN is no different than MTV. Started off as a cool idea, then became a [censored]ing disaster.

If they have anything really cool, someone will link it on BP. I can't even tell you what channel ESPN is on my cable, but BTNHD is the only favorite my DVR has learned.

Best. Comparison. Ever. It started as a promising channel for sports, but it turned into a farce upon itself. I never watch or listen to anything ESPN related unless it's a live game. And even then I need to shower afterwards.

It's like sleeping with the town whore. Because you're just making her think that what she's doing is right. And on top of that, her pimp will bitch slap you with his four-fingered white glove if you say anything bad about her.
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OSUK;1962893; said:
For example, on CFB Live last week I saw this ridiculous attempt by the hosts to have a couple of Okla players Landry Jones and Ryan Broyles do a version of the dating game. But I also got to hear what those guys did over the summer with a trip to Haiti. Very impressive. I am a fan of those guys now. I'll be pulling for them to do well, unless the Buckeyes need them to do poorly. Point is that I wouldn't have known anything about those guys unless I watched.

That dating game type ripoff was done every week for two years on BTN's "Friday Night Tailgate".
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Cricinfo was the best website for following cricket in the non-cricketing world. What I hate about ESPiN is they bought cricinfo, and now I have to read commentary by someone that doesn't understand the difference between a full ball and a short ball... for starters. The commentary used to be pretty accurate and a pleasure to read, with all the details of the ball, and now it is basically as little as they can do without getting too many complaints. The covering of the footwork of the batsman or the line of the ball has become optional. It's just really irritating. Not to mention they changed the website from cricinfo to espncricinfo.
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ant80;1963133; said:
Cricinfo was the best website for following cricket in the non-cricketing world. What I hate about ESPiN is they bought cricinfo, and now I have to read commentary by someone that doesn't understand the difference between a full ball and a short ball... for starters. The commentary used to be pretty accurate and a pleasure to read, with all the details of the ball, and now it is basically as little as they can do without getting too many complaints. The covering of the footwork of the batsman or the line of the ball has become optional. It's just really irritating. Not to mention they changed the website from cricinfo to espncricinfo.

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OSUK;1962799; said:
Forgive my skepticism, but I suspect that most of these guys swearing off ESPN will be watching a lot of CFB Live, The Blitz, and the preview shows in August. You'll be there every Sat morning watching Gameday. Yeah, they have sucked with how they have treated our Bucks, and Mark May is a wonderful euphemism for what comes out of the extreme lower portion of the GI tract, but where else are you going to get info on the game we love? I'll watch. I'll just be throwing stuff at the TV.

Truth be told, the only time I watch ESPN now is when games are on or when I'm changing clothes in the gym.

And I'm not one of the people who said they were going to swear off ESPN.
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