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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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OSUK;1962799; said:
Forgive my skepticism, but I suspect that most of these guys swearing off ESPN will be watching a lot of CFB Live, The Blitz, and the preview shows in August. You'll be there every Sat morning watching Gameday. Yeah, they have sucked with how they have treated our Bucks, and Mark May is a wonderful euphemism for what comes out of the extreme lower portion of the GI tract, but where else are you going to get info on the game we love? I'll watch. I'll just be throwing stuff at the TV.
I will suffer through their garbage once in awhile in the spring for a glimpse at various teams (though ESPN360 is changing that, now that I can grab archived spring games & clips online). But even then I regret it, since you typically get 1 minute of action clips and the rest is mind numbing.

There's almost nothing worth watching on ESPN outside of games. Sometimes I'll break down in my hunger for football, but I always regret it immediately.

They don't show football. They have immensely dim-witted dolts like Jesse Palmer, Mark May & Desmond Howard spout of surface level garbage that is as informative as the comments on a youtube video.

There is no Jaws or Gruden to break down film, nor an insightful analyst like Bilas. They don't even have a sharp mind like Scott Van Pelt or Kenny Mayne to entertain you. They bash you over the head with stereotypes, catch phrases and bleacher report level content.

I will occasionally watch CFB Final if I am really intrigued by other programs (Texas, SEC, USC, Oregon) that are in the title hunt or playing a big game, but I watch it on mute and listen to music or play a video game.

If I want big ten highlights, I watch the BTN, where I get 10 plays per team, not 2-4 for a couple big ten teams. I might even tune into the coaches shows if I really want to scout a bitter rival or an upcoming opponent.
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OSUK;1962799; said:
Forgive my skepticism, but I suspect that most of these guys swearing off ESPN will be watching a lot of CFB Live, The Blitz, and the preview shows in August. You'll be there every Sat morning watching Gameday. Yeah, they have sucked with how they have treated our Bucks, and Mark May is a wonderful euphemism for what comes out of the extreme lower portion of the GI tract, but where else are you going to get info on the game we love? I'll watch. I'll just be throwing stuff at the TV.

Your mistake is in thinking those shows contain info rather than just noise.

With the actual games so widely available these days, I don't need other people's analysis that much, and certainly not from the clowns they tend to hire at ESPN. I can form my own opinions rather than listening for one I like and appropriating it.
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I thank ESPN for their latest crusade against tOSU, it has made it much easier to not succumb to flipping on SportsCenter as filler. I've watched 5 minutes of it in the last five months.

Last year I railed against it but would go back to my old habits occasionally. This year I don't see that happening.
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jlb1705;1962814; said:
Your mistake is in thinking those shows contain info rather than just noise.

With the actual games so widely available these days, I don't need other people's analysis that much, and certainly not from the clowns they tend to hire at ESPN. I can form my own opinions rather than listening for one I like and appropriating it.

I've been muting the games for years.

I have a pet marketing idea for paid access to sound free feeds, or at the very least just a mild play by play giving down distance and time type of thing.

I'd pay a few bucks a month extra for that to be spared the Jesse Palmers of the world.
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I have a pet marketing idea for paid access to sound free feeds, or at the very least just a mild play by play giving down distance and time type of thing.

I'd pay a few bucks a month extra for that to be spared the Jesse Palmers of the world.
An audio synced app for Paul Keels would be incredibly popular. With the evolution of online viewers and app-enabled TVs, that could be even more doable.
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I thank ESPN for their latest crusade against tOSU, it has made it much easier to not succumb to flipping on SportsCenter as filler. I've watched 5 minutes of it in the last five months.

Last year I railed against it but would go back to my old habits occasionally. This year I don't see that happening.
I've been doing it subconsciously, I think.

Just haven't had any desire to flip it on and I don't think twice about it. I'm surprised because I was an ESPN junkie.
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jwinslow;1962818; said:
I thank ESPN for their latest crusade against tOSU, it has made it much easier to not succumb to flipping on SportsCenter as filler. I've watched 5 minutes of it in the last five months.

Last year I railed against it but would go back to my old habits occasionally. This year I don't see that happening.

Ditto. It was the default late night or Saturday morning option because there wasn't really anything else. Not any more. I'll find anything else to do.

I watched the women's soccer last month and a bit of a Reds game last week. That's it.
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I don't have the sort of ideological response so many here seem to have to ESPN. But count me also among those who just haven't turned on ESPN for the past 6 months - either TV or (Sirius) radio.

I guess I've just found better things to watch or listen to. Golf Channel being primary among them. I do continue to look for good stuff on ESPNU, since that's where you find the more obscure collegiate sports like lacrosse and track & field.
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MaxBuck;1962832; said:
I don't have the sort of ideological response so many here seem to have to ESPN. But count me also among those who just haven't turned on ESPN for the past 6 months - either TV or (Sirius) radio.

I guess I've just found better things to watch or listen to. Golf Channel being primary among them. I do continue to look for good stuff on ESPNU, since that's where you find the more obscure collegiate sports like lacrosse and track & field.

The funny thing is its not ideological after a while. Once you get away from it for any length of time and watch the specific sports networks, if you have the misfortune of having to watch ESPN programming at a bar/gym/friends house you realize just how bad it is.

NFL Network has hour long shows just doing film breakdown, ESPN has Chris Berman and Michael Irvin seeing who can make the most noise.
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I really wish i had the BTN :(

but if I want NFL news I turn to NFL Network, if I wasnt MLB News I turn to MLB Network (which I absolutely love because they show live look ins all the time)

if I want CFB news, I just log onto BP :biggrin:
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Jaxbuck;1962840; said:
NFL Network has hour long shows just doing film breakdown, ESPN has Chris Berman and Michael Irvin seeing who can make the most noise.
If you have Sirius Radio, you owe it to yourself to catch Pat Kirwan doing his thing every afternoon with Tim Ryan on "Movin' the Chains" on Sirius NFL Radio. Their discussions of line play technique (both sides of the ball) are great, as are the discussions of salary cap issues, free agency strategy, etc. Really insightful and entertaining.
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