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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Gatorubet;1961544; said:
Fine. Nowsome poor sum bitch wearing an Ole Miss shirt in Newark is gonna get punched.
That sort of thing happens with about the same frequency as Kyle being seen in Biddie's Tea Room.

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Bleed S & G;1961509; said:
I didn't think it was his friend. I thought he had killed another driver and that drivers family claimed Hooley was drunk. Can't find the link.. not sure whats true and what isn't.

What exactly is the argument here...that it's somehow better if Hooley killed someone while stone cold sober?!
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Muck;1961745; said:
What exactly is the argument here...that it's somehow better if Hooley killed someone while stone cold sober?!

I thought we were talking about him fucking a stone cold dead body in the back seat of a car with his friend Dodd?

I just assumed they had to be drunk. What kind of a sick bastard does that sober?
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You have to wonder if there were mass e-mails or telephone calls from Ohio State supporters, or ESPN read some commentary regarding the edit, because Ohio State got its wins back for 2010.

Or ESPN looked around and saw no one else vacated OSU wins on their respective websites.

Previously it was 0-1 and OSU was the only school who had their wins vacated (not Georgia Tech or Alabama from previous years).

But someone made another edit from ESPN (back to 11-1).
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CHU;1961954; said:
You have to wonder if there were mass e-mails or telephone calls from Ohio State supporters, or ESPN read some commentary regarding the edit, because Ohio State got its wins back for 2010.

Or ESPN looked around and saw no one else vacated OSU wins on their respective websites.

Previously it was 0-1 and OSU was the only school who had their wins vacated (not Georgia Tech or Alabama from previous years).

But someone made another edit from ESPN (back to 11-1).

No, I don't. I don't give a shit what ESPN puts on their page or their networks. Enjoy your time there, though. :roll1:
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Pheasant;1961960; said:
No, I don't. I don't give a [Mark May] what ESPN puts on their page or their networks. Enjoy your time there, though. :roll1:

It was based on a post on Eleven Warriors. Haven't gone to ESPN's CFB section in over a month after the lawsuit and haven't watched anything ESPN, outside of games, since the 2008 BCS Title Game.

Constantly watch BTN for some reason.
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Forgive my skepticism, but I suspect that most of these guys swearing off ESPN will be watching a lot of CFB Live, The Blitz, and the preview shows in August. You'll be there every Sat morning watching Gameday. Yeah, they have sucked with how they have treated our Bucks, and Mark May is a wonderful euphemism for what comes out of the extreme lower portion of the GI tract, but where else are you going to get info on the game we love? I'll watch. I'll just be throwing stuff at the TV.
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OSUK;1962799; said:
Forgive my skepticism, but I suspect that most of these guys swearing off ESPN will be watching a lot of CFB Live, The Blitz, and the preview shows in August. Yeah, they have sucked with how they have treated our Bucks, and Mark May is a wonderful euphemism for what comes out of the extreme lower portion of the GI tract, but where else are you going to get info on the game we love. I'll watch. I'll just be throwing stuff at the TV.


The only thing I watch on E!SPN is a game.
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What info does ESPN even provide? I'd consider myself pretty with it when it comes to all sports that don't suck (couldn't tell you one thing about the NBA), and I only watch ESPN for games. They don't give info on the game we love, they give their opinions that they try to turn in to info just because they're the ones saying it.

This website has more CFB info on 1 Saturday than they have all year.
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OSUK;1962799; said:
Forgive my skepticism, but I suspect that most of these guys swearing off ESPN will be watching a lot of CFB Live, The Blitz, and the preview shows in August. Yeah, they have sucked with how they have treated our Bucks, and Mark May is a wonderful euphemism for what comes out of the extreme lower portion of the GI tract, but where else are you going to get info on the game we love. I'll watch. I'll just be throwing stuff at the TV.

I swore off ESPN back in '04 and I can tell you from personal experience if you have NFL network, BTN, MLB, NHL (and NBA if you are a fan of that) then you will miss exactly nothing.

ESPN reminds me of AOL in the early days of mass awareness of the internet. Once they got used to having access peoples tastes changed, the dominant company didn't keep up with it and competition soon ate their lunch.

Metaphorically speaking I still log into ESPN once in a while to check an old email account but that's it.
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