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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Buck 'em up;1961379; said:
At least he thinks he's funny. Dodd & Doyel the towers of stupidity!!!

You should've saw him and Hooley the night of the March press conference. It was like 18-hours straight of OSU comments from both via Twitter.

I'm not shocked both are friends. They seriously join hands and complain about things.

Dodd - I'm Bald
Hooley - My first wife cheated on me and I was previously arrested.
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CHU;1961382; said:
You should've saw him and Hooley the night of the March press conference. It was like 18-hours straight of OSU comments from both via Twitter.

I'm not shocked both are friends. They seriously join hands and complain about things.

Dodd - I'm Bald
Hooley - My first wife cheated on me and I was previously arrested.

I followed Dodd on Twitter until that night, Mandel is another one that I stopped following because of his bias against the entire B1G. I don't hate any reporter who reports the facts, but these guys are bald-faced liars and won't admit it and don't even try to hide their hate for the Buckeyes.
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CHU;1961382; said:
You should've saw him and Hooley the night of the March press conference. It was like 18-hours straight of OSU comments from both via Twitter.

I'm not shocked both are friends. They seriously join hands and complain about things.

Dodd - I'm Bald
Hooley - My first wife cheated on me and I was previously arrested.

didn't hooley kill his best friend while he was drinking and driving?
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Tlangs;1961397; said:
didn't hooley kill his best friend while he was drinking and driving?

Not sure if that's true and its a fairly disgusting accusation if its not. I'm no Hooley fan, but I'd like to see some type of link establishing the validity of this before it gets tossed out there again.

That said, fuck Bruce Hooley.
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OH10;1961428; said:
Not sure if that's true and its a fairly disgusting accusation if its not. I'm no Hooley fan, but I'd like to see some type of link establishing the validity of this before it gets tossed out there again.

That said, fuck Bruce Hooley.

I'm reporting it as if it is fact.

I think the facts are Hooles was driving, his friend is dead, the part in dispute is how much he drank.
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Maybe I am to old to understand but who gives a<Mark May> about Dodd Doyle Hooley andESPN they cannot effect the game and if recruits are swayed by them then they aren't the kind of players I want any way. Read facts and make your own opinion..this country is full of people to lazy or stupid to have an original thought and have to borrow from their favorite Media ASS clown..Boycotting ESPN if you must but they aren't going anywhere and neither are Hooley and Dodd. Just be smart enough to know they have an agenda and if a neighbor, poster on BP or coworker treats what they say as gospel .smile and talk about the weather instead
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Buck 'em up;1961389; said:
I followed Dodd on Twitter until that night, Mandel is another one that I stopped following because of his bias against the entire B1G. I don't hate any reporter who reports the facts, but these guys are bald-faced liars and won't admit it and don't even try to hide their hate for the Buckeyes.

I wasn't on Twitter in March, but the meltdown last week the NCAA announced there would be no new allegations was priceless. Dohrmann's reaction was golden too.
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Tlangs;1961438; said:
I'm reporting it as if it is fact.

I think the facts are Hooles was driving, his friend is dead, the part in dispute is how much he drank.
I didn't think it was his friend. I thought he had killed another driver and that drivers family claimed Hooley was drunk. Can't find the link.. not sure whats true and what isn't.
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Bleed S & G;1961509; said:
I didn't think it was his friend. I thought he had killed another driver and that drivers family claimed Hooley was drunk. Can't find the link.. not sure whats true and what isn't.

It's hilarious that there's a discussion of what is or isn't fact. That's more than Hooley has given Tress and tOSU.
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I wish there was a Friday where there wasn't Ohio State news either released from the NCAA or released as part of a story from a media outlet. But it's the price to pay for being Ohio State (and not some WAC team).

I guess this is good news (or at least hope).


COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- The mentor for former Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor was investigated and cleared by the NCAA in 2008 of allegations that he improperly acted as a booster while helping the player pick a college.
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Bleed S & G;1961509; said:
I didn't think it was his friend. I thought he had killed another driver and that drivers family claimed Hooley was drunk. Can't find the link.. not sure whats true and what isn't.

Remember that meltdown he (BH) had on Twitter? I think it was right around the period he was told to leave WBNS radio, so maybe he was high on the Molsons.

If you check his Twitter feed, I think he said it was his best friend who was killed. But I'm not going to that idiot's Twitter feed to confirm. It was during his meltdown though (after The Fan fired him more/less).
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