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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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BUCKYLE;1960736; said:
Just to clear this up, I don't even think that's what the [censored] he was saying. I think he was saying "the mother[censored]ing USDOJ knows what's going on, and some of my players are involved, so this [Mark May] is going to hit the fan eventually either way. And if my players are involved in the drug side of their investigation, then the [censored]sticks at the NCAA are the very least of the players problems. So I'll wait to see how this plays out".
Oh, I know what he said.

BUCKYLE;1960736; said:
But at least now we know that's where you stand, and not some make believe outsider.
What about my zillion posts in the not all in thread confused you?

I never said he was the devil. I don't think he is a saint. You cannot find any posts where I said anything but that I thought he is a great coach and a good guy with a few human flaws that took him down. Nothing about his having human flaws diminishes what he accomplished, what he consistently stood for, or that he molded and improved the lives of a thousand kids.

Those thought and the opinions I expressed in my last post can co-exist simultaneously in my mind without any conflict at all.
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BuckeyeNation27;1960379; said:
that must have been a rewarding google image search.

It was definitely full of win. I was a little upset when I found out there's already a golden douche nozzle award, but was quickly relieved to see Alexhortdog was still the first recipient of the golden douchelozzle award.
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I just find it hilarious that this guy (Dodd) is such great friends with Hooley, and Hooley would specifically call him regularly to be on his radio show (before he got fired).

And they both hate Jim Tressel and Ohio State, which is even funnier because Hooley graduated from OSU.

Even more comical is Hooley is good friends with Munch, who also dislikes OSU. They all must have fun parties consisting of complaining about everything.

Never forget that Dodd hasn't picked a B1G team to win a bowl the past three years. If he said one good thing about Ohio State, it would be the first time.


CHICAGO -- Luke Fickell knows the NCAA Manual, which is a great place to start in the Big Ten's makeover...

...Ohio State's rookie/interim/battlefield-promoted coach knew where this was headed Thursday at the Big Ten media days. Reporters poked around the edges of the subject like Ohio State was the family shame, the drunk uncle hidden from view, the 800-pound invisible Buckeye in the room.

The school's scandal has lowered the Big Ten to commoner status. At least for now, and maybe for a while. No one wants to say it or maybe even write it. The issue is mostly localized to Ohio State, a convenient and popular pi?ata. But the Big Ten can no longer can claim the moral high ground over its archrival, the SEC. Both flagship programs have committed major violations and changed coaches.

Mike Brewster is getting more P.O.'d by the day.
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stowfan;1961163; said:
Two weeks from today hopefully we get an answer:)

I think its highly doubtful that the NCAA will make a ruling on this issue on August 12th. I think they will at least take a month or two after the hearing to sort through everything. Either way, in the end I hope the result is the same and they agree with everything that OSU has self imposed so far.
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From the article a couple of posts ago...."But the Big Ten can no longer can claim the moral high ground over its archrival, the SEC. Both flagship programs have committed major violations and changed coaches."

Bull pucky.....equating tats for memoribilla and the cover up by a coach to that of tens of thousand of dollars exchanging hands to bring a player into the fold is like comparing jaywalking and running away from the cops to bank robbery......
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Wingate1217;1961214; said:
From the article a couple of posts ago...."But the Big Ten can no longer can claim the moral high ground over its archrival, the SEC. Both flagship programs have committed major violations and changed coaches."

Bull pucky.....equating tats for memoribilla and the cover up by a coach to that of tens of thousand of dollars exchanging hands to bring a player into the fold is like comparing jaywalking and running away from the cops to bank robbery......

It's CBS Sports. They're going to give SEC schools the benefit of the doubt or a pass in most (all) circumstances.

Dennis Dodd is the same person who said we shouldn't read into Danny Sheridan's claim that the NCAA (and Sheridan himself) know who the "bag man" is for Cam Newton, giving Auburn a pass.

But then the same Dennis Dodd said the NCAA should hammer Ohio State based on every report from SI, ESPN and others.
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BUCKYLE;1961180; said:
Yeah, it's probably better for me if I put you on ignore.

[opacity] Goodbye, dick breath... [/opacity]

Nice dissolve.

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CHU;1961126; said:
I just find it hilarious that this guy (Dodd) is such great friends with Hooley, and Hooley would specifically call him regularly to be on his radio show (before he got fired).

And they both hate Jim Tressel and Ohio State, which is even funnier because Hooley graduated from OSU.

Even more comical is Hooley is good friends with Munch, who also dislikes OSU. They all must have fun parties consisting of complaining about everything.

Never forget that Dodd hasn't picked a B1G team to win a bowl the past three years. If he said one good thing about Ohio State, it would be the first time.


Mike Brewster is getting more P.O.'d by the day.

Hooley was on KNR again today, and once again I turned it off and turned on my i-Pod. Hooley combined with the other two anti-OSU guys (Goldhammer and Fedor) were more than I could stomach. At least when Rizzo is on there he gives it back to the two kids. Both of these young guys are just the stereotypical believe everything that the media says buffoons that are all over the place anymore. Their opinions and directly related to whatever the mainstream media (i.e. ESPiN) says their opinion should be. And Hooley really seems to have some kind of grudge against Tress and/or OSU. I did turn it back on when I got into my truck to head home for lunch and they were ripping Dantonio for what he said about Tress yesterday.

I still think there will be A LOT of extremely disappointed OSU haters in the near future!!!
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Did an Ohio State alum steal his date one night or something?

I realize that by just saying "Ohio State" it generates more reaction than anything else out there these days, but this vendetta is something.
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