There are clearly valid reasons to be fed up with Tebow due to sickening over coverage of him, valid reasons to be suspicious of douches like the Newtons and while Cam was at Florida (because of what they did at Miss State), and valid reasons to be suspicious - no - make that incredulous - that Rainey did not get some $$$$ handshakes - per his own big mouth.
But if people hold those ideas, I won't conclude everyone hates UF because people choose to believe those non-surprising conclusions.
As to the interview, if Tressel thought his violators deserved to sit, then he should have [censored]ing sat them instead of bemoaning what a shame it was that they played. Nothing about the coach I observed for a few years leads me to believe Tress is indecisive. Which is why his rationale for not turning them to compliance in April seems as lame as his out-the-door comment about how he was sorry that they played. HE let them play. HE was the coach. Kyle, feel free to believe his Good Gracious, I was scared and did not know who to turn to... excuse for his non-disclosure in April - or September - or December. I don't.
It is equally reasonable to think that much of his testimony was a steaming pile of un-truthiness meant to help get tOSU off the hook. Why? He loves tOSU is a real possibility. Not having to pay a quarter million in penalties is another. In fact, many, many people - you included Kyle - have expressed appreciation at his "falling on the grenade", "taking one for the team", "protecting tOSU", etc. Which brings up the interesting construct that people firmly believe that Tress was not telling the whole truth to the NCAA to help tOSU, while standing firm in their belief that Tress was not capable of telling untruths about any other subject.
We don't have "not all in" and "stands with" traffic anymore, so I made the comment here. If this is the thread for believing everything that comes out of his mouth, then I'll post it over there next time.