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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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alexhortdog95;1960623; said:
Just to let you know - that's why folks keep bringing it up. Cause the media outside of Ohio is reporting that you guys were going to get slapped with that or a failure to monitor.

Thanks for letting us know. We had no idea that ESPN or any of the other national media folks were making it sound like tOSU was deserving or likely to receive severe punishments.

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BB73;1960642; said:
Thanks for letting us know. We had no idea that ESPN or any of the other national media folks were making it sound like tOSU was deserving or likely to receive severe punishments.


Hell, even the local media elbowed their way onto that bandwagon. Fuck em all, we should line them up right behind the lawyers and politicians, and get bigger bullets
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BB73;1960642; said:
Thanks for letting us know. We had no idea that ESPN or any of the other national media folks were making it sound like tOSU was deserving or likely to receive severe punishments.


LOL - not detecting any sarcasm there, LOL...again, this was my ignorance on penalties in the situation, which is why I came here to ask the questions, cause you guys know what the heezy is goings on. :biggrin:

I just don't understand where the hell the LOIC and the Failure to Monitor came from. How in the hell did the media pull those out of their collective azzes?!? Did you guys piss them off with that 'screw you guys we'll make our own TV network' thing?!? Is this what we should expect?
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BUCKYLE;1960410; said:
Thanks for pointing that out, numbnunts. There are some outside of the UF fan base who believe Timmy used circumcision as an excuse to suck off little Filipino boys. There are some outside the UF fan base that believe you guys paid Cam. There are those outside the UF fan base that believe Chris Rainey was getting money. Wait...that last one was Chris himself.
There are clearly valid reasons to be fed up with Tebow due to sickening over coverage of him, valid reasons to be suspicious of douches like the Newtons and while Cam was at Florida (because of what they did at Miss State), and valid reasons to be suspicious - no - make that incredulous - that Rainey did not get some $$$$ handshakes - per his own big mouth.

But if people hold those ideas, I won't conclude everyone hates UF because people choose to believe those non-surprising conclusions.

As to the interview, if Tressel thought his violators deserved to sit, then he should have [censored]ing sat them instead of bemoaning what a shame it was that they played. Nothing about the coach I observed for a few years leads me to believe Tress is indecisive. Which is why his rationale for not turning them to compliance in April seems as lame as his out-the-door comment about how he was sorry that they played. HE let them play. HE was the coach. Kyle, feel free to believe his Good Gracious, I was scared and did not know who to turn to... excuse for his non-disclosure in April - or September - or December. I don't.

It is equally reasonable to think that much of his testimony was a steaming pile of un-truthiness meant to help get tOSU off the hook. Why? He loves tOSU is a real possibility. Not having to pay a quarter million in penalties is another. In fact, many, many people - you included Kyle - have expressed appreciation at his "falling on the grenade", "taking one for the team", "protecting tOSU", etc. Which brings up the interesting construct that people firmly believe that Tress was not telling the whole truth to the NCAA to help tOSU, while standing firm in their belief that Tress was not capable of telling untruths about any other subject.

We don't have "not all in" and "stands with" traffic anymore, so I made the comment here. If this is the thread for believing everything that comes out of his mouth, then I'll post it over there next time.
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alexhortdog95;1960696; said:
Did you guys [censored] them off with that 'screw you guys we'll make our own TV network' thing?!? Is this what we should expect?

Yep, welcome to the party.

And if Jim Delany moves the entire conference to FOX or NBCUniversal/Comcast, get ready for more.

I really think that Delany sees ESPN being in the SEC's corner if it comes down to it and he may have to leave (unless ESPN throws a crazy offer on the table) and become the No. 1 elsewhere.
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Gatorubet;1960697; said:
There are clearly valid reasons to be fed up with Tebow due to sickening over coverage of him, valid reasons to be suspicious of douches like the Newtons and while Cam was at Florida (because of what they did at Miss State), and valid reasons to be suspicious - no - make that incredulous - that Rainey did not get some $$$$ handshakes - per his own big mouth.

But if people hold those ideas, I won't conclude everyone hates UF because people choose to believe those non-surprising conclusions.

As to the interview, if Tressel thought his violators deserved to sit, then he should have [censored]ing sat them instead of bemoaning what a shame it was that they played. Nothing about the coach I observed for a few years leads me to believe Tress is indecisive. Which is why his rationale for not turning them to compliance in April seems as lame as his out-the-door comment about how he was sorry that they played. HE let them play. HE was the coach. Kyle, feel free to believe his Good Gracious, I was scared and did not know who to turn to... excuse for his non-disclosure in April - or September - or December. I don't.

It is equally reasonable to think that much of his testimony was a steaming pile of un-truthiness meant to help get tOSU off the hook. Why? He loves tOSU is a real possibility. Not having to pay a quarter million in penalties is another. In fact, many, many people - you included Kyle - have expressed appreciation at his "falling on the grenade", "taking one for the team", "protecting tOSU", etc. Which brings up the interesting construct that people firmly believe that Tress was not telling the whole truth to the NCAA to help tOSU, while standing firm in their belief that Tress was not capable of telling untruths about any other subject.

We don't have "not all in" and "stands with" traffic anymore, so I made the comment here. If this is the thread for believing everything that comes out of his mouth, then I'll post it over there next time.

Agree totally.
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Gatorubet;1960697; said:
There are clearly valid reasons to be fed up with Tebow due to sickening over coverage of him, valid reasons to be suspicious of douches like the Newtons and while Cam was at Florida (because of what they did at Miss State), and valid reasons to be suspicious - no - make that incredulous - that Rainey did not get some $$$$ handshakes - per his own big mouth.

But if people hold those ideas, I won't conclude everyone hates UF because people choose to believe those non-surprising conclusions.

As to the interview, if Tressel thought his violators deserved to sit, then he should have [censored]ing sat them instead of bemoaning what a shame it was that they played. Nothing about the coach I observed for a few years leads me to believe Tress is indecisive. Which is why his rationale for not turning them to compliance in April seems as lame as his out-the-door comment about how he was sorry that they played. HE let them play. HE was the coach. Kyle, feel free to believe his Good Gracious, I was scared and did not know who to turn to... excuse for his non-disclosure in April - or September - or December. I don't.

It is equally reasonable to think that much of his testimony was a steaming pile of un-truthiness meant to help get tOSU off the hook. Why? He loves tOSU is a real possibility. Not having to pay a quarter million in penalties is another. In fact, many, many people - you included Kyle - have expressed appreciation at his "falling on the grenade", "taking one for the team", "protecting tOSU", etc. Which brings up the interesting construct that people firmly believe that Tress was not telling the whole truth to the NCAA to help tOSU, while standing firm in their belief that Tress was not capable of telling untruths about any other subject.

We don't have "not all in" and "stands with" traffic anymore, so I made the comment here. If this is the thread for believing everything that comes out of his mouth, then I'll post it over there next time.

So when you said "some outside tOSU's fanbase", what you really meant was "I believe blah blah blah, but don't shoot the messenger, even if the messenger is the one that wrote the message"?

What I meant by my comments was basically, I don't give a flying squirrel dick what you or anyone else outside of Ohio State's fanbase thinks or doesn't think. You're certainly allowed to post what "some" or "you" may believe, but that doesn't make it true.
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Gatorubet;1960697; said:
There are clearly valid reasons to be fed up with Tebow due to sickening over coverage of him, valid reasons to be suspicious of douches like the Newtons and while Cam was at Florida (because of what they did at Miss State), and valid reasons to be suspicious - no - make that incredulous - that Rainey did not get some $$$$ handshakes - per his own big mouth.

But if people hold those ideas, I won't conclude everyone hates UF because people choose to believe those non-surprising conclusions.

As to the interview, if Tressel thought his violators deserved to sit, then he should have [censored]ing sat them instead of bemoaning what a shame it was that they played. Nothing about the coach I observed for a few years leads me to believe Tress is indecisive. Which is why his rationale for not turning them to compliance in April seems as lame as his out-the-door comment about how he was sorry that they played. HE let them play. HE was the coach. Kyle, feel free to believe his Good Gracious, I was scared and did not know who to turn to... excuse for his non-disclosure in April - or September - or December. I don't.

It is equally reasonable to think that much of his testimony was a steaming pile of un-truthiness meant to help get tOSU off the hook. Why? He loves tOSU is a real possibility. Not having to pay a quarter million in penalties is another. In fact, many, many people - you included Kyle - have expressed appreciation at his "falling on the grenade", "taking one for the team", "protecting tOSU", etc. Which brings up the interesting construct that people firmly believe that Tress was not telling the whole truth to the NCAA to help tOSU, while standing firm in their belief that Tress was not capable of telling untruths about any other subject.

We don't have "not all in" and "stands with" traffic anymore, so I made the comment here. If this is the thread for believing everything that comes out of his mouth, then I'll post it over there next time.

LOL, epic post.
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Gatorubet;1960697; said:
Kyle, feel free to believe his Good Gracious, I was scared and did not know who to turn to... excuse for his non-disclosure in April - or September - or December. I don't.

Just to clear this up, I don't even think that's what the fuck he was saying. I think he was saying "the motherfucking USDOJ knows what's going on, and some of my players are involved, so this shit is going to hit the fan eventually either way. And if my players are involved in the drug side of their investigation, then the fucksticks at the NCAA are the very least of the players problems. So I'll wait to see how this plays out".

But at least now we know that's where you stand, and not some make believe outsider.
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BUCKYLE;1960736; said:
Just to clear this up, I don't even think that's what the fuck he was saying. I think he was saying "the motherfucking USDOJ knows what's going on, and some of my players are involved, so this shit is going to hit the fan eventually either way. And if my players are involved in the drug side of their investigation, then the fucksticks at the NCAA are the very least of the players problems. So I'll wait to see how this plays out".

But at least now we know that's where you stand, and not some make believe outsider.

I think you guys need to just get it on out in the parking lot after school.
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alexhortdog95;1960696; said:
LOL - not detecting any sarcasm there, LOL...again, this was my ignorance on penalties in the situation, which is why I came here to ask the questions, cause you guys know what the heezy is goings on. :biggrin:

I just don't understand where the hell the LOIC and the Failure to Monitor came from. How in the hell did the media pull those out of their collective azzes?!? Did you guys piss them off with that 'screw you guys we'll make our own TV network' thing?!? Is this what we should expect?

Part of it was poor reporting from The Dispatch, when an article about a former player who bought a car allowed many to believe that he got the car without paying for it, which was far from the truth. That added a lot of fuel to the media fire.

Part of it is the fact that ESPN has an agenda to damage the Big Ten. Since other Nebraska fans are aware of this, and you have as many posts as I have in this thread, I'm surprised that you're not aware of it.

This thread may be helpful in explaining that aspect of it.

There are other factors as well, but I don't feel like recounting the entire mess.
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BB73;1960751; said:
Since other Nebraska fans are aware of this, and you have as many posts as I have in this thread, I'm surprised that you're not aware of it.

Nope - my posting had lessened here recently as I'm getting busier here, so I hadn't been keeping up as much as others. I'm aware of the crapjob ESPN is doing, my question was on the specific 2 'charges' of LOIC and Failure to Monitor. I wasn't posting as much when that crap came up, so I was trying to put 2 and 2 together on that one.

Nice to see it's another whack (off) job by ESPN.
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alexhortdog95;1960755; said:
Nope - my posting had lessened here recently as I'm getting busier here, so I hadn't been keeping up as much as others. I'm aware of the crapjob ESPN is doing, my question was on the specific 2 'charges' of LOIC and Failure to Monitor. I wasn't posting as much when that crap came up, so I was trying to put 2 and 2 together on that one.

Nice to see it's another whack (off) job by ESPN.

For a week or two in June, I thought that tOSU was going to get hit with 'Failure to Monitor'. That was right after SportsbyBrooks reported that there had been checks deposited into Pryor's bank account. At that point, it wasn't only ESPN and the local paper hammering away at tOSU. This article is from Yahoo's Wetzel, who first had the story back in March about JT's emails. He didn't discover the emails (that was done by a tOSU employee in January), but he got hold of the story from somebody that must have either been with tOSU or the NCAA.

But obviously nothing ever happened regarding those alleged payments to Pryor. Some will speculate that without him leaving the team, things could have gotten worse for tOSU.
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