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alexhortdog95;1959886; said:
All in all, I'm very impressed with the job that Gene Smith did in successfully guiding the school around a failure to monitor AND a lack of institutional control accusation by the NCAA. Doing that alone should get him AD of the Year again.

Somehow....I don't think so.

"Here's your 2011 AD of the year award, Gene......whoa...whoa....whoa.......don't bother putting it on that shelf.....go ahead and stick it in that cardboard box with the rest of your shit and get the hell out of here.
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alexhortdog95;1959886; said:
All in all, I'm very impressed with the job that Gene Smith did in successfully guiding the school around a failure to monitor AND a lack of institutional control accusation by the NCAA. Doing that alone should get him AD of the Year again.

Sure, why not give him credit for rescuing the Chilean miners too.
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[national talking head]Hey Jim, you're the coach. If you don't want them to play, don't play them. [/national talking head]

It is a point worthy of consideration. The argument in favor of letting them play is that they broke an NCAA rule - not a team rule.

Although one might think that not breaking NCAA rules would be a good candidate for a team rule.
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alexhortdog95;1959886; said:
All in all, I'm very impressed with the job that Gene Smith did in successfully guiding the school around a failure to monitor AND a lack of institutional control accusation by the NCAA. Doing that alone should get him AD of the Year again.

errr when were either of those charges on the table?
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BUCKYLE;1959590; said:
Why do you think that is? Honestly?

1) we won too much for everyone else's tastes (see Yankees, Man U, Lakers, etc for other examples)

2) *some* of our fans turned into real douche bags when we started taking over the earth..esp. the vocal, drum beating bandwagoners that 'adopted' OSU as THEIR team.

3) The media, for god knows why, is telling the world we are the devil..and the world eats that shit up with a spoon. It is the same reason why I hate Miami..because the press crucified them in the 90's.

Well, that, and they are assholes. :biggrin:
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1) we won too much for everyone else's tastes (see Yankees, Man U, Lakers, etc for other examples)

2) *some* of our fans turned into real douche bags when we started taking over the earth..esp. the vocal, drum beating bandwagoners that 'adopted' OSU as THEIR team.

3) The media, for god knows why, is telling the world we are the devil..and the world eats that shit up with a spoon. It is the same reason why I hate Miami..because the press crucified them in the 90's.

Well, that, and they are assholes. :biggrin:
1a) We won close games instead of blowouts.
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alexhortdog95;1959886; said:
All in all, I'm very impressed with the job that Gene Smith did in successfully guiding the school around a failure to monitor AND a lack of institutional control accusation by the NCAA. Doing that alone should get him AD of the Year again.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh9PYtmVybU"]‪Think, McFly! Think‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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Andy Staples' prescription for fixing the NCAA rulebook:

This is what annoys me about the typical sports-media mindset these days. Rather than consulting with legal and academic experts to come up with a truly informed consensus about what could/should be done, major-label sportswriters appoint themselves as experts and use their bullhorns to tell us how it should be. I don't necessarily dislike Staples, but he's just a columnist, not an authority, and I think he forgets that.
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