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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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I meant in the whole "new stuff coming out, more punishment added or retracted". The hearing should put alot of the doubt away(whether good or bad).

Like Gator said though, having all the consistant talk with the NCAA unlike USC and not having as many issues as they did, it shouldn't take as long and I don't believe PS Ban or CCG ban would be included.
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So if Pryor is banned from all OSU athletics for the next five years, will that be applied, or has it been applied, to Tressel?

I could see where he'd make an excellent commentator for broadcasts, but will he get the chance?
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cincibuck;1959847; said:
So if Pryor is banned from all OSU athletics for the next five years, will that be applied, or has it been applied, to Tressel?

I could see where he'd make an excellent commentator for broadcasts, but will he get the chance?

Not sure. Cooper still has an office in The Woody (or at least he did two years ago). It will be interesting to see if Tressel is given the same respect at the school. It was Tressel that saw to it Cooper was given an office due to his scouting job with the Bengals.
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BUCKYLE;1959590; said:
Why do you think that is? Honestly?

First, I don't actually think that...mostly that comes from actual banter here where so many people on this site suggest that writer X "hates" us etc, etc. Then there are those, including yourself and many others who firmly believe that ESPN has an agenda specificially against us. But what has really caught my interest recently is listening to things like Sirius radio's CFB shows. I listen to Arute and Swing Your Sword most days at lunch (dunno why, it's mostly meaningless drivel) but I'm amazed at the amount of dislike thrown tOSUs way by folks outside of Ohio. Are they being fed bad info by major media? Sure, but that doesn't fully explain the vitriole with which some of these folks call in. But to hear the Pac 12 commish commenting...well that, frankly, almost seemed out of line because you don't normally expect folks within the same profession with gentleman's agreement to throw stones (unless it's Fat Fulmer). So, I have to admit being somewhat taken aback by someone from the Pac 12 weighing in on anything tOSU related.

All that said, I apologize for my own hyperbole in suggesting that everybody dislikes us...that isn't true and wasn't my intent. Just noting that the amount of resentment towards tOSU seems quite high. Surprising to me.
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Tressel Wanted Players to Miss Sugar Bowl
By Brandon Castel

COLUMBUS, Ohio ? Former Ohio State Head Coach Jim Tressel told NCAA investigators he was ?disappointed? when he found out they were going to let his players participate in the Sugar Bowl back in January.

Tressel had known since April that at least two of those players had likely committed NCAA violations that included selling memorabilia and would have preferred to see the guilty parties pay a steeper price for their misconduct.

?I would (have) felt a little bit better if they?d said, ?Don?t play in the bowl game,? because then I would know for sure that there?s no such thing as getting away with something,? he said during his Feb. 8 meeting with the NCAA.



interesting that he didn't agree with the NCAA in letting them play
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All in all, I'm very impressed with the job that Gene Smith did in successfully guiding the school around a failure to monitor AND a lack of institutional control accusation by the NCAA. Doing that alone should get him AD of the Year again.
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alexhortdog95;1959886; said:
All in all, I'm very impressed with the job that Gene Smith did in successfully guiding the school around a failure to monitor AND a lack of institutional control accusation by the NCAA. Doing that alone should get him AD of the Year again.

His horse abortion of a news conference neutralizes this consideration.
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