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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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CHU;1959321; said:
How this is considered a neutral organization is beyond me.

I'd like to know who actually thinks it's neutral, or anything other than TMZ for guys. I can't even make fun of my wife for watching that (TMZ/Extra/etc.) crap anymore because she just asks whats the difference between this and espn.......conversation over.
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greyscarlet;1959393; said:
I'd like to know who actually thinks it's neutral, or anything other than TMZ for guys. I can't even make fun of my wife for watching that (TMZ/Extra/etc.) crap anymore because she just asks whats the difference between this and espn.......conversation over.

Well, stop watching The World Wide Leader of Suck and then she has nothing for a come back.

I stopped watching that network (unless there is a game on that I want to watch) a long time ago, and I do not miss it one iota.
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I'd like to know who actually thinks it's neutral, or anything other than TMZ for guys. I can't even make fun of my wife for watching that (TMZ/Extra/etc.) crap anymore because she just asks whats the difference between this and espn.......conversation over.
what does she say when you tell her you stopped watching ESPN years ago because of their shitty programming and bullshit tactics?
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CHU;1959321; said:
Don't forget to buy your "SEC on ESPN" gear from ESPN, because "Football is Better Down South" according to the network (and the merch).

<link removed in quoted text>

How this is considered a neutral organization is beyond me.

Damn. You tricked me into clicking on an ESPN link. :smash:
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scooter1369;1959408; said:
that will be 50 lashings with a wet noodle. So says grand inquisitor Pat Forde

I personally can't say anything about Forde, Stewart Mandel or Gregg Doyel because those two criticize OSU and show up in Columbus multiple times a year for FB and MBB.

Ivan Maisel, Schlabach, Dennis Dodd and the CFB Live cast never shows up in Columbus to face anyone associated with OSU. And Cowherd has since moved his shows away from OSU's campus (Easton was the last visit).

Still intrigued with the reception the GameDay crew will get (but doubt college kids care about the last few months).
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I've heard some OSU fans saying that they should re-hire Tress. At worst, I thought he was a great man who made a grave mistake.

But those folks should keep in mind that a big part of the punishment for OSU for known NCAA violations is that they lost a very successful head coach. If Tress had hung in there (or should I say that if the OSU administration would have hung with Tress), I think the NCAA would consider much harsher penalties than we expect we'll get now - because Tressel is "retired".
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Taosman;1959422; said:
Oh! I can just imagine the Game Day in C-Bus signs! :pissed:
Those boys better be in a shark cage!

I'd be beyond shocked to see ESPN College Lameday in Columbus anymore. The only lameday visit to Columbus that has even produced any watchable footage was the one where Erin Andrews was "violated" by the dude recording her naked in the Blackwell. That's a sad reality.
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buxfan4life;1959400; said:
Well, stop watching The World Wide Leader of Suck and then she has nothing for a come back.

I stopped watching that network (unless there is a game on that I want to watch) a long time ago, and I do not miss it one iota.


BuckeyeNation27;1959401; said:
what does she say when you tell her you stopped watching ESPN years ago because of their shitty programming and bullshit tactics?

And this.

The only reason I have a clue what ESPN has said about Ohio State since this whole thing broke last December is because I read what people post here.

Real Buckeyes (except Jake) watch the Big Ten Network. Fake ass Buckeyes watch Captain Bronzer and his amazing pet monkey.
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Zurp;1959223; said:
I've heard conflicting information. Somewhere, probably some dufus on a message board or a caller on a radio show, I heard or read that no team has ever gotten a post-season ban without "failure to monitor" or "lack of institutional control". But Paul Finebaum and his bedroom buddy, Tim Brando, were saying that Alabama got a post-season ban without either 10-12 years ago.

What did Alabama do 10-12 years ago to get the post-season ban, and how safe is Ohio State now?

AuTX Buckeye;1959235; said:
Let me search the Alabama NCAA violation archive


this might take a while


OSUK;1959435; said:
I've heard some OSU fans saying that they should re-hire Tress. At worst, I thought he was a great man who made a grave mistake.

But those folks should keep in mind that a big part of the punishment for OSU for known NCAA violations is that they lost a very successful head coach. If Tress had hung in there (or should I say that if the OSU administration would have hung with Tress), I think the NCAA would consider much harsher penalties than we expect we'll get now - because Tressel is "retired".

Here is the summary from the actual report. Remember, there were also LOIC findings in this case, a charge that tOSU will not face and of which tOSU is not guilty. However, the 10.1 violations are somewhat similar, in that an athletic facility representative (hard to get more representative than the head coach) was responsible for allowing ineligible players to play, and in "providing false and misleading information to the NCAA eligibility appeals staff." The NCAA was told the violations were not found till December, when that was not the case, leading to the ineligible players playing. In Bama they flat refused to look as paper evidence they had of the signing of the athlete with an agent.

Also note, the amount of money in the Bama case was way in excess of what the tat-5 (6) received combined!
The violations found by the committee were as follows:
- A football student-athlete obtained six impermissible deferred-payment
loans, totaling $24,400, that were based primarily on his future earnings as
a professional athlete. These loans were facilitated by representatives of
the institution's athletics interests. The institution failed to obtain the
required documentation for the student-athlete's purchase of disability
insurance. These records would have revealed the existence of at least one
impermissible loan.
- The university lacked institutional control in the review, investigation and
communication of information concerning the amateur status of a second
football student-athlete. By failing to obtain essential information,
corroborate it and share it with one another, the head football coach,
director of athletics, director of compliance and faculty athletics
representative permitted the student-athlete to participate in 11 regular season
football games when he was ineligible.
-The institution's faculty athletics representative violated NCAA standards
of ethical conduct by providing false and misleading information to the NCAA
eligibility appeals staff.

University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Public Infractions Report
August 2, 1995
Page No. 6
- more -
In imposing the following penalties, the Committee on Infractions considered the
corrective actions taken by the university, as detailed in Part III-A of this report.
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Public Infractions Report
August 2, 1995
Page No. 7
- more -
1. The committee adopted as its own the following penalty self-imposed by
the institution:
- Disassociation of two representatives of the institution's athletics
2. The committee imposed the following additional penalties:
- Public reprimand and censure.
- Three years of probation.
- Prohibition from participating in postseason competition in
football during the 1995-96 academic year.
- Reduction by four in the number of permissible financial aid
awards in football during each of the 1995-96 and 1996-97
academic years. The university self-imposed this reduction for the
1995-96 academic year.
-Reduction in the number of initial financial aid awards in football
by 13 during the 1996-97 academic year and by 9 during the 1997-
98 academic year.
- Forfeiture of the 11 regular-season football games in which an
ineligible student-athlete participated during the 1993-94 academic
- Requirement that the institution continue to develop a
comprehensive athletics compliance education program, with
annual reports to the committee during the period of probation.
- Requirement that the university send four individuals to an NCAA
rules seminar each year of the probation.
- Recertification of current athletics policies and practices.
So the issue is, how to we know what was LOIC penalties, what was 24K worth of improper benefit penalties, and which are the 10.1 false and misleading statements to the NCAA conducting an eligibility investigation penalties?????? But I have to think that LOIC is a very bad major violation. I know that Bama had several major violations to the one charged as a result of Tress' actions. So it sure as Hell should NOT be the same penalties. I have no idea how to segregate the penalties from the violations to make a WAG what the finding will be for a single 10.1 violation with proactive compliance and self reporting.
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Isn't that the Antonio Langham case? I thought he was referring to Albert Means as "10 years ago" Also known as "Here's a pile of $ to get your guy here" (Not at all unlike sCam or the Lyles case, sorta kinda)
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AKAK;1959480; said:
Isn't that the Antonio Langham case? I thought he was referring to Albert Means as "10 years ago" Also known as "Here's a pile of $ to get your guy here" (Not at all unlike sCam or the Lyles case, sorta kinda)
Dunno. I put in "post season ban" "division 1", "football" and "Alabama" in the NCAA data base search engine and it came up with this. I'll try again with different search terms.
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Gatorubet;1959482; said:
Dunno. I put in "post season ban" "division 1", "football" and "Alabama" in the NCAA data base search engine and it came up with this. I'll try again with different search terms.

Don't say I didn't warn you... You might break the SQL queries when going after one of the schools in bama
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So apparently the Pac12 Commissioner Larry Scott called up/asked NCAA President Emmert about the OSU investigation to see what's going on during Pac12 Media Days. Sounds like he's pissed that USC got hammered and it doesn't look like we are...

The fascination with what's going on in Columbus from everyone else is astounding. Luckily, they can all go fuck themselves.
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