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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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ESPN has simply moved on to the NFL labor resolution.....nearly 24/7

the others are just sitting out catching their breaths


scarletngray;1959183; said:
Myth Busting The NCAA's Report on Ohio State

This is the best article I've seen on the entire subject. Factual, truthful,
accurate and reasonable. Kudos to the author. Finally a piece of journalism
that demonstrates integrity and is concerned with facts not fiction.

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scarletngray;1959183; said:
Myth Busting The NCAA's Report on Ohio State

This is the best article I've seen on the entire subject. Factual, truthful,
accurate and reasonable. Kudos to the author. Finally a piece of journalism
that demonstrates integrity and is concerned with facts not fiction.


Great article. Someone get that guy a job where he's actually heard...He's not even an Ohio State fan but instead of "tweeting" his vendetta against us he actually took the time to read the report and find out what is real and what Mickey Mouse & SI are shoving down everyones throats.
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Which in a way, brings me to a bigger fundamental problem, both with the way that we as fans consume our information, as well as the people that report it. And that?s, that we really should do a better job of holding our reporters accountable. Or at the very least, taking some of what they say with a grain of salt.

Good stuff right here...
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I've heard conflicting information. Somewhere, probably some dufus on a message board or a caller on a radio show, I heard or read that no team has ever gotten a post-season ban without "failure to monitor" or "lack of institutional control". But Paul Finebaum and his bedroom buddy, Tim Brando, were saying that Alabama got a post-season ban without either 10-12 years ago.

What did Alabama do 10-12 years ago to get the post-season ban, and how safe is Ohio State now?
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Well, this does show the true colors of the sports media right now. Not SI, nor ESPN have followed anything on the good news (for the Buckeyes) that the NCAA won't be filing any new charges. No opinion articles, no self-reflection on the mistakes in media and vitriol. I expect those articles to possibly come through after August 12. Kinda depends. But with the extent that they followed tOSU since March to now, I'd have guessed this would have been "big news".

Obviously, the good news is mostly no news for sports media. And that is indicative of the lack of decent journalists, but also the priorities in their readership. Buckeye bashing is nationally acceptable and profitable. And Buckeye exoneration is not a popular activity. Good for the sports media giants to recognize and steer people back to what is popular. They should never have had their opinions steered to Columbus until the facts were known, but hey, no harm done right? :roll1:
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Zurp;1959223; said:
I've heard conflicting information. Somewhere, probably some dufus on a message board or a caller on a radio show, I heard or read that no team has ever gotten a post-season ban without "failure to monitor" or "lack of institutional control". But Paul Finebaum and his bedroom buddy, Tim Brando, were saying that Alabama got a post-season ban without either 10-12 years ago.

What did Alabama do 10-12 years ago to get the post-season ban, and how safe is Ohio State now?

Let me search the Alabama NCAA violation archive


this might take a while
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Ohio State is the Big Dog. Media loves to dig (and throw) dirt on the Big Dog. Buckeye fans should revel in it - when ESPN starts treating us with sympathy, that means the team is doing poorly.

I hope never again to hear sympathetic words from ESPN. :)
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From the myth-busting article:

Myth No. 4: Who Cares, The NCAA Still Needs To Make An Example Out Of Ohio State

This one really pisses me off. Especially since I've seen a couple of well-respected reporters take this stance. Please stop.

Look, it's not the NCAA's job to make an example out of anyone. The NCAA's job is to try and figure out right from wrong, investigate the rule breakers, and punish them accordingly. Not make the rules as they go, and punish as fans or the media sees fit. It's also not their job to believe every piece of crap report that gets thrown out as "fact." As NCAA President Mark Emmert has said before, the NCAA punishes based on "What we can prove, not what we read."

And what the NCAA proved in their report is again, what we already knew: A handful of players received improper benefits, from a sketchy drug trafficker. Those players have either been suspended for five games, or are no longer with the program. The coach has been fired. And based on the way the department has acted so far, I assume that if anyone else comes up as guilty, the school with act swiftly with them as well. So with that said, what exactly is there to "make an example of"? Ohio State did an investigation, found some stuff, and the guilty were punished accordingly. What more do you want?
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Zurp;1959223; said:
I've heard conflicting information. Somewhere, probably some dufus on a message board or a caller on a radio show, I heard or read that no team has ever gotten a post-season ban without "failure to monitor" or "lack of institutional control". But Paul Finebaum and his bedroom buddy, Tim Brando, were saying that Alabama got a post-season ban without either 10-12 years ago.

What did Alabama do 10-12 years ago to get the post-season ban, and how safe is Ohio State now?

How soon we forget.

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Diego-Bucks;1959233; said:
Well, this does show the true colors of the sports media right now. Not SI, nor ESPN have followed anything on the good news (for the Buckeyes) that the NCAA won't be filing any new charges. No opinion articles, no self-reflection on the mistakes in media and vitriol. I expect those articles to possibly come through after August 12. Kinda depends. But with the extent that they followed tOSU since March to now, I'd have guessed this would have been "big news".

Obviously, the good news is mostly no news for sports media. And that is indicative of the lack of decent journalists, but also the priorities in their readership. Buckeye bashing is nationally acceptable and profitable. And Buckeye exoneration is not a popular activity. Good for the sports media giants to recognize and steer people back to what is popular. They should never have had their opinions steered to Columbus until the facts were known, but hey, no harm done right? :roll1:

But I thought that the reason they reported so heavily with regards to tOSU's issues is that tOSU is such a big story, they didn't have a choice? I kept hearing that. It wasn't that "they" were picking on "us". It was that the Buckeyes are so successful, so big...that they had to report anything and follow it non-stop. Well that theory is pretty much shot to shit now.
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The Worldwide Leader in Selectively Vacating Wins

Ramzy bringing it on 11W

To summarize, NCAA vacated games by GT, Bammer, Calipari, USC were not vacated on ESPN lists.
ESPN almost went out of its way to avoid reporting on the three-year investigation into USC's football troubles, leaving all of the heavy lifting (and actual reporting) to Yahoo! Sports.*

When the NCAA reached its final verdict, only then did ESPN actually bother to acknowledge that the Trojans were not only under investigation -*certainly a shock to those who only get their sports*information from ESPN -*but had gotten the blunt, business end of the Committee on Infractions' punishment stick.

Not surprisingly, USC's vacated wins were never vacated by ESPN either...

So by now you probably know where we're going with this.* Ohio State's vacated 2010 should still be intact too, right?* Behold, the work of the dilligent and incredibly selective ESPN historian:

[2010 Big Ten Standings with 0-1 record for OSU]

Sure, it's possibly just the work of a single rogue Web administrator, but this definitely does nothing to support those of us who have suggested ESPN's eggregiously slanted and inaccurate reporting of Ohio State's misfortunes this summer were on account of bias or a personal grudge.

For the sake of fair balance - yes, as with the other stories, ESPN also*reported this.* And reported.* And reported.* And reported.* And reported.* And reported.* And reported.* And sued Ohio State.* And reported.* And reported.* And reported.* And reported.* And reported.* And reported.
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