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That article alone is worth making a donation to them. The Ozone has had the best coverage I've seen throughout. They report the facts, they aren't sugar coated or based on rumors, simply solid reporting of the news (instead of a sensationalist journalist trying to make the news).
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While nobody has commented on the Sports by brooks article talking about a paper trail from Talbott to TP for alleged autographed memorabilia, it is hard to envision that the NCAA did not ask about that. I know that TP will not talk to them, but it was my understanding that all athletes give permission to the NCAA to check their banking records, and I would not think that TP leaving would somehow change that right of legal access.

Which is a long way of saying, you would have to come to an Occam's Razor conclusion that the NCAA had the ability to look at that, did look, and found nothing. It would be interesting to hear specifics about who they talked to and what was found, but really, who frickin' cares so long as the result of it all is an NCAA finding of "nothing more" and no LOIC or FTM.

And I agree that the writers are pretty balanced.
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NCAA Case Summary
I Cicero is a former football student-athlete who graduated from the institution in 1984 before attending law school at the University of Toledo. Cicero is a criminal attorney in Columbus and previously represented Rife. Cicero has not donated money to the institution, is not a season ticket holder and is not considered a representative of the
institution's athletics interests.
3 Samiak developed a (relationship) (with) (TP blah blah). That relationship was evaluated by the NCAA and institution in 2008. Based on the available information, it was
concluded that Sarniak was not a representative of the institution's athletics interests
and that benefits he provided did not violate preferential treatment legislation. During his February 8, 2010, interview with the enforcement staff, Tressel reported that Samiak was and "his only solid (mentor? parental figure? advisor?)."
Both of these tidbits should be great news as well. Clearly Cicero is not a "booster" per the NCAA. As to Ted Sarniak, the "based on the available information" language is a little odd, as it is not the blanket statement that Cicero is, but they follow with a quote from Tress about how Sarniak is the only solid "?" - which seems to be supportive of the non-representative of the institution's athletics interests classification.

So all of that is good news.
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Gatorubet;1958553; said:
Which is a long way of saying, you would have to come to an Occam's Razor conclusion that the NCAA had the ability to look at that, did look, and found nothing.

Your rationale makes sense to me. But from the things I've read from a few other forums, I think fans of other teams would come to the conclusion that the NCAA just doesn't want to penalize Ohio State. Ohio State got away with murder. Possibly, Ohio State will get rewarded for murder.

I think message boards are good evidence that rationality is a rarity amongst fans. (Myself included.)
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Zurp;1958718; said:
Your rationale makes sense to me. But from the things I've read from a few other forums, I think fans of other teams would come to the conclusion that the NCAA just doesn't want to penalize Ohio State. Ohio State got away with murder. Possibly, Ohio State will get rewarded for murder.

I think message boards are good evidence that rationality is a rarity amongst fans. (Myself included.)

This was the same outrage/reaction when the NCAA cleared Ohio State after the MoC investigation. I truly do not care what other fanbases say about the program I support, since none of them are Ivory Pure.

Haters are gonna hate, so fuck 'em.
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Laughed all the way to work this morning listening to jamokes calling Rivals radio and bitching that the NCAA isn't going to kill our program, and how they "know" this and that, etc., etc..

Amazingly, they all seemed to have southern accents. :lol:
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Zurp;1958718; said:
Your rationale makes sense to me. But from the things I've read from a few other forums, I think fans of other teams would come to the conclusion that the NCAA just doesn't want to penalize Ohio State. Ohio State got away with murder. Possibly, Ohio State will get rewarded for murder.

I think message boards are good evidence that rationality is a rarity amongst fans. (Myself included.)

Sadly, this type of "analysis" isn't limited to idiot fans. Check out recent articles and/or quotes from any of the following sportswriters: May, Dodd, Forde, Fiutak.
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buckeyesin07;1958821; said:
Sadly, this type of "analysis" isn't limited to idiot fans. Check out recent articles and/or quotes from any of the following sportswriters: May, Dodd, Forde, Fiutak.

Much as lawyers can be disbarred for professional misconduct...I think it is time that journalist be held accountable and to a standard.

The craters they created without a modicum of effort, fact checking, or research should not be allowed..and they certainly should not be considered professionals at their occupation.
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I don't really care what other fans think about our program. Or the ship-jumpers among the OSU fanbase for that matter. While I admit I was skeptical of our innocence in a few areas before the NCAA report, we were either clean or really good at covering our butts. In any event, let other fans hate, as buxfan said. Their opinions have no bearing on what we do Saturday, despite the fact that those people seem to think it does.
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buckeyesin07;1958821; said:
Sadly, this type of "analysis" isn't limited to idiot fans. Check out recent articles and/or quotes from any of the following sportswriters: May, Dodd, Forde, Fiutak.

Never forget to add Maisel and Schlabach (pretty much include anyone from ESPN and CBS, BTW).

To be honest, Andy Staples and Stewart Mandel of SI are alright in objectivity (to an extent). Not as bad as everyone you mentioned.
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