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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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No failure to monitor allegation from the NCAA.

I'm feeling way more positive about this thing than I was a couple of months ago.

I just read the NCAA case report. The smoke from the media on this thing was the size of a nuclear blast mushroom crowd, but the fire was actually pretty small. If Tressel had just passed the emails on, it would have been very small.

When the Ga Tech and LSU situations came out, Rod Gilmore, Andre Ware, and that idiot from Pitt were saying that this bodes badly for OSU. How? OSU's situation is entirely different. Can these guys read?
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Oh8ch;1957969; said:

He is interim until he has a contract beyond one year.

I have not been able to find the definitive answer to this question, but is his contract really only for one year? Many articles state that he had his previous "two-year contract modified to reflect a salary of $775,000 this season", so isn't he still on contract at the previous amount for next year? I know it's a technicality, obviously he's only under contract as Head Coach for this year, but I believe he does have a contract with OSU through next year.
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OSUK;1958043; said:
No failure to monitor allegation from the NCAA.

I'm feeling way more positive about this thing than I was a couple of months ago.

I just read the NCAA case report. The smoke from the media on this thing was the size of a nuclear blast mushroom crowd, but the fire was actually pretty small. If Tressel had just passed the emails on, it would have been very small.

When the Ga Tech and LSU situations came out, Rod Gilmore, Andre Ware, and that idiot from Pitt were saying that this bodes badly for OSU. How? OSU's situation is entirely different. Can these guys read?

paging captain obvious

I think that is why most people were confident that if no new violations were found we would be i-ight. so far so good.
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2004 all over again. The sensationalism from the media far fucking surpassed the actual "crimes". This time, we lost perhaps the greatest coach in tOSU history and a better man. tOSU is not better off for losing JT...but they will recover. It's just a shame that it had to come to this.

Anyone else get a kick out of JT's emails? I mean...he never expected anyone else to see them, right? Yet he still used language like "Holy smokes!" :lol: Con men aren't conning when they don't think anyone is watching. JT was...is...a genuinely good person.

Motherfuck ESPN, the Dispatch, and the NCAA.
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Reading 2 minutes worth of the posts on ESPN make me want to be an elitist prick. Those people really are dumb...I can't imagine more than 20% of them can tell you what NCAA stands for, and no way more than 1% of them could spell all 4 words correctly.
That being said, I truly hope when Gameday comes to Columbus next time we can organize a boycott or at least a significant protest gesture that they have no choice but to air.
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The real problem here is guilt by association. Justice is where the guilty are declared to be so, and the guilty suffer the consequences. Here we have a handful of players "getting theirs" and a coach who decided to sit on what he knew about it. There's the wrong, and those people have "gotten what their works deserve" in JT's words.

But these morons on these boards go way, way beyond the facts and imply that the entire OSU administration, athletic programs, and fan base is entirely corrupt. Fine. There's stupid people everywhere, but in this case, there are natioal media figures doing the same thing! You would think they would have some sense of obligation to stay within the facts and truth in their conclusions. Instead we have these "professionals" spouting out emotion-based nonsense that is the same thing you hear from a 16 year old "bigumfan" in Ann Arbor on a board. It's disgusting.

Just once I'd like to see one of these people step up, show they have a pair, and admit that they were out of line. I know. I won't hold my breath.
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Gatorubet;1957908; said:
This gives some ammo to y'all to fire back at rivals talking up the troubles in recruiting. Good stuff is good all over.

Seems that your tune has changed, no? Perhaps its not that we had our heads in the sand but the doomsdayers had their heads somewhere else?
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BB73;1957883; said:
tOSU seems to be sending a strong, clear message to the Dispatch and 10TV. To me, this sounds like "Watch yourselves, if you're reckless in future reporting about tOSU that we feel damages the University, you'd better get your lawyers ready."


I'd really love to see the University have a go at the Dispatch. The Dispatch is not exactly the strong financial institution it once was.
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OSUK;1958064; said:
The real problem here is guilt by association. Justice is where the guilty are declared to be so, and the guilty suffer the consequences. Here we have a handful of players "getting theirs" and a coach who decided to sit on what he knew about it. There's the wrong, and those people have "gotten what their works deserve" in JT's words.

But these morons on these boards go way, way beyond the facts and imply that the entire OSU administration, athletic programs, and fan base is entirely corrupt. Fine. There's stupid people everywhere, but in this case, there are natioal media figures doing the same thing! You would think they would have some sense of obligation to stay within the facts and truth in their conclusions. Instead we have these "professionals" spouting out emotion-based nonsense that is the same thing you hear from a 16 year old "bigumfan" in Ann Arbor on a board. It's disgusting.

Just once I'd like to see one of these people step up, show they have a pair, and admit that they were out of line. I know. I won't hold my breath.

ESPN is not made up of journalists, or even professionals. It's an "entertainment" company, not a professional news organization. There are very few, if any, professional journalism outfits remaining. Ratings are not enhanced by accurate, professional reporting of the news, so why bother?
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NFBuck;1958075; said:
Nobody gives a shit about Tennessee.

I know you're half joking...but...

they may not be on tOSU's level, but they're sure as shit higher profile than GT. So while I get that tOSU will command attention over most, if not all other programs, Tennessee should be on the front page for a week or two.

Then again, ESPN and the like covering tOSU aggressively was never my problem. It's the specific language they use compared to other top programs that pisses me the fuck off.
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ESPN is not made up of journalists, or even professionals.

Not since Keith Olberman left. :wink2:

I have not been able to find the definitive answer to this question, but is his contract really only for one year? Many articles state that he had his previous "two-year contract modified to reflect a salary of $775,000 this season", so isn't he still on contract at the previous amount for next year? I know it's a technicality, obviously he's only under contract as Head Coach for this year, but I believe he does have a contract with OSU through next year.

That is probably true and to the extent that he has a contract to be something other than head coach in 2012 it underscores even more that he is now interim head coach.
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