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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Amidst all the rejoicing, I remember we lost a coach that went 106-22 (!), won a whole bunch of titles, and was one of the best leaders I've ever seen, and that sucks. Things ain't ever gonna be the same no matter how much we want them to be. All these [censored]ing mouthbreathers can cry about tOSU "getting off easy", but I wholeheartedly disagree.
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NFBuck;1957954; said:
Amidst all the rejoicing, I remember we lost a coach that went 106-22 (!), won a whole bunch of titles, and was one of the best leaders I've ever seen, and that sucks. Things ain't ever gonna be the same no matter how much we want them to be. All these [censored]ing mouthbreathers can cry about tOSU "getting off easy", but I wholeheartedly disagree.

Very true.

I am, however, confident Fickell can get the job done and now it looks like a huge cloud has been lifted over OSU's head and that should help him on the recruiting trail. (although I will be the first to say we are not out of this yet, but this is pretty awesome news!)

Anyways, this was a fun read:


cry more, still gonna get your *** kicked come November
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bucks93;1957961; said:
I am, however, confident Fickell can get the job done and now it looks like a huge cloud has been lifted over OSU's head and that should help him on the recruiting trail.
I disagree there. Recruiting is still gonna be very rough sledding until either a.) Fick has the "interim" tag removed, or b.) somebody else is named permanent head coach. Top kids aren't going to commit to a coaching staff they aren't even sure are going to be around in six months.
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NFBuck;1957962; said:
I disagree there. Recruiting is still gonna be very rough sledding until either a.) Fick has the "interim" tag removed, or b.) somebody else is named permanent head coach. Top kids aren't going to commit to a coaching staff they aren't even sure are going to be around in six months.
That interim tag has been gone for a couple of weeks...
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ant80;1957965; said:
That interim tag has been gone for a couple of weeks...

I was going to say they same thing, but he has not been given the blessing of the university to truly be the head coach for the future. The head coach will not be determined until after the season. It could be Fickell, but right now that does not look good. With a very successful season he would be made the head coach with a long term contract and the recruiting will pick up, but if not he will not get the job. Of course someone else will get the job and it will be a recruiting boon (first time head coaches always get a recruiting bump). Until then recruiting will be hurt.
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Fair enough.

I have what seems to be a silly question now. It has been established that there is not going to be a failure to monitor tag thrown on us. The dispatch article mentioned that there won't be a lack of institutional control either. That didn't come from the NCAA, according to the article, they just threw that in there. Is it because the lack of FTM clause automatically negates any LOIC penalties?
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ant80;1957970; said:
Fair enough.

I have what seems to be a silly question now. It has been established that there is not going to be a failure to monitor tag thrown on us. The dispatch article mentioned that there won't be a lack of institutional control either. That didn't come from the NCAA, according to the article, they just threw that in there. Is it because the lack of FTM clause automatically negates any LOIC penalties?

I'm pretty sure that's accurate. You can't really lack institutional control if you're not failing to monitor.
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Hey ESPN...

...like the latest Ohio State NCAA violation ivestigation news?

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Taosman;1957993; said:
Heads are exploding all over the place! Everybody click on the link to move it to the top of "Google" search! :biggrin:


Reminder to myself:

*Do not read Youtube, ESPN, or blog comments.*

*Do not read Youtube, ESPN, or blog comments.*

*Do not read Youtube, ESPN, or blog comments.*

*Do not read Youtube, ESPN, or blog comments.*

It's like you have to take an IQ test, and fail, to be allowed to post there.
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Taosman;1957993; said:
Heads are exploding all over the place! Everybody click on the link to move it to the top of "Google" search! :biggrin:


look at the comments sections....I didn't verify this but someone made a comment that OSU's 2010 season results are already adjusted to 0-1 (even though the ncaa hasn't doled out the official punishment) but USC and Alabamas vacated seasons still show up with the wins.

good times
Want a laugh? Go look at the Big 10 standings for 2010 here on ESPN. Then go look at 2005's Pac-10 (USC vacated season) and 2005-2007 SEC seasons. (Alabama's vacated wins). Nope, no bias here.
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Tlangs;1958006; said:
look at the comments sections....I didn't verify this but someone made a comment that OSU's 2010 season results are already adjusted to 0-1 (even though the ncaa hasn't doled out the official punishment) but USC and Alabamas vacated seasons still show up with the wins.

good times

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