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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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tOSU seems to be sending a strong, clear message to the Dispatch and 10TV. To me, this sounds like "Watch yourselves, if you're reckless in future reporting about tOSU that we feel damages the University, you'd better get your lawyers ready."



"The University's filings to the NCAA; Coach Tressel's formal, written response to the NCAA's Notice of Allegations on July 8; and the NCAA's own Case Summary received (July 21) all make clear that when Coach Tressel was interviewed by a number of people within the institution on Dec. 9 and Dec. 16, he did not share his knowledge about the NCAA violation.

"As we have previously stated to the public and the NCAA in our filings, Coach Tressel only sought advice from the University in Jan. 2011 - after the university had discovered emails that showed that he had knowledge of the matter and in contradiction of is statements to the University the previous December. That sequence of events is summarized clearly by the NCAA in its Case Summary.

"The University categorically denies anything to the contrary, and such allegations are inconsistent with the conclusions of the NCAA and the University.

"Any attempt to characterize events differently would be unnecessarily damaging, inaccurate and entirely misleading."

Speaking after an Ohio State Board of Trustees meeting on campus, board member Robert H. Schottenstein also expressed dismay the story had seen the light of day.
"The NCAA's case summary unequivocally agreed with our assessment that we had no prior knowledge," Schottenstein said. "I categorically deny it. I think it's wrong, I thin it defames Ohio State University and the individuals who are mentioned and I deeply regret that the story has come out because I just do not believe that it's true."
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Here are 15 pages of a document that is a case summary, prior to the August 12th date with the NCAA. There was a 'pre-hearing' NCAA meeting with JT on July 13th, and another with tOSU on July 15th.

Ozone.pg1 pg2 pg3 pg4 pg5 pg6 pg7 pg8 pg9 pg10 pg11 pg12 pg13 pg14 pg15

I like how they redact the names of 9 players, but the list is in alphabetical order. I think it's safe to say the 9 redacted names, in order are:

Martin (former)
Small (former)

If I am wrong on any of those names, I will make a public apology.
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In other news, here's hoping the Buckeyes drop 70+ on their first two opponents. I'm normally not an advocate of running up the score but I seriously want Fickell to throw it deep with 10 seconds left in the 4th.

I have a feeling that this may be the most entertaining football season since 2002.
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georgedohrmann George Dohrmann
NCAA met with SI source on OSU story, said it couldn't grant him confidentiality. So, players walk. Happens. SI story still 100% accurate
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Gatorubet;1957908; said:
This gives some ammo to y'all to fire back at rivals talking up the troubles in recruiting. Good stuff is good all over.

No kidding, hopefully Brady Hoke just lost all credibility in Ohio for the rest of time after the tails he has apparently been weaving for months about "worse than USC" punishments.
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Gatorubet;1957908; said:
This gives some ammo to y'all to fire back at rivals talking up the troubles in recruiting. Good stuff is good all over.

[sarcasm] Gee, if only TSUN was also on probation to level the recruiting playing field. [/sarcasm]
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Cue mgoblog 18 page sophomoric post about the NCAA not having the balls to persecute without proof, how this shows that Michigan Man morals are eroding in College Football, and pining for the pre WWII days of football when the game was clean and Michigan wasn't celebrating the hire of a barely 500 coach...
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