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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Dohrmann is seriously overstepping the line for a journalist right now. He is tipping his hand on the agenda he's trying to shove through. The NCAA wouldn't close the case if the source had legit information but an issue with confidentiality. They would just leave it open for a while longer. Its closed. Probably because the claims on all the other issues aren't back with legitimate information.
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Diego-Bucks;1957783; said:
Dohrmann is seriously overstepping the line for a journalist right now. He is tipping his hand on the agenda he's trying to shove through. The NCAA wouldn't close the case if the source had legit information but an issue with confidentiality. They would just leave it open for a while longer. Its closed. Probably because the claims on all the other issues aren't back with legitimate information.
How much do you hear about Tom Friend these days?

Say hello, Dohrmann
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Since the NCAA probably knows about the e-mails that ESPN is suing for, does Ohio State cooperate or defend itself in court?

LOIC and/or failure to monitor seem off the table (as of now), therefore I don't know what ESPN wants now with the e-mails (other than to fill time or try to damage a competing product/network).

Unless the network is hunting for Gene Smith.
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Predictably, the tone in many of today's media reports tend to implicate that OSU somehow "got away" with something. You don't have to dodge a bullet that was never fired. Despite the wishes of hack sports writers, the real life consequences of random campus denizens saying they saw players going in and out of tattoo parlors 24/7 amount to exactly jack squat. The NCAA, even taking in to account its complete lack of consistency or integrity, cannot hang its hat on unsubstantiated hearsay. Considering the recent parade of programs that were caught taking active participation in major violations (and receiving relatively light penalties), OSU's self-imposed sanctions appear to be more than sufficient.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that anyone involved in the NCAA violations is in any way exonerated. I would be pleasantly surprised if this is the end of the ride. But as to the notion that OSU will receive or deserves penalties equal or harsher than those levied against USC or SMU, it would seem that a semblance of reason has been applied. The court of public opinion will cry foul, and they are more than welcome to go fuck themselves.

Oh8ch;1957760; said:

And as a mod I am obligated to mention that this is an image that pushes the limits - just to be clear.

If that pushes the limits, then this should be hunky-dory:


Michelle Hunzicker, for those who are not aware of the wonders of
TinEye. If the internet existed when I was going thru puberty, I would have been discovered dead in a very embarrassing position many years ago. You used to have to go thru hell and high water to find pics like this.

scooter1369;1957772; said:
The meltdown on twitter is entertaining.

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generaladm;1957813; said:

Thought the mock enforcement experience was cool until today's "mock" enforcement.
dennisdoddcbs 30 mins
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Can't wait to dive into that 139-page JT transcript. Razor blades poised above wrists.

Just to sum up: A millionaire head coach knowingly played five ineligible players, using them to win the Big 10 and a $20 million BCS bowl.
dennisdoddcbs 48 mins

Watch for this news item: OSU regents vote Gene Smith and Doug Archie huge raises.
dennisdoddcbs 56 mins
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This must be this wk ends Joke the NCAA just cleared Ohio St of failing to monitor their football program HAHAHAHAHA typical for the NCAA
mark_may 44 mins
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I didn't read it because I refuse to read any of his work and avoid CBS Sports CFB section (SEC contract), but I remember Dennis Dodd doing those huge cover pieces posted on the front page of CBS Sports the past few weeks.

All of them from Dodd asked for basically the death penalty for Ohio State football.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHMCClUs4ZY"]‪Pathetic Loser‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

I also don't know why people are taking what Bruce Hooley says to heart. It would honestly be like asking a local farmer his opinion of Ohio State football (Hooley's profession now).
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scooter1369;1957817; said:
Just to sum up: A millionaire head coach knowingly played five ineligible players, using them to win the Big 10 and a $20 million BCS bowl.
dennisdoddcbs 48 mins

That's one of many internet comments I've seen saying that OSU somehow bilked money by playing ineligible players. As BB73 noted days ago, every B1G team would have gotten the same payout if MSU would have gone to a BCS bowl. Haters gonna hate.
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scooter1369;1957817; said:
This must be this wk ends Joke the NCAA just cleared Ohio St of failing to monitor their football program HAHAHAHAHA typical for the NCAA
mark_may 44 mins
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As much as i hate [Mark May] and everything he says and represents, I find it difficult to believe that even a MORON like him would be this unprofessional, even if it is only in the form of a "tweet."
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UpNorth_Buckeye;1957829; said:
As much as i hate [Mark May] and everything he says and represents, I find it difficult to believe that even a MORON like him would be this unprofessional, even if it is only in the form of a "tweet."

Still wish OSU would schedule Pitt and try to top the 72 mark.

Then I'd actually read his Twitter.
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scooter1369;1957817; said:
This must be this wk ends Joke the NCAA just cleared Ohio St of failing to monitor their football program HAHAHAHAHA typical for the NCAA
mark_may 44 mins
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JspshPna-bs"]‪David Boston's punt return TD (w/ only 7 blockers) - Pitt 1996‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

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