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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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MuuHaHahaha! :evil:

Of course the Weasels and Nitwits will still be in denial about the actual truth. Of course the negative recruiters will have plausible deniability because it was all over ESPiN! And ESPiN would not lie about such a thing!
Would they?
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Wolfe Industries has no idea what they are doing. In midafternoon there is a report on the WBNS website about Doug Archie signing the invoice for TP's car to be fixed and then about 2 hours later their television media outlet comes out with the story that the NCAA has not found any new allegations. They really need to get their shit together. One minute they are reporting negative news and the next minute they are reporting that the NCAA has Not found anything new. For some reason, the Wolfe:evil: family really wants to make The Ohio State University look bad. Maybe they are the bad guys and not Wexner.
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LitlBuck;1957712; said:
Wolfe Industries has no idea what they are doing. In midafternoon there is a report on the WBNS website about Doug Archie signing the invoice for TP's car to be fixed and then about 2 hours later their television media outlet comes out with the story that the NCAA has not found any new allegations. They really need to get their shit together. One minute they are reporting negative news and the next minute they are reporting that the NCAA has Not found anything new. For some reason, the Wolfe:evil: family really wants to make The Ohio State University look bad. Maybe they are the bad guys and not Wexner.

Actually, that story about the paid invoice for car repairs was posted July 15. The Columbus Disgrace and that media family are shitty, I will give you that.
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Bucknut24;1957735; said:
:lol: SI guys sooo mad

join me...



Seriously... that's the best a guy who won a Pulitzer could come up with on short notice...a monkey with a crayon could have come up with a better excuse than "source couldn't get confidentiality".
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