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Gatorubet;1957675; said:
Hey - huge pressure for the game to played full strength by everyone from our Sugar Bowl folks to your B10 Commish to the network....especially the network.

I just don't see it with the NCAA with a hand in it, as the two departments (eligibility who was involved, and infractions who was not) would not have been involved at that point.

I dont see it either... but Its hard to understand how things went down in December....such a f up
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JBaney45;1957674; said:
^^ This

I mean it seemed that they really acted pretty inconsistently to allow the guys to play when they took extra benefits if there wasn't large outside pressures involved.
Oh, I'm with ya there man. Pressure was intense.
JBaney45;1957674; said:
So I'm not unwilling to take the extra step in concluding that they may have been bending even more then we originally thought. Think of how soft they were on Cam Newton..it seems pretty clear that the NCAA IS bending to outside forces at times.
The NCAA arm that let your guys play and Cam play is not the arm that looks at infractions. They are purely eligibility folks. But I see where you care coming from. I just don't give the NCAA that much credit to get its shit together in a global resolution of the penalties in a hand shake deal in that short a time frame.
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OHSportsFan9;1957679; said:
What?! No new violations?!!!

RAWR! NOOO!! After everything that's gone on?! You mean it's still the same shit it was way back when? F.

[ sarcasm]That just can not be true. I believe ESPiN, not the NCAA, because their boards are much easier to navigate.[/sarcasm]
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Now this is actual news.


NCAA tells Ohio State it finds no new violations; won't face 'failure to monitor' charge

The NCAA has notified Ohio State University that it will not face charges of failing to appropriately monitor its football team as part of a memorabilia-sales scandal that brought down former Coach Jim Tressel.

The NCAA has not uncovered any new, unreported violations during its investigation and agrees with Ohio State that Tressel was the only university official aware of violations by his players and that he failed to report them.

"Other than (two redacted player names) and (Ted) Sarniak, there is no indication that Tressel provided or discussed the information he received ... with anyone else, particularly athletics administrators," the NCAA reported in an enforcement staff case summary.

In the summary that was delivered to Ohio State yesterday and released today, the NCAA again stresses that Tressel failed in his duty to report the violations and knowingly fielded at least two ineligible players.

The NCAA will not hammer Ohio State with its worst-possible findings of loss of institutional control or failure to monitor, which would bring significant punishment.

"Considering the institution's rules education and monitoring efforts, the enforcement staff did not believe a failure to monitor charge was appropriate in this case," the NCAA informed Ohio State.

The NCAA also reported that it investigated a Sports Illustrated report that identified nine additional players as selling OSU memorabilia to tattoo-parlor owner Edward Rife and interviewed the athletes, but confirmed only one as dealing with the man who is soon to be sentenced on marijuana-trafficking charges.

Ohio State also released today the 139-page transcript of a 5-hour interview with Tressel on Feb. 8, in response to a public-records request by The Dispatch. The transcript was submitted to the NCAA on July 8 as part of its response to the charges.

Cont'd ...
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OhioState001;1957695; said:
Wont be seeing this on ESPN

I won't because I will not watch it unless there is an actual sporting event on. I would bet this will get major airplay on that channel, but only to denounce the NCAA for not gutting, skinning, and blowing up Ohio State. I would venture to guess that there will be more than one mention of the "NCAA dropping the ball" with this announcement.

Fuck ESPiN with a splintery broomstick sideways.
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