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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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No dance off (I used to get paid to dance! Ha. Little fact for you all. I was a club kid way back when.) But it was funny that we pretty much couldn't communicate.

They all threw the ball from way behind their head but with their elbow up really high, and they didn't "push" through the throw. It's hard to describe. They got excited when it spiraled.
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kinch;1956418; said:
No dance off (I used to get paid to dance! Ha. Little fact for you all.) But it was funny that we pretty much couldn't communicate.

They all threw the ball from way behind their head but with their elbow up really high, and they didn't "push" through the throw. It's hard to describe. They got excited when it spiraled.

It sounds like pretty much every adult I've ever seen throw a football the first time. :lol:

Usually, I wait for it to stop rolling fifteen feet in front of me, then just stare at them for seven seconds then say "That was awkward".
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kinch;1956404; said:
Actually, it was a good time. I was with three Argentinians, a Brazilian, and a Turk. Nothing makes you feel more athletic than throwing around a football with people who have never thrown one before.

You are lucky they didn't try to peel and eat it.
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Gatorubet;1955733; said:




Dumb dead hooker should've learned?
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BUCKYLE;1956422; said:
It sounds like pretty much every adult I've ever seen throw a football the first time. :lol:

Usually, I wait for it to stop rolling fifteen feet in front of me, then just stare at them for seven seconds then say "That was awkward".

i'm not sure i can think of a single person i know who never threw a football prior to adulthood.

what planet are you from again?
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TresselstillownsTSUN;1955670; said:
Damn, it's been a day since there has been a post in this flaming trash can of a thread. Maybe the firestorm is really over.....:horse:

Here's to hoping you didn't click on this thread expecting more bad news.

This just in - Meteor expected to hit Ohio Stadium, eradicate surrounding area in Columbus. More to come.
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It's like clockwork (Friday = Dispatch/10TV release Ohio State story)


COLUMBUS, Ohio - Former Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel told investigators that he first notified the university's top compliance staff he had a "tip" about issues related to the team's tattoo scandal in December 2010, nearly a month earlier than the university claimed.

Multiple sources told 10 Investigates' Paul Aker that Tressel claimed he verbally disclosed the tip he received about his players' involvement with tattoo shop owner Ed Rife around Dec. 16 to compliance director Doug Archie, Julie Vannatta, Ohio State's senior assistant general counsel, and perhaps others.
They have to do something since Terrelle left town and they (10TV) can't stalk him anymore.
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Well, there goes the so-called "taking one for the team" defense. Two things are now very clear:

1. Tressel didn't tell anybody in April 2010.

2. OSU failed to follow-up on Tressel's December 2010 statment.

Bad news for the Tressel defenders and for the university. Fun times.
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