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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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scooter1369;1955795; said:
I was confronted by a guy at the Franklin County fair pushing the Dispatch. I asked him there is any reason why a Buckeye fan would ever buy that [censored] poor rag ever again? He didn't understand. I asked him if he has read any coverage of Ohio State in the Dispatch lately and he said it was "just the news". I said "No, they are trying to make news at the expense of the team and fanbase that the Dispatch relies on for income. Pretty stupid business model if you ask me. I doubt anyone from WBNS will be invited to too many insider pressers soon. I wouldn't take the dispatch for free much less pay for it. And you'll be damn lucky to give away the stack you have, much less sign anyone up today." and just walked away.

My wife got mad at me for treating him like that, but oh well.

My brother in law actually manages the group of guys who do that for the Dispatch. They are part time folks who work solely on commission.

That said - I had almost the identical conversation with one this weekend. He said they were just reporting news and I countered that what the Dispatch was doing went well into the realm of investigative journalism.

In any case, keep it up. They provide feedback to the parent company and are one of the few times we get to meet the Dispatch face to face.
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Gatorubet;1955733; said:



I'd hit that...
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Telekinesis;1954892; said:
God, I love being a Buckeye! Has anyone said that in here yet? If not, allow me to be the first.

Future wiki-entry:

"Despite numerous set-backs, the Buckeyes would go on to take the world by storm and claim the 2011 National Title, forever marking Luke Fickell's place in history."

Am I right or what!??

I need another drink.

damned straight pardner. This year's victory will be the start of the next Ten Year War, Fickell vs Hoke, two guys from Ohio, just like Woody and Bo.

I'm just sayin' -- I'm not worried about any position except QB --- and so if someone clearly rises above the rest (Miller? Graham? etc?) then we have a top ten team.

Unless one of our sanctions is we have to run slower when we play scUM, then I definitely think we have a clear shot at winning in Ann Arbor this year.

And I know someone has mentioned this, but all the Ann Arbor "professional" radio guys can talk about is tOSU. The "Meatchicken Insider" program consists of Sam Webb and Ira Weintraub venting about Ohio State and how the cheating goes back to the Pleistocene Era or something like that.

I'll say it again - by Christmas this will have faded into the background. One last salvo of hatred will spew when media do their "Sports Year in Review" stuff, and then it's back to #1.

Go Bucks!!!
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BUCKYLE;1955841; said:
I'd have taken one. Unfolded it, acting excited and enthused...then laid it on the ground, taken a [Mark May] on it then lit it on fire.
That's pretty good, but I had something more like the following in mind. Accept the Dispatch and thank the man. Then, in front of him, tear the paper into strips and injest the entire thing. Then chase it with a bucket of laxative, and two bottles of ipecac syrup. Wait one minute, disrobe, stand on one foot in a ballerina pose, and spin around spraying high pressure projectile vomit and diarrhea in all directions. When finished, pull out a samarai sword, and perform a self disembowelment procedure, and write out a script Ohio on the Dispatch kiosk with the intestines. End of paper sales for that day.
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colobuck79;1956021; said:
That's pretty good, but I had something more like the following in mind. Accept the Dispatch and thank the man. Then, in front of him, tear the paper into strips and injest the entire thing. Then chase it with a bucket of laxative, and two bottles of ipecac syrup. Wait one minute, disrobe, stand on one foot in a ballerina pose, and spin around spraying high pressure projectile vomit and diarrhea in all directions. When finished, pull out a samarai sword, and perform a self disembowelment procedure, and write out a script Ohio on the Dispatch kiosk with the intestines. End of paper sales for that day.


What the heck is wrong with you? :lol:
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colobuck79;1956021; said:
That's pretty good, but I had something more like the following in mind. Accept the Dispatch and thank the man. Then, in front of him, tear the paper into strips and injest the entire thing. Then chase it with a bucket of laxative, and two bottles of ipecac syrup. Wait one minute, disrobe, stand on one foot in a ballerina pose, and spin around spraying high pressure projectile vomit and diarrhea in all directions. When finished, pull out a samarai sword, and perform a self disembowelment procedure, and write out a script Ohio on the Dispatch kiosk with the intestines. End of paper sales for that day.

Oh my god...hahahaha!!!

That gave me a hell of a laugh, as did Buckyle.

Are we at a "no news is good news" point in this whole shitstorm? I sure feel like it...I'm afraid to boot my computer up each morning, because I am on edge from the past 6 months.

As has been said, the Buckeyes will most certainly rebound. In fact, I'm going to watch the HBO doc about "The Game" tonight, drink a case of Silver Bullets, and smile knowing that Buckeye football will soon be back!

Silence the Doubters!

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colobuck79;1956021; said:
That's pretty good, but I had something more like the following in mind. Accept the Dispatch and thank the man. Then, in front of him, tear the paper into strips and injest the entire thing. Then chase it with a bucket of laxative, and two bottles of ipecac syrup. Wait one minute, disrobe, stand on one foot in a ballerina pose, and spin around spraying high pressure projectile vomit and diarrhea in all directions. When finished, pull out a samarai sword, and perform a self disembowelment procedure, and write out a script Ohio on the Dispatch kiosk with the intestines. End of paper sales for that day.

Wow. You should get out more. Yikes!

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colobuck79;1956021; said:
That's pretty good, but I had something more like the following in mind. Accept the Dispatch and thank the man. Then, in front of him, tear the paper into strips and injest the entire thing. Then chase it with a bucket of laxative, and two bottles of ipecac syrup. Wait one minute, disrobe, stand on one foot in a ballerina pose, and spin around spraying high pressure projectile vomit and diarrhea in all directions. When finished, pull out a samarai sword, and perform a self disembowelment procedure, and write out a script Ohio on the Dispatch kiosk with the intestines. End of paper sales for that day.

buxfan4life;1956027; said:
Wow. You should get out more. Yikes!

You want him out in public?!?
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