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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Does The Disgrace even have a clue of the bridges they are burning at OSU? There will be a major push back from the university and fan base.
They(The Disgrace) have prostituted themselves as bad as any ESPiN/SI entity.
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Taosman;1954878; said:
Does The Disgrace even have a clue of the bridges they are burning at OSU? There will be a major push back from the university and fan base.
They(The Disgrace) have prostituted themselves as bad as any ESPiN/SI entity.

I was thinking about alternatives to WBNS-FM/AM (Wolfe family) for the radio flagship in Columbus, but that radio contract ends a very long time from now.

I thought OSU just signed a decade-long radio extension a couple years ago.

Not credentialing some may be an alternative (such as ESPN or The Dispatch), but that will never happen. I thought that was a threat by Urban a few years ago at Florida (not credentialing the Orlando Sentinel).
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God, I love being a Buckeye! Has anyone said that in here yet? If not, allow me to be the first.

Future wiki-entry:

"Despite numerous set-backs, the Buckeyes would go on to take the world by storm and claim the 2011 National Title, forever marking Luke Fickell's place in history."

Am I right or what!??

I need another drink.

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Telekinesis;1954892; said:
God, I love being a Buckeye! Has anyone said that in here yet? If not, allow me to be the first.

Future wiki-entry:

"Despite numerous set-backs, the Buckeyes would go on to take the world by storm and claim the 2011 National Title, forever marking Luke Fickell's place in history."

Am I right or what!??

I need another drink.


:io: Keep the positive thoughts flowing even if it's with a few beers
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Jaxbuck;1954807; said:
If we get ass raped now I blame you.

Mmm... ass rape

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TresselstillownsTSUN;1955670; said:
Damn, it's been a day since there has been a post in this flaming trash can of a thread. Maybe the firestorm is really over.....:horse:

Here's to hoping you didn't click on this thread expecting more bad news.
If anything bad happens at any time after the moment of this post, I blame you.
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