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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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OSU_D/;1954424; said:
As long as all/most other head coaches received the same treatment I would buy the reasoning the Gene was lazy.

My guess is that this is a Tressel policy.

There should be no problem with consistency here. The last time I saw an organization chart of the tOSU Athletic Department (last week), the only head coach that reported directly to Gene Smith was Jim Tressel. The two basketball coaches reported to Senior Associate AD Miechelle Willis. All of the other coaches reported to one of 3 Associate ADs: Heather Lyke, Chris Schneider, or TJ Shelton.

It was in exhibit 10.1 of the documents included in the report to the NCAA last week. The link for that stuff is in post #1 of this thread, for ease of locating in the future.
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BB73;1954593; said:
There should be no problem with consistency here. The last time I saw an organization chart of the tOSU Athletic Department (last week), the only head coach that reported directly to Gene Smith was Jim Tressel. The two basketball coaches reported to Senior Associate AD Miechelle Willis. All of the other coaches reported to one of 3 Associate ADs: Heather Lyke, Chris Schneider, or TJ Shelton.

It was in exhibit 10.1 of the documents included in the report to the NCAA last week. The link for that stuff is in post #1 of this thread, for ease of locating in the future......acckk...acckkkk AACCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[Darth Dohrman] I find your use of facts disturbing...[/Darth Dohrman]
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ScriptOhio;1954652; said:
I'm just filing it for future reference:



What I like about this gif is it's perpetual toilet paper. With much of this so called "news", the utgrad family will never need to run to Kroger's to buy TP. Just need to invent a way to soften the paper a bit and make it biodegradable. My favorite brands will be anything published by ESPN followed by Sports Illustrated with backup by most of the Columbus newspapers. Let me quickly "dispatch" my resources, I think the TP is getting low in the half bathroom next to my laptop and printer.
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utgrad73;1954672; said:
What I like about this gif is it's perpetual toilet paper. With much of this so called "news", the utgrad family will never need to run to Kroger's to buy TP. Just need to invent a way to soften the paper a bit and make it biodegradable. My favorite brands will be anything published by ESPN followed by Sports Illustrated with backup by most of the Columbus newspapers. Let me quickly "dispatch" my resources, I think the TP is getting low in the half bathroom next to my laptop and printer.

Given the context of much of this thread's discussion, using "TP" as an abbreviation has a certain je ne sais quoi.
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MaliBuckeye;1954723; said:
Given the context of much of this thread's discussion, using "TP" as an abbreviation has a certain je ne sais quoi.
"Fishing has lacked a certain je ne sais quoi in terms of its public image, as all activities must that involve beer, worms and one-size-fits-all gimme caps" (Charles Leerhsen).
Given the context of the crap we have been hearing about the coach, the AD, some of the players and all, I'm ready to grab a 12er, my pole and a pail full of minows to go fishing for another big walleye, one that we can take home and fry without smelling up the place.
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