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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Taosman;1955687; said:
The countdown to August 12th is on and the angst in Ann Arbor grows that their one hope will not materialize.
MuuuHaaaHaaa! :evil:




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Taosman;1954878; said:
Does The Disgrace even have a clue of the bridges they are burning at OSU? There will be a major push back from the university and fan base.
They(The Disgrace) have prostituted themselves as bad as any ESPiN/SI entity.

I was confronted by a guy at the Franklin County fair pushing the Dispatch. I asked him there is any reason why a Buckeye fan would ever buy that piss poor rag ever again? He didn't understand. I asked him if he has read any coverage of Ohio State in the Dispatch lately and he said it was "just the news". I said "No, they are trying to make news at the expense of the team and fanbase that the Dispatch relies on for income. Pretty stupid business model if you ask me. I doubt anyone from WBNS will be invited to too many insider pressers soon. I wouldn't take the dispatch for free much less pay for it. And you'll be damn lucky to give away the stack you have, much less sign anyone up today." and just walked away.

My wife got mad at me for treating him like that, but oh well.
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scooter1369;1955795; said:
I was confronted by a guy at the Franklin County fair pushing the Dispatch. I asked him there is any reason why a Buckeye fan would ever buy that piss poor rag ever again? He didn't understand. I asked him if he has read any coverage of Ohio State in the Dispatch lately and he said it was "just the news". I said "No, they are trying to make news at the expense of the team and fanbase that the Dispatch relies on for income. Pretty stupid business model if you ask me. I doubt anyone from WBNS will be invited to too many insider pressers soon. I wouldn't take the dispatch for free much less pay for it. And you'll be damn lucky to give away the stack you have, much less sign anyone up today." and just walked away.

My wife got mad at me for treating him like that, but oh well.

You were probably secretly recorded and will be labeled as an "Ohio State University insider",because you post on this forum.
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scooter1369;1955795; said:
I was confronted by a guy at the Franklin County fair pushing the Dispatch. I asked him there is any reason why a Buckeye fan would ever buy that [censored] poor rag ever again? He didn't understand. I asked him if he has read any coverage of Ohio State in the Dispatch lately and he said it was "just the news". I said "No, they are trying to make news at the expense of the team and fanbase that the Dispatch relies on for income. Pretty stupid business model if you ask me. I doubt anyone from WBNS will be invited to too many insider pressers soon. I wouldn't take the dispatch for free much less pay for it. And you'll be damn lucky to give away the stack you have, much less sign anyone up today." and just walked away.

My wife got mad at me for treating him like that, but oh well.

You should have said, "Buy me a fried Twinkie and I'll take one..."
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scooter1369;1955795; said:
I was confronted by a guy at the Franklin County fair pushing the Dispatch. I asked him there is any reason why a Buckeye fan would ever buy that [censored] poor rag ever again? He didn't understand. I asked him if he has read any coverage of Ohio State in the Dispatch lately and he said it was "just the news". I said "No, they are trying to make news at the expense of the team and fanbase that the Dispatch relies on for income. Pretty stupid business model if you ask me. I doubt anyone from WBNS will be invited to too many insider pressers soon. I wouldn't take the dispatch for free much less pay for it. And you'll be damn lucky to give away the stack you have, much less sign anyone up today." and just walked away.

My wife got mad at me for treating him like that, but oh well.

You should have taken his paper, rolled it up, grabbed the back of his head and rubbed his nose in the dirt while smacking him on the behind yelling, "Bad dog!"

Just a thought I guess.:biggrin:
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scooter1369;1955795; said:
I was confronted by a guy at the Franklin County fair pushing the Dispatch. I asked him there is any reason why a Buckeye fan would ever buy that piss poor rag ever again? He didn't understand. I asked him if he has read any coverage of Ohio State in the Dispatch lately and he said it was "just the news". I said "No, they are trying to make news at the expense of the team and fanbase that the Dispatch relies on for income. Pretty stupid business model if you ask me. I doubt anyone from WBNS will be invited to too many insider pressers soon. I wouldn't take the dispatch for free much less pay for it. And you'll be damn lucky to give away the stack you have, much less sign anyone up today." and just walked away.

My wife got mad at me for treating him like that, but oh well.

Should have taken your paper and dumped it in the trash where it belongs.
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