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Went to ESPN.com and saw the cover story, "Brace Yourselves" summer of scandal in college football...oh no


OSU/Tressel wasn't on cover picture or any pictures in the article!

Of course they mentioned it but it was just a small blurb, actually probably could have been longer.

ESPN done grinding their ax? I kinda doubt it, but I do believe the worst of all of this is behind us.
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bucks93;1956294; said:
Went to ESPN.com and saw the cover story, "Brace Yourselves" summer of scandal in college football...oh no


OSU/Tressel wasn't on cover picture or any pictures in the article!

Of course they mentioned it but it was just a small blurb, actually probably could have been longer.

ESPN done grinding their ax? I kinda doubt it, but I do believe the worst of all of this is behind us.

Not over by a long shot for Mickey Mouse and their smear squad. They also read the internet and know that the world is on to them.

They had to show Miles, Spurrier and Chizik at some point. The summer in Columbia, SC has been a train wreck, LSU just got a poke from the NCAA for two major recruiting infractions and Auburn is not an "if" they caught, its a "when the hammer falls, we have to report it" mindset. Oddly, GT didn't make their little graphic.

While Claiming that OSU has been uncooperative in the investigation and that Tressel has a Barry Switzer-like history, they realize not a lick of the trash they are pushing is even remotely true and who knows, maybe someone finally called them out on it.
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colobuck79;1956021; said:
That's pretty good, but I had something more like the following in mind. Accept the Dispatch and thank the man. Then, in front of him, tear the paper into strips and injest the entire thing. Then chase it with a bucket of laxative, and two bottles of ipecac syrup. Wait one minute, disrobe, stand on one foot in a ballerina pose, and spin around spraying high pressure projectile vomit and diarrhea in all directions. When finished, pull out a samarai sword, and perform a self disembowelment procedure, and write out a script Ohio on the Dispatch kiosk with the intestines. End of paper sales for that day.

GPA. I mean...it has everything.
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Gatorubet;1955733; said:




Duh..... Dont look up while oppertunity awaits

so come on guys start to whistle at a grave yard NOW or the NCAA is going to thrash us
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bassbuckeye07;1956350; said:
I will not relax untill we know our fate after the 12th....that said if nothing more comes out and we get rough treatment....there should be nasty outrage coming from Buckeye nation in light of these other rulings

I haven't posted or read many articles in forever because I just can't deal with everything that has happened.

Finally, last weekend, I couldn't deal with the loss of football and took one to Brighton Beach to toss around. A guy was walking by with his friend and seemed to be looking at me, so I threw him a zinger, about chin level.

It turns out he was blind.

Things could have gone better. This off season is just a disaster.
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MaxBuck;1956399; said:
Pulled a Braylon on you, then, did he?



I bet he was at the beach to play Marco Polo-- he probably kicks ass.

Actually, it was a good time. I was with three Argentinians, a Brazilian, and a Turk. Nothing makes you feel more athletic than throwing around a football with people who have never thrown one before.

I really have pretty much ignored all articles this off season. I've kept up with this thread, but I just couldn't deal. I am glad to see stuff coming out with the SEC and Oregon, etc., though. At least we're not alone.

Also, the article on ESPN today makes Geiger and our University look pretty decent, but Tressel bad. I'll take that.
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