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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Coqui;1954423; said:
Because he doesn't want to have to take the time to write out a review?

It's not all nefarious, he could just be lazy on that front.

As long as all/most other head coaches received the same treatment I would buy the reasoning the Gene was lazy.

My guess is that this is a Tressel policy.
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Coqui;1954423; said:
Because he doesn't want to have to take the time to write out a review?

It's not all nefarious, he could just be lazy on that front.

This is what I suspect^^^^^^ I think Gene would shuttle over to JT's office come in have a coke put his feet up and talk about football and doners then leave....he would go over to Coops office and play darts and drink scotch...call it a day

He thought he was on cruise controll
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NFBuck;1954113; said:
While accumulating enough punctuation, spelling, and grammar errors to make the entire situation a little more than annoying.

So I'm not the only one?!?!?!?

bassbuckeye07;1954418; said:
If you all read it....the title is very mis leading

He got an unexceptable in the expediting of his TPS reports

Did he forget his cover sheet?

stowfan;1954438; said:
Speaking of the newsprint industry, here's what they are saying in Akron. It sounds like JT should come up with something close to Nathan Hale's famous quote before being hanged. Some rep for anyone who can remember it:biggrin:


I regret that I have but one [strike]life[/strike] career to give for my [strike]country[/strike] university.
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Somebody needs to start an ESPN thread for all their crap alone. Call it the Hot Garbage Thread, LOL

This will be ESPN's attempt at the 'Lack of Institutional Control' for the school:

"In the course of the investigation, there were questions surrounding, among others, (redacted name's) automobiles and cell phone use," Geiger wrote to Tressel. "I am writing to make it clear that the University expects you and your staff to pay attention to automobiles driven by the football student-athletes and report to the Athletic Compliance Office any unusual circumstances with respect to such automobiles."

I'm callin it. Put a vBet on it, LOL
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OSU_D/;1954422; said:
If there were no issues then why not have a written report. It's pretty easy to see Geiger was big enough to tell JT to submit to a standard written report and JT became big enough to tell Gene that the policy would change.

I'd love to tell my boss that I will only take "verbal reviews." I am sure that would go over well.

Well, yeah. It would be ideal to create paper trails all day long because you have nothing to worry about. I'm just saying that if you're the kind of person who has been expecting the worst at every turn, this news wasn't really that bad.

Paper trail that documents wrongdoing < Absence of a paper trail < Paper trail that affirms rules were actually followed.
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alexhortdog95;1954452; said:
Somebody needs to start an ESPN thread for all their crap alone. Call it the Hot Garbage Thread, LOL

This will be ESPN's attempt at the 'Lack of Institutional Control' for the school:

"In the course of the investigation, there were questions surrounding, among others, (redacted name's) automobiles and cell phone use," Geiger wrote to Tressel. "I am writing to make it clear that the University expects you and your staff to pay attention to automobiles driven by the football student-athletes and report to the Athletic Compliance Office any unusual circumstances with respect to such automobiles."

I'm callin it. Put a vBet on it, LOL

Better yet, just fucking ignore them. :wink:
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muffler dragon;1954473; said:
Better yet, just [censored]ing ignore them. :wink:

I agree. The more you let ESPN into your life, the worse your life will be. They claim they use the Cleveland Sports Failure montage so that when we finally do win one, it will be much sweeter.

Yeah, then they'll play it the year after when we don't win.
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alexhortdog95;1954452; said:
Somebody needs to start an ESPN thread for all their crap alone. Call it the Hot Garbage Thread, LOL

This will be ESPN's attempt at the 'Lack of Institutional Control' for the school:

"In the course of the investigation, there were questions surrounding, among others, (redacted name's) automobiles and cell phone use," Geiger wrote to Tressel. "I am writing to make it clear that the University expects you and your staff to pay attention to automobiles driven by the football student-athletes and report to the Athletic Compliance Office any unusual circumstances with respect to such automobiles."

I'm callin it. Put a vBet on it, LOL

except they have investigated the car purchases of football team members twice now. They are all over this car situation. cracks me up. still love Joe Schad's reporting of a "New Nissan 350z" that was actually "an old 350z with 60,000+ miles"
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Tlangs;1954497; said:
still love Joe Schad's reporting of a "New Nissan 350z" that was actually "an old 350z with 60,000+ miles"
Particularly funny because Nissan discontinued the 350z with the 2009 model year, which means they haven't been available "new" since 2008.
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