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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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didn't gene smith say if there were more sanctions then "he would turn into a gene smith that no one has seen before"...or something like that....not that i want to see us get more sanctions, but i am really excited in seeing this gene smith he talks of...im picturing a terminator 2 type villan
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ysubuck;1954240; said:
Is Urban Meyer really spouting off about the NCs that Florida won being won "with honor?"

I'm going to go and throw up now. I don't ever want that [censored]er as the coach at Ohio State. What did he have, 30 arrests in 4 years there? Guys firing guns. But selling YOUR [Mark May] for tattoos is deserving of a [censored]ing nuclear holocaust being rained down on your program.
That was a swipe at our Auburn friends, IMO. We really like to do that.
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Gatorubet;1954322; said:
That was a swipe at our Auburn friends, IMO. We really like to do that.

Yeah Dodd took a bunch of partial comments by UM and made them into a shot at Ohio State....I recall some of those comments and they were responses at different times to different questions...molded to prove Dodds stupid point
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OH10;1954307; said:
I'm cool with it. The problem here is that Ohio State as a public institution must turn over all of these evaluations as a public record. Its a major disadvantage when compared to Gene Smith's alma mater, Notre Dame, who doesn't have the same obligation.

At this point, we're in damage control. The less records available the better.

I mean, wouldn't we have all been better off if Jim Tressel had just used a fucking gmail account?

This proves to me that Gene Smith is not good at his job...I believe he didnt know anything or write anything down...I think he walked around waving at people and trying to be cool....mean while the football program was governing itself
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In light of the 2008 memo to Tressel, it is essential that no problems of any kind surface from any car issue with TP. It looks like everything's cool, but what an open invitation for plunger rape if they find a car issue.
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I'm fine with the verbal reviews. Relieved, actually. If somebody had asked me about this topic yesterday I would have guessed that there would have been written reviews with incriminating evidence embedded throughout. It turns out Gene Smith is the first person in this whole fucking mess who didn't leave a fucking trail of bread crumbs leading back to their own stupidity.
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bassbuckeye07;1954418; said:
If you all read it....the title is very mis leading

He got an unexceptable in the expediting of his TPS reports

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jlb1705;1954387; said:
I'm fine with the verbal reviews. Relieved, actually. If somebody had asked me about this topic yesterday I would have guessed that there would have been written reviews with incriminating evidence embedded throughout. It turns out Gene Smith is the first person in this whole fucking mess who didn't leave a fucking trail of bread crumbs leading back to their own stupidity.

If there were no issues then why not have a written report. It's pretty easy to see Geiger was big enough to tell JT to submit to a standard written report and JT became big enough to tell Gene that the policy would change.

I'd love to tell my boss that I will only take "verbal reviews." I am sure that would go over well.
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OSU_D/;1954422; said:
If there were no issues then why not have a written report. It's pretty easy to see Geiger was big enough to tell JT to submit to a standard written report and JT became big enough to tell Gene that the policy would change.

I'd love to tell my boss that I will only take "verbal reviews." I am sure that would go over well.

Because he doesn't want to have to take the time to write out a review?

It's not all nefarious, he could just be lazy on that front.
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