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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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jwinslow;1954111; said:

No Dryden, Gatorubet is a sheltered dolt who doesn't understand life outside of what Bucknuts tells him.

... but Ubet doesn't own his own business and travel the country (and Canada, eh?). What the hell would he know?

:bow: to grad.

I can handle the alternate viewpoint. I actually enjoy the posts from fans of other teams, even when it's smack. I cannot handle condescending know-it-alls. I've had jo4h on ignore for about 2 years. But when you all are fucking quoting him it makes it hard to ignore. :lol:
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Dryden;1954117; said:
I can handle the alternate viewpoint. I actually enjoy the posts from fans of other teams even when it's smack.

Dryden;1954117; said:
I cannot handle condescending know-it-alls.


Does not compute
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The infighting is the absolute worst part of this. I've gotten into so many arguments, not with the Michigan fans I know, but with the Ohio State alums who went to school with me.

Can't we all just prepare for the worst, hope for the best and support Ohio State no matter what?
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OH10;1954138; said:
Can't we all just prepare for the worst, hope for the best and support Ohio State no matter what?
That seems to be the best approach to me. I don't expect tOSU to get "hammered", but I'm prepared for the worst. I just cannot take people that refuse to even acknowledge other view points and behave like condescending pricks in the process, and don't even seem to have a grasp on just what the fuck is going on...
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NFBuck;1954140; said:
That seems to be the best approach to me. I don't expect tOSU to get "hammered", but I'm prepared for the worst. I just cannot take people that refuse to even acknowledge other view points and behave like condescending pricks in the process, and don't even seem to have a grasp on just what the [censored] is going on...

I lost it a bit recently when a close friend was indignant over the self-imposed penalties. He was acting as if OSU should have hammered itself. And it was difficult not to respond. So I did, and now I feel bad about it.

We're beating each other up. That's more embarrassing than anything right now.
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OH10;1954143; said:
He was acting as if OSU should have hammered itself.
Shit, I'd argue suspending 4 key players for five games, vacated an entire season of wins, essentially dismissing a living legend head coach and potential Heisman Trophy Winning QB is pretty much "hammering" one's self.
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Gatorubet;1954149; said:
I'm just shocked that you got a cultural reference that only Best Buckeye and I would know :lol:

When I read your posts on BP, I read them all aloud in my Robby the Robot voice. Been doing it for years. It helps me visualize who I'm typing responses to.
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