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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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TresselstillownsTSUN;1953906; said:
Besides [censored]ing up with PR and such, tOSU has done a good job dealing with this whole mess.

The first phrase/statement of the sentence contradicts the second phrase/conclusion. Doesn't it?

I guess eptness vs. ineptness is in the eye of the beholder, but I have to go with the latter on this.
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TresselstillownsTSUN;1953846; said:
GT is making us look good right now. The Coach AND the AD knew they were ineligible.

Their coach still has his job and nobody was even talking about this until the ruling was made today. It shows you what the righteous indignation directed toward Ohio State has really been about.
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buckeyemania11;1953974; said:
Has Dennis Dodd's newest masterpiece been posted yet?


yea lets make an example of Ohio State.....while Auburn and their 100 grand handshakes go unnoticed

Did Jim Tressel pay for his wrongdoing with his job? The former OSU coach is officially retired, given a golden parachute

The dude lost $3.5 mil a year job, with only whatever he gets for his retirement pay, if any. The term "golden parachute" applies to those inept CEOs who drive major corporate behemoths into the fucking ground and still get s $100 mil severence pay.
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Feldman Suspended

Kind of funny.


Bruce Feldman, one of the best college football writers in the nation as well as an accomplished author, was suspended indefinitely by ESPN during a conference call with three network officials Thursday morning.
According to Sports By Brooks, Feldman has been banned from writing on any ESPN format, is barred from appearing on any ESPN platform such as television or radio, is not allowed to use his Twitter account and cannot participate in any promotion of Mike Leach's recently released book Swing Your Sword, in which Feldman played a role.
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From Dodd's article:

A case can easily be made that Tressel's inaction allowed Ohio State to gain a $20 million profit, at least. That's the worth of a BCS bowl berth.
No it can't, you pompass ass, if you look at the facts.

The second BCS bowl bid for a conference is worth far less than the first one. For the 2010 BCS Bowls (18 months ago), the AQ conferences received $17.7 million for the first bowl and $4.5 million for the second. After expenses for the school are subtracted, the remaining bowl money is divided equally in the Big Ten Conference.

So Ohio State would have received about 9.1% of less than $5 million dollars for the Sugar Bowl. And if tOSU hadn't been selected for the Sugar Bowl, Sparty would have been the Big Ten's second BCS team, since they were 9th in the final BCS Standings last December.

But hey, Dennis, don't let the facts get in the way of you trying to convince everybody that tOSU got a ton of cash ONLY because they played in the Sugar Bowl.
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