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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Jaxbuck;1953611; said:

When someone can show me Spielman in a picture like this I'll buy the "its just his job" bit.

What is this shit I don't even? It's disgusting.
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if you truly think Herbie and ESPN are unfair ..turn the channel and move on..

That is precisely the problem with ESPN. They broadcast far too much worthwhile sports programming to simply turn them off (I am talking events - not their other BS). They have enormous leverage and a huge financial interest in CFB. They are also a virtual monopoly in national TV sports "news" and are using that leverage to further those financial interests at the expense of objective reporting.

John Sherman would not be amused.

(and yes - I am stretching things a bit, but only a bit)
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