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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Gatorubet;1952999; said:
Throughout his career, whatever you could say about him, you could never say that he did not speak his mind or that what he said was not what he really thought. His brutal honesty is what I've always liked about him. You have to respect him blasting the hand that pays him, no matter what the issue is. You have to LOVE that he decided to unload on this one.

I'm guessing LeCharles has had enough run-ins with "the man" in the NFL, including the unceremonius way his career ended, to be more than a bit angry with the way football players are both portrayed and treated. It's an ongoing thing with him between his lawsuit against the Cleveland Browns and the allegations leveled at his own mother over the past several years.

It helps his case that he is a Pro-Bowler, has 'street cred,' and is still very articulate in expressing the points he wants to make. He's a great listen.

I think the fact that he would so willingly bite the hand that is feeding him on ESPN radio while he's got all the makings of being groomed for a position equivilent to Mark May as a studio analyst reinforces just how much he doesn't give a shit anymore.
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NFBuck;1953345; said:
...or leave Mike Brewster's name hanging out there...

i dont think its the first or last time someone has been wrongfully grouped. deal with move on. or sue, oh wait...they tiny issue with defamation.

Gatorubet;1953348; said:
In '06 we thought him a shill for the Big-10 and hated him for that. Pick a year and a program and an issue I guess.

shhh. logic need not apply.

billmac91;1953358; said:
I don't really know what the Tressel situation has to do with Herbie...most people disliked him well before the Tressel scandal. But that's what happens when you go WAAAYYYY overboard in critisicm of your alma mater in an attempt to look unbiased.

Has he apologized to Mike Brewster yet, BTW?

It's weird he apologized to McGloin at PSU, but still hasn't an issued an apology to several Buckeyes....
thats fine. but lets be honest, it grew to a different level after he blasted tressel. sure it was bad after some of the initial stuff, but he flat out blasted him, granted he spread him the raking over the coals that hooley did. but, some people need to wake up and smell the coffee.

maybe you lack the ability to see things as they are. or maybe you lack the ability to recognize the things he says about other schools.

who cares if he apologized to brewster? whats the guy have to do, take out a billboard in time square?

big whoop. really, come on. grow up. these kids put themselves out there for tuition, books, food, some clothing, a chance to set up a great career and a "brand" that takes many years in the world to develop the minute they leave campus. oh yeah, and all for free, or basically free (toss in some tats)

BuckeyeMike80;1953377; said:
Who is saying Tressel didn't screw the pooch here?

BTW the military theme thing was already in the works before any of the Tressel stuff came about, it wasn't a stunt to save his job. I don't quite know where you got that one from....
half this place...

really? that was in the planning for how long? he knew he was cooking with gas...
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i dont think its the first or last time someone has been wrongfully grouped. deal with move on. or sue, oh wait...they tiny issue with defamation.
It's just interesting he'd apologize for crossing the line with a Penn State player, and then not issue an apology when he crosses the line against multiple Buckeyes. And it is very damaging to the kids he incorrectly named...Columbus isn't an easy place to live when fans think you're part of the reason the program might be coming to its knees. Kids like Brewster, Fields, and Oliver have every right to want an apology from Herbstreit after he took a lazy report from Sports By Brooks and ran with it as fact.

shhh. logic need not apply.
Herbie was a pretty big, Big 10 shill in 2006. And after OSU got run out of Arizona by UF, he went so far past rational commentary and just decided to go full retard.

thats fine. but lets be honest, it grew to a different level after he blasted tressel. sure it was bad after some of the initial stuff, but he flat out blasted him, granted he spread him the raking over the coals that hooley did. but, some people need to wake up and smell the coffee.
100% disagree. Just go read Herbie's thread. It's disappointing you're so far off base on this piece.

maybe you lack the ability to see things as they are. or maybe you lack the ability to recognize the things he says about other schools.
I'd say my ability to see things the way they are is pretty solid actually. Maybe you suck at seeing things for the way they are?? I'm not sure. It was also cute how Herbie slopped Cam Newton all year long, even after his father admitted asking for $180,000 and yet Herbstreit bashed Pryor a majority of the year. I've also always enjoyed how Herbstreit would call into a national radio program like Cowherd, acting as an Ohio State "insider" when the truth is the coaching staff, former teammates, and current players dislike the guy. His double-speak is also legendary. I'll never forget him going on Sportscenter and predicting Penn State would win the Big 10 in 2008, only to go on his Columbus radio station and say he liked the Buckeyes. The guy has gained credibility nationally by being fake and going over-board on the Buckeyes. Fair enough...I'd prob like Jesse Palmer more if he ripped the Gators every time I watched College Football Live.

who cares if he apologized to brewster? whats the guy have to do, take out a billboard in time square?
It'd be an admission of wrong-doing and the right thing to do in general. If I make a mistake, I apologize. A Times Square billboard seems excessive. How about the same apology he gave McGloin? He can show up in Columbus and give Brewster and the wrongly associated Buckeyes a face-to-face apology for spewing incorrect information during a live telecast as if it was fact.

big whoop. really, come on. grow up. these kids put themselves out there for tuition, books, food, some clothing, a chance to set up a great career and a "brand" that takes many years in the world to develop the minute they leave campus. oh yeah, and all for free, or basically free (toss in some tats)
So lets accuse them of violating NCAA rules without any evidence, since they're public figures? You'd do well at ESPN... Unless you lobbed those accusations at one of their money-makers such as Auburn, Florida, or Oregon...then that'd be an awful idea.

half this place...
half this place...

Maybe you should check out some of the critiques of Tressel by the same people who rip Herbstreit. NF, JWINS, and Jax are a few guys who have been critical of Tressel yet call Herbstreit for his garbage. Maybe you just have an inability to see things how they are.
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billmac91;1953388; said:
half this place...

Maybe you should check out some of the critiques of Tressel by the same people who rip Herbstreit. NF, JWINS, and Jax are a few guys who have been critical of Tressel yet call Herbstreit for his garbage. Maybe you just have an inability to see things how they are.
Exercise in futility. For as much as jo criticizes supposed "blind Buckeye homer", he's just as bad the other way...but you nailed it with that last sentence.
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jimotis4heisman;1953379; said:
i dont think its the first or last time someone has been wrongfully grouped. deal with move on. or sue, oh wait...they tiny issue with defamation.
who cares if he apologized to brewster? whats the guy have to do, take out a billboard in time square?
:lol: Yeah, accusing an innocent kid of major illegal activities on national tv... and the leader of your own alma mater no less...

Clearly there's no need to apologize for that kind of slander. Getting a scholarship deserves that kind of treatment :roll1:
half this place...
No, it's quite clear you're inventing arguments at this point and only digging yourself a deeper hole.

Herbie had to apologize to OSU for his behavior. Not to fans who you think are stupid. He wept in front of the team because of his two faced behavior, saying one thing around Columbus and spewing the opposite when wearing his ESPN hat.

Jax is Herbie's biggest critic and been JT's biggest (or close) throughout the offseason.
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Wow, so you dodge most of my responses, and then demand that I see things your way without my bias blinding me. That's rich, JO.

He didn't say he wouldn't send his kids. He said no offensive prospect should want to attend OSU. RBs & WRs have done incredibly well for themselves at Ohio State, and the prospects that played in the less prolific early 00s offenses actually did better in their careers, despite Herbie trying to advise them to go elsewhere.

I'm aware that OSU humiliated themselves against UF and furthered that stereotype the next year. The point is you don't hear that level of criticism from Herbie about other programs, save maybe Michigan.

You don't hear him tell millions of kids that no offensive prospect should want to play for LSU.

You don't hear him repeat for years that Oklahoma chokes on the big stage. You barely hear him mention it at all, even though their humiliation was much more consistent than Ohio State's. For crying out loud, they humiliated themselves in 06 & 07 against Boise & WVU, and their consecutive NC losses were in 04 & 05, with the latter a colossal beatdown.
jimotis4heisman;1953320; said:
...Had Herbie questioned whether OSU was the place for an aspiring NFL QB prospect, that would have been different. USC, old UM, Petrino's locale were all good options for that.

He went over the top in his typical reckless hyperbole and said no offensive prospect should want to play there.

I seem to remember Clarett, Pittman, Beanie, Jenkins, Holmes, Ginn, Gonzalez, Robiskie, Hartline, etc doing pretty well for themselves.

right, cuz his twins will be nfl rbs, wrs, or lineman, or heck even linebackers...

Is it that hard to admit that statement was overboard?

Wake me up when Herbie uses that kind of language towards LSU's offensive recruiting. We'll be waiting a long time, even though they just turned in a much worse offensive year than anything OSU put together.

they laid back to back eggs. admit that. further the troy smith debacle was a fiasco.

Originally Posted by jwinslow
Would you like to discuss his tearful apology in front of the team, only to turn around and do the same stuff afterwards?

its his job. seriously. he blasted a guy for things, both involved (tp and jt) he was dead on about. take of the scarlet glasses josh.

Or would you like to continue this humorous approach of "see, Herbie's not bad because I can find someone who messed up more"
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Herbie..ESPN and tOSU all aren't going anywhere..if you truly think Herbie and ESPN are unfair ..turn the channel and move on..if you think its all about money and bussiness watch and develop your OWN opinion. The hypeobole frrom May Herbie..does not change the facts or influence the NCAA..it may make Joe Blow inSEC country think something..screw them. I don't care about popularity..I want tOSU to survive this and move on..and we will.
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jimotis4heisman;1953379; said:
thats fine. but lets be honest, it grew to a different level after he blasted tressel. sure it was bad after some of the initial stuff, but he flat out blasted him, granted he spread him the raking over the coals that hooley did. but, some people need to wake up and smell the coffee.

My main criticisms of Herbstreit have been with his incorrectly naming Buckeyes as being involved in the tattoo thing and never apologizing for it (and he damn well needs to before I change my opinion on that), and the way he dropped tOSU from #6 to #9 in his poll vote after the Sugar Bowl win.

Both of those things happened before JT's emails were discovered.

And folks, criticisms of Herbstreit need to be done with the realization that he was a team captain and is a Buckeye. Legitimate criticism is OK, but bashing is not allowed.
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When someone can show me Spielman in a picture like this I'll buy the "its just his job" bit.

When someone can explain to me how Spielman can criticize OSU when its called for, make no bones about being a proud alum while being universally regarded as a fair and intelligent analyst then I'll buy some of the defense for Herbie.

I have zero problem with Herbie being critical of OSU. I have a huge problem with the unfair, over the top and biased way he goes about it. The examples have been well documented and they have nothing to do with me being some blind homer who thinks OSU is above criticism.

I appreciate Herbie's Buckeye lineage but I think he's an insincere corporate sell out.
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