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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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jimotis4heisman;1953338; said:
joe blow fan doesnt know he played at ohio state.
Really? I agree that a majority of the American public is pretty damned stupid, but they see him dressing his kids up in Buckeye gear when gameday is in Columbus and hear him introduced as "former OSU QB" Kirk Herbstreit. Come on jo...

the sooner the people on this site come to the reality that tressel withheld information, was not forthcoming, lied, covered his lie, gave multiple pressers about this while lying, then pandered to those in the armed forces with his spring game save my job stune, the better...

I think there's quite a few of us, on here at least, that willingly admit he was clearly in the wrong and was rightfully let go. Also, given Tressel's history of work with the armed services, saying he "pandered" to them is a bit much...but not surprising.
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NFBuck;1953340; said:
Really? I agree that a majority of the American public is pretty damned stupid, but they see him dressing his kids up in Buckeye gear when gameday is in Columbus and hear him introduced as "former OSU QB" Kirk Herbstreit. Come on jo...

I think there's quite a few of us, on here at least, that willingly admit he was clearly in the wrong and was rightfully let go.

Yeah gotta agree with you on Herbstreit. Even some of my non football watching friends here in Texas know he played at OSU. Hell when i moved down here they'd asked me if i'd met him or knew him.
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NFBuck;1953337; said:
Who? Seriously. I'm not saying he has NEVER criticized anybody else, but name one other program that he's devoted more than one segment to. He has spent an insane amount of time criticising Ohio State since 2004. Give me one example of another program he's devoted 1/4 of that time to. I'll wait.

...and AGAIN, I don't see many people saying that tOSU should be immune from criticism. That's the exact excuse herbie defenders constantly lean on, and I don't see anybody saying that. Certainly not here.

Don't forget the fact that he'll suck off McGloin when he says something snarky, but continued to sink his teeth into TP.
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Gatorubet;1953348; said:
In '06 we thought him a shill for the Big-10 and hated him for that. Pick a year and a program and an issue I guess.
Nobody is saying he hasn't ever said good things about OSU, just that his criticism is unevenly focused there. Where was his commentary on the USC/Reggie Bush mess, the sCam Newton fiasco, the SEC oversigning contoversy, Texas' struggles this past season, the string of arrests in Gainesville? Or Happy Valley a couple year's back? He has raked tOSUs offense over the coals in the past (going so far as to say if he were a parent of an offensive player, he'd tell them not to play for JT), but LSU's offense has been a mess for 3-4 years and not one word.
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NFBuck;1953350; said:
Nobody is saying he hasn't ever said good things about OSU, just that his criticism is unevenly focused there. Where was his commentary on the USC/Reggie Bush mess, the sCam Newton fiasco, the SEC oversigning contoversy, Texas' struggles this past season, the string of arrests in Gainesville? Or Happy Valley a couple year's back? He has raked tOSUs offense over the coals in the past (going so far as to say if he were a parent of an offensive player, he'd tell them not to play for JT), but LSU's offense has been a mess for 3-4 years and not one word.
:tinfoil:What arrests?

It seems like somebody could get a good video that includes all of the comments about the tat-5/tress/autogate-not controversy and all of the comments about Cam and Auburn by Herbie and simply time them.

To his misfortune, I also think his masters pull him out during any issue or story about tOSU and throw it to him so that ESPiN can appear non-biased. That might force him to throw more words at tOSU screen than other programs. He does not have to take their check, of course...
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jimotis4heisman;1953338; said:
ive been saying for a long time. actually also in conjunction with the b10 network deal.

joe blow fan doesnt know he played at ohio state.

the sooner the people on this site come to the reality that tressel withheld information, was not forthcoming, lied, covered his lie, gave multiple pressers about this while lying, then pandered to those in the armed forces with his spring game save my job stune, the better...

I don't really know what the Tressel situation has to do with Herbie...most people disliked him well before the Tressel scandal. But that's what happens when you go WAAAYYYY overboard in critisicm of your alma mater in an attempt to look unbiased.

Has he apologized to Mike Brewster yet, BTW?

It's weird he apologized to McGloin at PSU, but still hasn't an issued an apology to several Buckeyes....
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Gatorubet;1953357; said:
It seems like somebody could get a good video that includes all of the comments about the tat-5/tress/autogate-not controversy and all of the comments about Cam and Auburn by Herbie and simply time them.
He was too busy endlessly praising sCam to levy any criticism.
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jimotis4heisman;1953338; said:
ive been saying for a long time. actually also in conjunction with the b10 network deal.

joe blow fan doesnt know he played at ohio state.

the sooner the people on this site come to the reality that tressel withheld information, was not forthcoming, lied, covered his lie, gave multiple pressers about this while lying, then pandered to those in the armed forces with his spring game save my job stune, the better...

Who is saying Tressel didn't screw the pooch here?

BTW the military theme thing was already in the works before any of the Tressel stuff came about, it wasn't a stunt to save his job. I don't quite know where you got that one from....
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