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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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ysubuck;1952831; said:
Yeah. Or John Calipari? They love Kentucky too!

I remember hearing Dick Vitale on Mike and Mike and listening to him talk about Jim Tressel and "you can't mess with integrity."

Then he has the unmitigated gall to talk about John Calipari not getting the credit he deserves as a coach. He actually said these words: He's never been connected to any of the wrong doings at Memphis or UMASS. While those words may be true, how the [censored] can a network "analyst" be that hypocritical.

He can bad mouth a coach like Tress and sing the praises of a coach like Calipari.

EDIT Again, looking at that list: How has espin not reported ANYTHING on UNC???

There is a guy by the name of Lou Holtz who works for ESPiN on some college football show, so I've heard anyway. IIRC every program that this guy was involved with as a HC had some sort of NCAA violation issues during his tenure or right as he was leaving.....Dude is revered by many.....

Vitale is just another loud mouth talking head who has his head so far up is anus he can lick his testicles...
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dragurd;1952766; said:
Um wow I think he just called ESPN a jilted GF. All called them a bunch of girls. That's awesome.

Throughout his career, whatever you could say about him, you could never say that he did not speak his mind or that what he said was not what he really thought. His brutal honesty is what I've always liked about him. You have to respect him blasting the hand that pays him, no matter what the issue is. You have to LOVE that he decided to unload on this one.

I generally have thought y'all were a bunch of paranoids when you'd go on and on about ESPN. But even I am coming around after the last year or two, with the Leach firing and the focused attention on y'all when there are a bunch of programs that should be - at bare minimum - sharing the negative spotlight. I should have remembered the rule.

Follow the $$$
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Gatorubet;1952999; said:

Throughout his career, whatever you could say about him, you could never say that he did not speak his mind or that what he said was not what he really thought. His brutal honesty is what I've always liked about him. You have to respect him blasting the hand that pays him, no matter what the issue is. You have to LOVE that he decided to unload on this one.

I generally have thought y'all were a bunch of paranoids when you'd go on and on about ESPN. But even I am coming around after the last year or two, with the Leach firing and the focused attention on y'all when there are a bunch of programs that should be - at bare minimum - sharing the negative spotlight. I should have remembered the rule.

Follow the $$$

Duane has a good blog post today on this very topic. Next major issue with NCAA..
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Gatorubet;1952999; said:

Throughout his career, whatever you could say about him, you could never say that he did not speak his mind or that what he said was not what he really thought. His brutal honesty is what I've always liked about him. You have to respect him blasting the hand that pays him, no matter what the issue is. You have to LOVE that he decided to unload on this one.

I generally have thought y'all were a bunch of paranoids when you'd go on and on about ESPN. But even I am coming around after the last year or two, with the Leach firing and the focused attention on y'all when there are a bunch of programs that should be - at bare minimum - sharing the negative spotlight. I should have remembered the rule.

Follow the $$$

Hallelujah we have another convert from the darkside....

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SEC Speed
remind me who the "fake ass buckeye" is again?

the former team captain who from time to time says something bad about his school in the course of his profession? the team captain, whose father was a team captain? the one who is the face of college football?


the team captain who lied (more than once) when confronted with allegations? who took improper benefits? who hung his teammates out to dry by leaving earlier and not facing the fiddler?

just wondering...
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jimotis4heisman;1953272; said:
i guess at least he didnt punch anyone or a teammate in the face this time...

I guess he could have used hyperbole and said the Big 10 is irrelevant and was bombed back until the 1940's after losing to LSU. Or LeCharles could have said if he was a parent of an Ohio State recruit he'd never send his son to tOSU. Or simply show up at Michigan and have pictures taken with the band just for the hell of it....

Wasn't it Tyson Walter he punched? I could be wrong I'm not sure....I just remember it being someone who had an awful reputation and hated by teammates. I remember LeCharles being a captain and leader.......oh, and he called Braylon out for being on the low about 4 years before he got caught making out with a dude in Detroit in a park....
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billmac91;1953290; said:
I guess he could have used hyperbole and said the Big 10 is irrelevant and was bombed back until the 1940's after losing to LSU.

they got their hats handed to them and physically beat two years in a row. exaggeration sure, but not to the extent the fanboys here think it is...

Or LeCharles could have said if he was a parent of an Ohio State recruit he'd never send his son to tOSU.

could be, look at qb production/development and id question that. 10 years nothing more than a career back up to show for it. id consider other options also...

Or simply show up at Michigan and have pictures taken with the band just for the hell of it....

hes an entertainer. people need to get over that kind of stuff. really.

Wasn't it Tyson Walter he punched? I could be wrong I'm not sure....I just remember it being someone who had an awful reputation and hated by teammates.

same can be said about tp, troy, and many other buckeyes. when youre justification for punching someone is an "awful reputation" and "hated by teammates" well thats something to aspire to...

I remember LeCharles being a captain and leader

herbie checks. and checks.

.......oh, and he called Braylon out for being on the low about 4 years before he got caught making out with a dude in Detroit in a park....

hes gay (if he really is) who gives a shit. can he play football? thats all id care about as a teammate.

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ysubuck;1952831; said:
EDIT Again, looking at that list: How has espin not reported ANYTHING on UNC???
Nobody gives a frog's fat ass about UNC football. That's why.


I don't watch e!spn at all, but I'm assuming they aren't going after Oregon (you know, the team that just played for the BCSNC?) with the same vitriol...
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