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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1952497; said:
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Report back when you're finished.

I'm not the one supporting the extraordinary claim. The extraordinary claim is the impassioned belief on the part of many that JT just simply couldn't have been the bad guy in all of this. That he had to have done the right thing and forwarded his information of violations and is now quietly allowing himself to become the national scapegoat for all wrongdoing in order to protect the very people who (under this extraordinary line of reasoning) lied and covered up the violations.

That is the extraordinary claim that is being made. I'm just making fun of how utterly absurd it is.
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knapplc;1952494; said:
I have no idea if Gene Smith is corrupt or a liar or anything. But Gene Smith is not the only person in that room. So are Tressel's players, you fans, and everyone associated with Ohio State football. By jumping on that grenade Tressel may save Gene Smith (who may or may not be corrupt - I'll take your word for it since I have no idea), but that is likely secondary to his goal of saving whatever grief he can from hitting his players or you fans.

Let me just say this, I don't believe that JT is falling on his sword for tOSU, but if he DID decide to fall on his sword, I feel certain he would have fallen on his sword by deciding to eat the information without forwarding it onto anyone in the first place rather than fall on the sword by denying that he forwarded things after the fact.

I can certainly see how a coach who has incredible drive to win, and also loves his players, would make the wrong choice and eat that information. But I don't believe that tOSU, as a whole, decided to ignore the obvious violation. If so, I can't imagine that they'd self report later.
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matcar;1952505; said:
Let me just say this, I don't believe that JT is falling on his sword for tOSU, but if he DID decide to fall on his sword, I feel certain he would have fallen on his sword by deciding to eat the information without forwarding it onto anyone in the first place rather than fall on the sword by denying that he forwarded things after the fact.

I can certainly see how a coach who has incredible drive to win, and also loves his players, would make the wrong choice and eat that information. But I don't believe that tOSU, as a whole, decided to ignore the obvious violation. If so, I can't imagine that they'd self report later.

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matcar;1952505; said:
I can certainly see how a coach who has incredible drive to win, and also loves his players, would make the wrong choice and eat that information. But I don't believe that tOSU, as a whole, decided to ignore the obvious violation. If so, I can't imagine that they'd self report later.

If tOSU's brain trust was aware of what was going on and wanted to cover up that they knew, they never would have self-reported their own coach into a 10.1 show cause scenario.

It is simply inconceivable that it happened any other way than the way they say it happened.

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Gatorubet;1952514; said:

If tOSU's brain trust was aware of what was going on and wanted to cover up that they knew, they never would have self-reported their own coach into a 10.1 show cause scenario.

It is simply inconceivable that it happened any other way than the way they say it happened.

It is also less well known never to get into a land war with Asia....but also less well known is NEVER GAMBLE AGAINST A SICILIAN, WHEN DEATH IS ON THE LINE....AHHHA HA HA....AHHH HA HA HA...AHHHH......(splat).
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it's, "you fool! you fell victim to one of the classic blunders! the most famous of which is 'never get involved in a land war in Asia,' - but only slightly less well known is 'never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!'"... as followed by the laughter and sudden death.

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sorry if posted...


ESPN Drives Factless Agenda Against Ohio State

by Jtrain


By now we are all very familiar with the Ohio State Tattoo/Tressel-Gate Scandal, as it has been pushed down our throats ad-nauseum since the story broke back in December. The cliffs notes version reads:

1. 5 players got tattoos for selling their own Ohio State trinkets and merchandise, were suspended for the Sugar Bowl.
2. Sugar Bowl whined and got the kids reinstated for Sugar Bowl.
3. Ohio State beat ESPN's SEC Representative Arkansas
4. Jim Tressel was found to have known about the players getting tattoos before the season began
5. He lied to prevent them from being ineligible for the 2010 season.
6. He was caught, and forced to resign.
7. Ohio State punished themselves with a 2 year probation, vacated all wins from 2010 (including against ESPN's SEC Representative), the 4 players remaining on the team are suspended for 5 games this season.
Still following me?

The reason for this break down, is we are hearing sports media outlets (especially the "World Wide Leader") cry out that this is not a big enough penalty for Ohio State, and that the hammer of justice needs to be brought down upon Buckeye Nation. I feel like Mike "The Miz" Mizanin right now, because all I can say is: Really? Really? I get that fans of rival Universities (all other Universities for that matter) want blood, and don't necessarily have the education in the what, why and how the NCAA actually punishes Universities for major violations... but for ESPN to be this far off base and to have literally no clue as to how things work, is just a small glimpse of the incompetence and outright lazy journalism they have been producing since the early 2000s...
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*File this under "No Chance in Hell"

One can dream what ESPN's reaction would be to Ohio State if Mike Leach became head coach. I'm not talking about X's and O's, but just the story.

If it's anti-OSU now, that would just be comical.

**Again, file under "No Chance in Hell"
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alexhortdog95;1952466; said:
Would you give that up and take the grenade if you love the young men under your charge and possibly leave them with that hanging over them when you're gone? I don't think so. Hence when he asked for 'resignation' to be changed to 'retirement' they did it no questions asked, LOL....

I'm sure his silence is conditional if that's the case.

Tressel has over thirty years coaching at public institutions in Ohio. Short of being convicted of a felony, he is eligible to retire under OPERS (Ohio Public Employees Retirement System). Even if he had been fired, it would not have affected his eligibility to retire and Tressel could have applied for retirement through OPERS. Ohio State doesn't really have any say in the matter, hence the change in designation.
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