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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Tlangs;1952429; said:
stop being a buzzkill for rival fans on this board
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jlb1705;1952426; said:
Actually, that's precisely the way the NCAA sees it at this point, seeing as how all of the charges that have been made so far are centered on violations made by Jim Tressel and not Gene Smith or anybody else in the athletic department.

I have to respectfully disagree slightly....nobody knows exactly what the NCAA thinks as of yet - except them. The only thing we know about the NCAA is they're looking at addressing the list of allegations that was sent to the school. We won't know until about 8 weeks after August 12th what they think of the situation. If it was that cut and dry, they wouldn't need a hearing on the 12th - seeing as how Coach Tressel is already gone.
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bassbuckeye07;1952368; said:
ESPN is absolutly trying to prove LOIC and a grand cover up....they are not trying to report news but are interested in taking down the program

Any sports fan with a brain, no matter what their team or conference loyalties are, should have long ago concluded that ESPN is not and never will be a sports journalism organization. They are an entertainment channel focusing on sports, but first and foremost they are a business. They have business partners, and they will do what they have to do in order to promote their business, protect their business, protect their partners and all the while make a profit.

I learned that ESPN was not interested in Truth way back during the Great Husker Witch Hunt of 1995. It's sad to see they have not changed in 16 years.
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Tlangs;1952429; said:
stop being a buzzkill for rival fans on this board

I don't call us a 'rival'....yet. Rival = TSUN.


I'm only just going off the interview I just heard. One thing that may be a bit fishy for other folks (even though I don't really have a problem with it) is that Gene Smith stated that Coach Tressel asked that the 'resignment' be called 'retirement' instead so he could receive retirement benefits. I think some will have a problem with that, though.

The one thing that Smith did make sure to mention was that the August 12th hearing is ONLY on the Tattoo-gate and Tressel things, and not on the other situations. He also stated that they are in contact with the NCAA and if there are any other violations discovered, to schedule an additional hearing or lump them into this one.
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alexhortdog95;1952438; said:
I have to respectfully disagree slightly....nobody knows exactly what the NCAA thinks as of yet - except them. The only thing we know about the NCAA is they're looking at addressing the list of allegations that was sent to the school. We won't know until about 8 weeks after August 12th what they think of the situation. If it was that cut and dry, they wouldn't need a hearing on the 12th - seeing as how Coach Tressel is already gone.

There's always a hearing. And if said hearing still takes place on the 12th, that is VERY good news for Ohio State. If it gets moved, then that would be VERY bad news. We shall see.
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alexhortdog95;1952446; said:
I don't call us a 'rival'....yet. Rival = TSUN.


I'm only just going off the interview I just heard. One thing that may be a bit fishy for other folks (even though I don't really have a problem with it) is that Gene Smith stated that Coach Tressel asked that the 'resignment' be called 'retirement' instead so he could receive retirement benefits. I think some will have a problem with that, though.

How do you think Gene Smith should respond to the original and at this point only NOA?

Dear NCAA,

It was more than Tress, it was also me. You see I want to someday be your president and thought it would be a good idea to ask Tress to fall on the sword for us so I can pursue my goals in life. He did so with no questions asked because he loves me and the university so much. I'm sorry please forgive us.

Yours Truely
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bassbuckeye07;1952453; said:
How do you think Gene Smith should respond to the original and at this point only NOA?

Dear NCAA,

It was more than Tress, it was also me. You see I want to someday be your president and thought it would be a good idea to ask Tress to fall on the sword for us so I can pursue my goals in life. He did so with no questions asked because he loves me and the university so much. I'm sorry please forgive us.

Yours Truely

The interview will be replayed at 1:30 Central if you can get to it.

The one thing that Smith did make sure to mention was that the August 12th hearing is ONLY on the Tattoo-gate and Tressel things, and not on the other situations. He also stated that they are in contact with the NCAA and if there are any other violations discovered, to schedule an additional hearing or lump them into this one.
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Tlangs;1952429; said:
stop being a buzzkill for rival fans on this board
If Tressel had passed the info on to anyone in compliance he would not be eating the lost reputation and 3.5 million a year crap sandwich by himself - at least not without making sure he shared some of it for his bosses.

I admit to being cynical. And while I never underestimate the ability of young star players to do incredibly stupid and self destructive things, or the willingness of boosters to engage in bad behavior to get a better whiff while jock sniffing....or the ability of coaches to make interesting choices/cut corners in order to win, I have never entertained the idea that as an institution tOSU is not dedicated to following NCAA rules, nor that the institution has a culture that would abide cheating and lying to cover it up.

If you substitute "Florida" for "tOSU" I would type the same paragraph.
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OH10;1952450; said:
There's always a hearing. And if said hearing still takes place on the 12th, that is VERY good news for Ohio State. If it gets moved, then that would be VERY bad news. We shall see.

Well, I think that Smith wants to make sure that they get all the violations out and get on with things, obviously. That's what I gathered from him when he said that he wanted to make sure they could either have another hearing on additional violations or lump the others that may be found into this hearing. But once the NCAA leaves the campus, if they gotta come back for other violations, no matter when they occured, they consider them new violations.
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Gatorubet;1952458; said:
If Tressel had passed the info on to anyone in compliance he would not be eating the lost reputation and 3.5 million a year crap sandwich by himself - at least not without making sure he shared some of it for his bosses.

I do not believe this is so. Let's presume, arguendo, that there was some kind of larger "conspiracy" in the OSU athletic department. I fully believe Jim Tressel would willingly jump on that grenade for his school. No doubt about that.
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knapplc;1952464; said:
I do not believe this is so. Let's presume, arguendo, that there was some kind of larger "conspiracy" in the OSU athletic department. I fully believe Jim Tressel would willingly jump on that grenade for his school. No doubt about that.

Would you give that up and take the grenade if you love the young men under your charge and possibly leave them with that hanging over them when you're gone? I don't think so. Hence when he asked for 'resignation' to be changed to 'retirement' they did it no questions asked, LOL....

I'm sure his silence is conditional if that's the case.
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