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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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alexhortdog95;1952466; said:
Would you give that up and take the grenade if you love the young men under your charge and possibly leave them with that hanging over them when you're gone? I don't think so. Hence when he asked for 'resignation' to be changed to 'retirement' they did it no questions asked, LOL....

I'm sure his silence is conditional if that's the case.

He was leaving regardless, whether of his own volition or because of the Show Cause ruling the NCAA is likely to hand down, so the fact that he left is irrelevant. He could possibly do more harm to those players he loves - and there's no doubt he does love those kids - by staying.

Tressel fell on his sword for the good of the school, and I don't see much argument on that point. There will be nothing in writing (hence nothing binding) preventing him from writing a juicy tell-all book about the inner workings of the Buckeyes, but I would bet my right nut that he never writes anything of the sort. If he does write a book about his time at OSU it'll be something positive and glowing, even about Pryor, a guy who did his career more harm than good.

Tressel is just not the kind of guy to let someone else take his flak. You'll never convince me of that.
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Jaxbuck;1952467; said:
Only faster
SEC Speed
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knapplc;1952476; said:
Tressel is just not the kind of guy to let someone else take his flak. You'll never convince me of that.

Oh I agree with that statement. I was just saying that because of the guy he is, and because he cares for the players like he does (obviously he does, it cost him his job ultimately), I don't think he'd, in good conscience, leave the players at the mercy of someone who wasn't held accountable.
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alexhortdog95;1952446; said:
The one thing that Smith did make sure to mention was that the August 12th hearing is ONLY on the Tattoo-gate and Tressel things, and not on the other situations.

...and it's all "the other situations" we should really be worried about, right? Like, all those cars, and stuff, and the raffle, and...
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alexhortdog95;1952482; said:
Oh I agree with that statement. I was just saying that because of the guy he is, and because he cares for the players like he does (obviously he does, it cost him his job ultimately), I don't think he'd, in good conscience, leave the players at the mercy of someone who wasn't held accountable.

I would agree with that except that he had no choice in the matter, and it came down to not if he was leaving, but controlling the manner in which he left.

But it's not like he's left these guys stranded in a mine field. They're still under the aegis of the athletic department, and from what I hear Fickell is a good egg, as eggs go. The players are not out in the cold.
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knapplc;1952476; said:
Tressel fell on his sword for the good of the school, and I don't see much argument on that point.

I do. How would it be for the good of the school when he would essentially be protecting a lying and corrupt Athletic Director and possibly even President. He would also be damping down the need for systemic reforms in (what would have been) a corrupt and complicit compliance office.

JT falling on this alleged sword would certainly be in the best interest of Gene Smith and the compliance department. I don't see how covering up for them--and helping to keep them in their positions--is in the best interests of Ohio State University in any way.
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ORD_Buckeye;1952488; said:
I do. How would it be for the good of the school when he would essentially be protecting a lying and corrupt Athletic Director and possibly even President. He would also be damping down the need for systemic reforms in (what would have been) a corrupt and complicit compliance office.

JT falling on this alleged sword would certainly be in the best interest of Gene Smith and the compliance department. I don't see how covering up for them--and helping to keep them in their positions--is in the best interests of Ohio State University in any way.

I have no idea if Gene Smith is corrupt or a liar or anything. But Gene Smith is not the only person in that room. So are Tressel's players, you fans, and everyone associated with Ohio State football. By jumping on that grenade Tressel may save Gene Smith (who may or may not be corrupt - I'll take your word for it since I have no idea), but that is likely secondary to his goal of saving whatever grief he can from hitting his players or you fans.
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jlb1705;1952491; said:
Forget about the actual allegations and muckraking for a moment - I'm ready for the season to start so I don't have to read all these "jumped on the grenade/fell on the sword" arguments.

Wait, wait...one more. If JT had done everything proper and notified Gene Smith of the violations, and Gene Smith made the decision to cover them up, repeatedly lie about things and then sacrifice JT (who would have done no wrong other than not go public or directly to the ncaa with the info that he had forwarded to Gene Smith) as a sacrificial lamb to the public and the ncaa....if all this is how things really went down....then we are witnessing the equivalent of Hawkeye Pierce throwing himself on a grenade to protect Frank Burns because he believed that would be in the best interests of the wounded troops.
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ORD_Buckeye;1952495; said:
Wait, wait...one more. If JT had done everything proper and notified Gene Smith of the violations, and Gene Smith made the decision to cover them up, repeatedly lie about things and then sacrifice JT (who would have done no wrong other than not go public or directly to the ncaa with the info that he had forwarded to Gene Smith) as a sacrificial lamb to the public and the ncaa....if all this is how things really went down....then we are witnessing the equivalent of Hawkeye Pierce throwing himself on a grenade to protect Frank Burns because he believed that would be in the best interests of the wounded troops.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Report back when you're finished.
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jlb1705;1952491; said:
Forget about the actual allegations and muckraking for a moment - I'm ready for the season to start so I don't have to read all these "jumped on the grenade/fell on the sword" arguments.

Yeah, summer kind of sucks like that. A lull this long with only the Reds (my team) to watch (losing) makes for a hard time and not much to discuss. Which leaves it wide open for the media to have at our Bucks. Distraction time please.
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