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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Don't know why, but reading this excerpt and I imagine Ohio State feels like Mike Leach (former Texas Tech coach), in relation to treatment/goals of ESPN.

The only difference is, Mike Leach (former attorney) sued ESPN and OSU will not.


ESPN's Joe Schad was just spewing this stuff that Craig James and Spaeth Communications were feeding him.

Then "SportsCenter" showed Adam?s YouTube video from the electrical closet. Too bad they never said Adam went in that electrical closet after he was specifically told not to go in there.

On top of that, you had all these analysts, who were colleagues of Craig James, weighing in on ESPN. They had no knowledge of the facts. Obviously, they weren't even concerned about the facts. They just took everything that Craig James, through Spaeth Communications, was feeding them, and kept repeating it over and over, during every pre-game show, every halftime show, every post-game show, and during "SportsCenter." This went on for days.

There were a number of exchanges between my agents and ESPN. But ESPN was more interested in presenting the fantastical story by Spaeth Communications. They weren't just showing one side of the story, they were perpetuating falsehoods.

It was worse than hypocrisy. It was malicious.
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I've never understood why ESPN would hate the Big 10 and the Buckeyes when it's to their advantage because they televise our games. I will grant that us losing some of the big out of conference games we have in the NC's and in some BCS bowls does paint us as "overrated" by many. But many teams are in that boat with us. Playing tough high ranked teams is a crapshoot for any team. If you're not on your game, you could get beat...and get beaten badly if you make turnovers, etc...
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CHU;1952360; said:
Don't know why, but reading this excerpt and I imagine Ohio State feels like Mike Leach (former Texas Tech coach), in relation to treatment/goals of ESPN.

The only difference is, Mike Leach (former attorney) sued ESPN and OSU will not.


Mike Leach is talking about his book right now with Jack Arute on Sirius. Arute just mentioned this particular situation and Leach mentioned that while Craig James attacked him (by hiring a PR firm a month prior to any accusations against him) in public, ESPN sat by with their arms folded while it all happened.

Arute stated that they reached out to ESPN in regards to their suit against tOSU, because they represent the BCS in television, and them suing tOSU looks really conflicting - nobody has responded.

Gene Smith, tOSU AD in one hour on their show.
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alexhortdog95;1952370; said:
Gene Smith, tOSU AD in one hour on their show.

Live or on YouTube? :biggrin:

This is technically the second time ESPN has sued Ohio State in recent years, with the other being Erin Andrews situation.

Can't wait for the third: When Chris Fowler is pelted with Natural Light cans during a GameDay taping.
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CHU;1952381; said:
Live or on YouTube? :biggrin:

This is technically the second time ESPN has sued Ohio State in recent years, with the other being Erin Andrews situation.

Can't wait for the third: When Chris Fowler is pelted with Natural Light cans during a GameDay taping.

If the third happens, It'll be like a war. ESPN would declare Global Thermonuclear War on tOSU. They'd drop reporters in Columbus like Red Dawn.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N538fcKGmVQ"]YouTube - ‪Cyclone fan pelted with beer cans.‬‏[/ame]
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CHU;1952381; said:
Live or on YouTube? :biggrin:

This is technically the second time ESPN has sued Ohio State in recent years, with the other being Erin Andrews situation.

Can't wait for the third: When Chris Fowler is pelted with Natural Light cans during a GameDay taping.

He's supposed to be live, but if I hear something robotic, I'll know they're using the Speak-N-Spell for responses.
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Colvinnl;1952377; said:
I don't blame ESPN for requesting the emails for a second, it is their job. I will be angry, however, when ESPN finds that the emails contain nothing of note but they spin them into a story anyways.

How dumb would Tress have to be....

Hey Ted,

Just got off the phone with Gene, everything is burried no worries the Kid will play this year. Oh by the way did you get that bag of cash from Mr Such and Such for TP's services? Hope all is well.

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bassbuckeye07;1952400; said:
How dumb would Tress have to be....

Hey Ted,

Just got off the phone with Gene, everything is burried no worries the Kid will play this year. Oh by the way did you get that bag of cash from Mr Such and Such for TP's services? Hope all is well.


Gene Smith is now on.

Question that Leach asked him - "Was there a breakdown in the process?"

How do you think he answered? Skimarks on the guy who won him a national championship. Obviously he's trying to put 100% of the blame on JT, LOL. I don't think the NCAA is going to see it quite that way.
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Gene Smith says that he's added two more positions to the compliance office?!?


A coordinator for the coordinators???

And he's saying that throughout this entire process, they could have done a MUCH better job of communication in this all. That was after Arute called him out about Coach Tressel's resignation/firing blah blah. He also asked Smith (paraphrasing) "What do you think of folks asking for your job?"

Blames Tressel's and others...again. LOL
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alexhortdog95;1952402; said:
How do you think he answered? Skimarks on the guy who won him a national championship.

Smith was hired after Tressel, and after the championship season.

alexhortdog95;1952402; said:
Obviously he's trying to put 100% of the blame on JT, LOL. I don't think the NCAA is going to see it quite that way.

Actually, that's precisely the way the NCAA sees it at this point, seeing as how all of the charges that have been made so far are centered on violations made by Jim Tressel and not Gene Smith or anybody else in the athletic department.
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jlb1705;1952426; said:
...Actually, that's precisely the way the NCAA sees it at this point, seeing as how all of the charges that have been made so far are centered on violations made by Jim Tressel and not Gene Smith or anybody else in the athletic department.

stop being a buzzkill for rival fans on this board
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