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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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NFBuck;1953297; said:
Nobody gives a frog's fat ass about UNC football. That's why.


I don't watch e!spn at all, but I'm assuming they aren't going after Oregon (you know, the team that just played for the BCSNC?) with the same vitriol...
UNC has a football team?? go on! since when!
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could be, look at qb production/development and id question that. 10 years nothing more than a career back up to show for it. id consider other options also...
Had Herbie questioned whether OSU was the place for an aspiring NFL QB prospect, that would have been different. USC, old UM, Petrino's locale were all good options for that.

He went over the top in his typical reckless hyperbole and said no offensive prospect should want to play there.

I seem to remember Clarett, Pittman, Beanie, Jenkins, Holmes, Ginn, Gonzalez, Robiskie, Hartline, etc doing pretty well for themselves.

Is it that hard to admit that statement was overboard?

Wake me up when Herbie uses that kind of language towards LSU's offensive recruiting. We'll be waiting a long time, even though they just turned in a much worse offensive year than anything OSU put together.
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jimotis4heisman;1953271; said:
remind me who the "fake ass buckeye" is again?
Would you like to discuss his tearful apology in front of the team, only to turn around and do the same stuff afterwards?

Or would you like to continue this humorous approach of "see, Herbie's not bad because I can find someone who messed up more"
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jimotis4heisman;1953271; said:
remind me who the "fake ass buckeye" is again?

the former team captain who from time to time says something bad about his school in the course of his profession? the team captain, whose father was a team captain? the one who is the face of college football?


the team captain who lied (more than once) when confronted with allegations? who took improper benefits? who hung his teammates out to dry by leaving earlier and not facing the fiddler?

just wondering...

What we've got here is.... a False Dilemna. :wink:
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jwinslow;1953303; said:
Would you like to discuss his tearful apology in front of the team, only to turn around and do the same stuff afterwards?

Or would you like to continue this humorous approach of "see, Herbie's not bad because I can find someone who messed up more"
Good luck with that.

Once again, I'd like to point out that most tOSU fan's issues with Herbie is not his criticism, though it certainly is waaaaay over-the-top an awful lot (see his falsely naming players NOT involved in the tat-5 scandel and never issuing a retraction or apology), it's that his criticisms are pretty much limited to Columbus. I dare anybody to name one other program he's focused his criticism on on any consistent basis. He was silent during the USC sanction process. Never heard a word about LSU (as jwins mentioned) or UF's recent offensive struggles. Hell, I struggle to find any criticism from him outside of Ohio State. He's been too busy blowing Pete Carroll and 75% of the SEC. He was a captain and a mediocre (at best) QB...Great.

He's also done everything he can to find himself shunned from the Buckeye family. The same way his defenders criticize the vocal majority for going after a former captain, I find they're blind defense of him just as silly.
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jwinslow;1953301; said:
Had Herbie questioned whether OSU was the place for an aspiring NFL QB prospect, that would have been different. USC, old UM, Petrino's locale were all good options for that.

He went over the top in his typical reckless hyperbole and said no offensive prospect should want to play there.

I seem to remember Clarett, Pittman, Beanie, Jenkins, Holmes, Ginn, Gonzalez, Robiskie, Hartline, etc doing pretty well for themselves.

right, cuz his twins will be nfl rbs, wrs, or lineman, or heck even linebackers...

Is it that hard to admit that statement was overboard?

Wake me up when Herbie uses that kind of language towards LSU's offensive recruiting. We'll be waiting a long time, even though they just turned in a much worse offensive year than anything OSU put together.

they laid back to back eggs. admit that. further the troy smith debacle was a fiasco.

jwinslow;1953303; said:
Would you like to discuss his tearful apology in front of the team, only to turn around and do the same stuff afterwards?

its his job. seriously. he blasted a guy for things, both involved (tp and jt) he was dead on about. take of the scarlet glasses josh.

Or would you like to continue this humorous approach of "see, Herbie's not bad because I can find someone who messed up more"
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could be, look at qb production/development and id question that. 10 years nothing more than a career back up to show for it. id consider other options also...

The ten years of Ohio State QB play I watched included a national championship game MVP and a Heisman Trophy winner, and a player who went 3-0 against M*ch*g*n includng a win as a true freshman. Jim Tressel's record of developing QBs takes a backseat to nobody the history of this program.

And for the record, I'd take any starting QB that Tressel coached at Ohio State ahead of what Herbstreit managed to accomplish in his playing days.
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jimotis4heisman;1953320; said:
its his job. seriously. he blasted a guy for things, both involved (tp and jt) he was dead on about. take of the scarlet glasses josh.
His job is as a "college football analyst" not an "ohio state analyst". Name one other program he's criticized on any kind of consistent basis. Just one. I dare you. Because I know there have been issues over the last seven years in other places than Columbus. That's the crux of this argument.
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Just guessing here but I would think that a lot about what Herbie was saying about this team's players just might have some basis to it.
Fake Buckeyes? every swinging dick that did damage to the team while being a member of the team.
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NFBuck;1953323; said:
His job is as a "college football analyst" not an "ohio state analyst". Name one other program he's criticized on any kind of consistent basis. Just one. I dare you. Because I know there have been issues over the last seven years in other places than Columbus. That's the crux of this argument.

In all truth, what does it matter?

Does a so-called journalist/analyst's caliber bank on how many different subjects he covers in his career or how well he does it?

Herbie's problem is that he isn't biased, it's that he's a ********* ********** who sucks at his job.
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His job is as a "college football analyst" not an "ohio state analyst". Name one other program he's criticized on any kind of consistent basis. Just one. I dare you. Because I know there have been issues over the last seven years in other places than Columbus. That's the crux of this argument.
hes blasted multiple programs. troll around some boards and youll see that. people just think that osu should be immune from any criticism. an entertainer who overspeaks, is demonstrative and uses hyperbole, oh my!
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SloopyHangOn;1953329; said:
Herbie's problem is that he isn't biased, it's that he's a fucking dumbass who sucks at his job.

His job is to maintain a fake tan and suck SEC cock at every opportunity to build up hype for the games ESPN's $2 billion contract gives them the right to televise.
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SloopyHangOn;1953329; said:
In all truth, what does it matter?

Does a so-called journalist/analyst's caliber bank on how many different subjects he covers in his career or how well he does it?

Herbie's problem is that he isn't biased, it's that he's a fucking dumbass who sucks at his job.
Well, when he's considered "the face of college football" on the largest sports network in the world, it is a problem. Not to an educated fan, but to joe blow, they take his word as gospel...especially since he's an alum. Most people probably think he has "inside sources". Listening to him rattle on, you'd think tOSU is a rogue program in a sea of integrity.

...and again *discalimer*, I'm not saying tOSU doesn't deserve criticism, they most certainly do...especially in the here and now, but Herbie has focused his attention solely on Columbus for over seven years. That is an issue.
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jimotis4heisman;1953331; said:
hes blasted multiple programs. troll around some boards and youll see that. people just think that osu should be immune from any criticism. an entertainer who overspeaks, is demonstrative and uses hyperbole, oh my!
Who? Seriously. I'm not saying he has NEVER criticized anybody else, but name one other program that he's devoted more than one segment to. He has spent an insane amount of time criticising Ohio State since 2004. Give me one example of another program he's devoted 1/4 of that time to. I'll wait.

...and AGAIN, I don't see many people saying that tOSU should be immune from criticism. That's the exact excuse herbie defenders constantly lean on, and I don't see anybody saying that. Certainly not here.
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Buckeye86;1953334; said:
His job is to maintain a fake tan and suck SEC cock at every opportunity to build up hype for the games ESPN's $2 billion contract gives them the right to televise.

ive been saying for a long time. actually also in conjunction with the b10 network deal.

NFBuck;1953335; said:
Well, when he's considered "the face of college football" on the largest sports network in the world, it is a problem. Not to an educated fan, but to joe blow, they take his word as gospel...especially since he's an alum. Most people probably think he has "inside sources". Listening to him rattle on, you'd think tOSU is a rogue program in a sea of integrity.

...and again *discalimer*, I'm not saying tOSU doesn't deserve criticism, they most certainly do...especially in the here and now, but Herbie has focused his attention solely on Columbus for over seven years. That is an issue.

joe blow fan doesnt know he played at ohio state.

the sooner the people on this site come to the reality that tressel withheld information, was not forthcoming, lied, covered his lie, gave multiple pressers about this while lying, then pandered to those in the armed forces with his spring game save my job stune, the better...
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