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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Taosman;1953681; said:
Herbie has spent more time on his "tan" than actual research into the facts. That's just laziness or worse, a loss of where you came from.
He sold out to ESPiN.

You have to wonder what will happen when his ESPN relationship ends. That's not a forever contract he's signed. The instant he loses his looks or his ability to command the eyes of the college football world, he's out on his ass.

Then where does he turn? Back to Buckeye Nation?
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knapplc;1953714; said:
You have to wonder what will happen when his ESPN relationship ends. That's not a forever contract he's signed. The instant he loses his looks or his ability to command the eyes of the college football world, he's out on his ass.

Then where does he turn? Back to Buckeye Nation?

Well first, its not like he's going to need the money or anything. Secondly, as much as I dislike what he's been all about the past decade or so, he still has an almost unrivaled Buckeye pedigree. A father son captains legacy is pretty hard to beat.

It wouldn't take all that much to get back in everyone's good graces. Tone down the ESPN act, kiss some ass, let some time go by, beat Desmond Howard to death on live tv, move back home and he'll be fine.
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I know I am in the minority on this, but in the Herbie-TP fight, I think that Herbie had it more right than wrong in assessing some of his - negatives.

Whether you want a former captain from tOSU doing that while the kid is still playing QB for you is an entirely different matter, to be sure.
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Gatorubet;1953735; said:
I know I am in the minority on this, but in the Herbie-TP fight, I think that Herbie had it more right than wrong in assessing some of his - negatives.

Whether you want a former captain from tOSU doing that while the kid is still playing QB for you is an entirely different matter, to be sure.

That's it. I'm about to attack you on Twitter.

Tweet rumble.
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Well first, its not like he's going to need the money or anything. Secondly, as much as I dislike what he's been all about the past decade or so, he still has an almost unrivaled Buckeye pedigree. A father son captains legacy is pretty hard to beat.

It wouldn't take all that much to get back in everyone's good graces. Tone down the ESPN act, kiss some ass, let some time go by, beat Desmond Howard to death on live tv, move back home and he'll be fine.
All he'd have to do is dish up some damaging dirt on ESPN.
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