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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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i guess a couple of things.

1-i work/own a business(es) so i dont have time to respond to every comment of every post of every response. my bad.
2-jt-i stand by my comments. be it the spring game, last season, or his actions at large.
3-tp-my view there has been clearly expressed for over a year
4-herbie-pretty much the same. i see how some people have an issue, but really. i mean if you really get your panties in a bunch over a couple of sentences over the course of a dozen or so years you either need to a) stop kissing your own arm and find a nice (or even fat and ugly girl) to take out a really nice place to eat... b) grow up and find a real issue in life to have or c) stop wearing micromesh womens thongs.
5-perception. "each man's perception is each mans reality." honestly, i spend a tad bit of time in different parts around the country, those sheltered by regionalized/localize/whatever coverage would have a hard time understanding the views of rational and intelligent sports fans around the country on these issues.
6-the future-i think those who arent wearing their scarlet glasses see what is coming next month. it likely wont be pretty.
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The dude lost $3.5 mil a year job, with only whatever he gets for his retirement pay, if any. The term "golden parachute" applies to those inept CEOs who drive major corporate behemoths into the fucking ground and still get s $100 mil severence pay.
really? not know what his "severance" was yet. but it was a cute some id assume.

his retirement will be hundreds of thousands a year for life based on his contributions to his strs plan.

you wont see him hurting for dimes, needless to say out at a food bank/homeless shelter anytime soon. trust me.
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1-i work/own a business(es) so i dont have time to respond to every comment of every post of every response. my bad.
Sorry jo. That argument doesn't fly at all. You responded directly and spent quite a bit of time doing so. You just were reading from a script that was talking to a stereotype of blind OSU homers rather than dealing with what those people were saying.

You claimed people were denying that Tressel hid stuff & messed up. When pressed on it, you had the audacity to claim 3000 posters believe that, which is laughable. There are few if any audibly denying his direct involvement in the scandal. Those that do still love the guy do so inspite of that, not pretending it didn't happen.

You claimed people are bagging on Herbie because of TatGate, when the guy left town before that even happened, making that claim equally absurd
4-herbie-pretty much the same. i see how some people have an issue, but really. i mean if you really get your panties in a bunch over a couple of sentences over the course of a dozen or so years you either need to a) stop kissing your own arm and find a nice (or even fat and ugly girl) to take out a really nice place to eat... b) grow up and find a real issue in life to have or c) stop wearing micromesh womens thongs.
You know, unless you're having issues with an 19-20 year old's comments in the press. Then it's perfectly fine.
5-perception. "each man's perception is each mans reality." honestly, i spend a tad bit of time in different parts around the country, those sheltered by regionalized/localize/whatever coverage would have a hard time understanding the views of rational and intelligent sports fans around the country on these issues.
Wow. Could you be a little more condescending? It's not enough to pretend half of BP is blind to Tressel, but now you're saying we're too naive, sheltered and irrational to understand the rational/intelligent fans elsewhere.
6-the future-i think those who arent wearing their scarlet glasses see what is coming next month. it likely wont be pretty.
6a- It better be another NOA, or you will show yet again that you don't know what you're talking about.

6b- You know the only thing worse than an insufferable homer?

Someone who behaves in exactly the same fashion in the opposite direction, blindly ignoring the very distinct and varied viewpoints/opinions held by BPers, instead trying to lump half of them into one punching bag because it's easier to attack that way.
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jimotis4heisman;1954088; said:
i guess a couple of things.

1-i work/own a business(es) so i dont have time to respond to every comment of every post of every response. my bad.
2-jt-i stand by my comments. be it the spring game, last season, or his actions at large.
3-tp-my view there has been clearly expressed for over a year
4-herbie-pretty much the same. i see how some people have an issue, but really. i mean if you really get your panties in a bunch over a couple of sentences over the course of a dozen or so years you either need to a) stop kissing your own arm and find a nice (or even fat and ugly girl) to take out a really nice place to eat... b) grow up and find a real issue in life to have or c) stop wearing micromesh womens thongs.
5-perception. "each man's perception is each mans reality." honestly, i spend a tad bit of time in different parts around the country, those sheltered by regionalized/localize/whatever coverage would have a hard time understanding the views of rational and intelligent sports fans around the country on these issues.
6-the future-i think those who arent wearing their scarlet glasses see what is coming next month. it likely wont be pretty.

I'm not giving up the micromesh thong.

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jimotis4heisman;1954088; said:
5-perception. "each man's perception is each mans reality." honestly, i spend a tad bit of time in different parts around the country, those sheltered by regionalized/localize/whatever coverage would have a hard time understanding the views of rational and intelligent sports fans around the country on these issues.


We done just got that innernet here in Worshentun, DC!
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jimotis4heisman;1954088; said:
honestly, i spend a tad bit of time in different parts around the country, those sheltered by regionalized/localize/whatever coverage would have a hard time understanding the views of rational and intelligent sports fans around the country on these issues.

Yes, you're the only person on BP that travels. Got it. Please enlighten all of us further.

And nevermind the fact that a large portion of the most active BP userbase not only doesn't live in Ohio, but a number of our most active posters in recents years don't even cheer for Ohio State, and they can see what is going on.
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jwinslow;1954092; said:
Sorry jo. That argument doesn't fly at all. You responded directly and spent quite a bit of time doing so. You just were reading from a script that was talking to a stereotype of blind OSU homers rather than dealing with what those people were saying.

right. sorry josh. i dont have 75 posts a day to blow out ubber long posts like some do. my bad. the script? right, ord and i are the only ones who have the script to, right?

You know, unless you're having issues with an 19-20 year old's comments in the press. Then it's perfectly fine.

i really could care less. even brewster wants to call herbie out, in todays world he certainly could. he could sign up for twitter and certainly make sportscenter/pti/sports talk radio around the country. the sun will rise tomorrow and ill deal with it. oh well.

Wow. Could you be a little more condescending? It's not enough to pretend half of BP is blind to Tressel, but now you're saying we're too naive, sheltered and irrational to relate to the rational/intelligent alternatives elsewhere.

probably could, but ill pass. thats not the point at all. my only point is i spend a decent amount of time on the east coast, iowa, upper plains, canada doing business. and the general views from those area/fans diverge greatly from what i see here. either everyone everywhere else is funneling from a unique solitary view or those who all have a common focus (ohio state) are the skewed ones. [to put this in another way, its like the liberal democrat who only reads mother jones, only watches msnbc or the conservative republican who only reads csn, only listens to talk radio. sure they might be intelligent, smart, highly informed, but often times they miss a lot of the "big picture" caught up in a situation where they just dont see the whole picture because it either has not been exposed to them, or maybe not explained/laid out to them.]

6a- It better be another NOA, or you might want to become informed on the subject before talking further out of your hat.

just a general statement. or wait, i talk out of my "hat" (what the hell is that a reference to? me calling the obie firing? right.)

my point was on the general situation. when the punishment meets the crime, i have a feeling many wont be happy.

6b- You know the only thing worse than an insufferable homer?

"t-shirt" alums?

Someone who behaves in exactly the same fashion in the opposite direction, blindly ignoring the very distinct and varied viewpoints/opinions held by BPers, instead trying to lump half of them into one punching bag because it's easier to attack that way.

i mean a handful of you took it appears some offense to a couple of comments on the general views/demeanor of the board. i mean i guess thats your guys thing to get all wound up about it. im not in "attack" mode, but whatever dude.

at the end of the day from my view ive got my degree which i value, which the reputation and prestige of the university is part of that value. i was not the first or the last of my family to go to and graduate from ohio state. a lot of pride we put into our pieces of paper, the institution that granted them to us. from that view some people understand it some do not.

beyond that as a person who has thrown a pile of tax dollars at the place, had season tickets for a day or two, contributed to my university in more ways than one... in life their are some things people will understand and appreciate and others will not, i get that. but to me football is important, but it goes a tad deeper than that and these issues certainly do.
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right. sorry josh. i dont have 75 posts a day to blow out ubber long posts like some do. my bad. the script? right, ord and i are the only ones who have the script to, right?
Sixteen THOUSAND posts laugh at this premise. As does engaging in YET another long winded exchange in this thread.
You know, unless you're having issues with an 19-20 year old's comments in the press. Then it's perfectly fine.
Congratulations on completely missing the point yet again. I was talking about you taking great pride i calling out Pryor's past behavior, which was largely stupid press comments.
my only point is i spend a decent amount of time on the east coast, iowa, upper plains, canada doing business. and the general views from those area/fans diverge greatly from what i see here. either everyone everywhere else is funneling from a unique solitary view or those who all have a common focus (ohio state) are the skewed ones. [to put this in another way, its like the liberal democrat who only reads mother jones, only watches msnbc or the conservative republican who only reads csn, only listens to talk radio. sure they might be intelligent, smart, highly informed, but often times they miss a lot of the "big picture" caught up in a situation where they just dont see the whole picture because it either has not been exposed to them, or maybe not explained/laid out to them.]
People love to assume the worst about people. I've yet to see people who are unbiased on the subject of CFB. Some people just encounter more biases, most of which get rejected if they don't fit the one they arrived with.
probably could, but ill pass. thats not the point at all.
i mean a handful of you took it appears some offense to a couple of comments on the general views/demeanor of the board. i mean i guess thats your guys thing to get all wound up about it. im not in "attack" mode, but whatever dude.
Actually, you're making it CRYSTAL clear that condescension and offense is at the core of your argument:
"t-shirt" alums?
beyond that as a person who has thrown a pile of tax dollars at the place, had season tickets for a day or two, contributed to my university in more ways than one... in life their are some things people will understand and appreciate and others will not, i get that. but to me football is important, but it goes a tad deeper than that and these issues certainly do.
No, clearly you aren't trying to mock people beneath you.

I do love your never ending hypocrisy. When it comes to Herbie, opinions will vary and perception is reality. But when it comes to how true of a buckeye you are, some people travel, donate and study enough to be right. Others are just self absorbed t-shirt wearers.
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6a- It better be another NOA, or you might want to become informed on the subject before talking further out of your hat.

just a general statement. or wait, i talk out of my "hat" (what the hell is that a reference to? me calling the obie firing? right.)

my point was on the general situation. when the punishment meets the crime, i have a feeling many wont be happy.
Do you even know why I said there better be a new NOA?
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Dryden;1954101; said:
Yes, you're the only person on BP that travels. Got it. Please enlighten all of us further.

And nevermind the fact that a large portion of the most active BP userbase not only doesn't live in Ohio, but a number of our most active posters in recents years don't even cheer for Ohio State, and they can see what is going on.

No Dryden, Gatorubet is a sheltered dolt who doesn't understand life outside of what Bucknuts tells him.
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