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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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ESPN had a pre-commercial break lead-in about a college football program receiving NCAA punishment and mentioned four-year probation, fine, and loss of conference championship. In the accompanying video clip, the first two seconds showed USC players taking the field, and the rest of the time they showed highlights of--guess who--Ohio State, and only Ohio State. Never mind the fact that the school that actually got punished was Georgia fucking Tech. Can they possibly get any more blatant in their obvious attempts to smear Ohio State any chance they can?
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MililaniBuckeye;1954204; said:
ESPN had a pre-commercial break lead-in about a college football program receiving NCAA punishment and mentioned four-year probation, fine, and loss of conference championship. In the accompanying video clip, the first two seconds showed USC players taking the field, and the rest of the time they showed highlights of--guess who--Ohio State, and only Ohio State. Never mind the fact that the school that actually got punished was Georgia fucking Tech. Can they possibly get any more blatant in their obvious attempts to smear Ohio State any chance they can?

Pardon me, but, What the Fuck were you doing watching the Mickey Mouse Sports channel?
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Is Urban Meyer really spouting off about the NCs that Florida won being won "with honor?"

"My humble opinion is you make the consequences so severe for major infractions, that's the only way you're going to clean it up," Spielman said. "The people who are taking advantage are always two steps ahead of us."
Spielman has legions of followers who agree. Winning can be achieved with honor.
"Yes," said Meyer, winner of national championships in 2006 and 2008, "We did it."

I'm going to go and throw up now. I don't ever want that fucker as the coach at Ohio State. What did he have, 30 arrests in 4 years there? Guys firing guns. But selling YOUR shit for tattoos is deserving of a fucking nuclear holocaust being rained down on your program.

That smug fucking cocksucker.
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Urban Two Face.
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ysubuck;1954240; said:
Is Urban Meyer really spouting off about the NCs that Florida won being won "with honor?"

I'm going to go and throw up now. I don't ever want that fucker as the coach at Ohio State. What did he have, 30 arrests in 4 years there? Guys firing guns. But selling YOUR shit for tattoos is deserving of a fucking nuclear holocaust being rained down on your program.

That smug fucking cocksucker.

Not sure where he mentioned OSU. Just that he feels, rightly or wrongly, that his teams did it the right way (re: 'cheating').
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ysubuck;1954240; said:
Is Urban Meyer really spouting off about the NCs that Florida won being won "with honor?"

I'm going to go and throw up now. I don't ever want that fucker as the coach at Ohio State. What did he have, 30 arrests in 4 years there? Guys firing guns. But selling YOUR shit for tattoos is deserving of a fucking nuclear holocaust being rained down on your program.

That smug fucking cocksucker.
When Urban takes over at his next school, this narrative is imperative, even if you disagree with it based on the arrests. FOIA & yahoo are forcing people to see the ugly underbelly of CFB and despite ESPN's best efforts, Oregon & Auburn aren't going away (and LSU is lingering as well).

If Urban is hired next offseason, we could very well have a who's who of CFB exposed for major violations:

the 2 teams of the decade (OSU & USC)
the 2 teams in the NC game (ORE & AUB)
the 2 time NC winner this decade (LSU)
the media darling (boise)
the 2 up and coming ACC programs (UNC/GT) as FSU/UM struggle

Plus embarrassing scandals at the two winningest programs (UM & ND), and potentially a third in Texas.

I also think Auburn is preparing ammo to take Bama down with them, especially if their accreditation comes under fire. It may not result in NCAA sanctions, but a scathing (if anonymous) SI expose seems likely.

Even if it is selling a narrative, it is one that CFB desperately needs right now. As much as people like seeing folks fail, they also need to believe the best in their team, and this pattern is making that pretty hard.
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The most-recent written evaluation in Tressel's personnel file was from 2005-06. That's because current athletic director Gene Smith replaced Andy Geiger in April 2005 and began doing verbal evaluations of Tressel, OSU spokesman Jim Lynch said.
He didn't know why Smith moved from written to verbal reviews or whether he does anyone else's evaluation that way. Smith couldn't be reached for comment this morning.
Before his departure, Geiger also had a history of admonishing Tressel and the other coaches after violations, both major and minor, according to the records.
On Sept. 9, 2003, for example, Tressel was reprimanded for not paying enough attention to the cars that athletes drove and reporting any unusual circumstances, according to the documents obtained by The Dispatch through a public-records request.
Tressel's personnel file reflects no letters of admonishment after Smith took over Ohio State's athletic programs.

Looks like they are after Gene Smith now
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OHSportsFan9;1954250; said:

Not sure where he mentioned OSU. Just that he feels, rightly or wrongly, that his teams did it the right way (re: 'cheating').

Well the discussion/article was about OSU wasn't it? The whole gist of the article was that the cleansing of college football needs to begin "in Columbus" with the NCAA bringing serious sanctions down on the OSU program to send a message to the rest of the college football world. And who do you bring in to preach? Urban Meyer? Whatever.
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notfadeaway;1954298; said:
As they shoud be....verbal evaluations? Seriously? WTF? Are we expected to believe the AD of the biggest Athletic Program in the NCAA takes no notes or has no eval parameters on paper? WOW:(

I'm cool with it. The problem here is that Ohio State as a public institution must turn over all of these evaluations as a public record. Its a major disadvantage when compared to Gene Smith's alma mater, Notre Dame, who doesn't have the same obligation.

At this point, we're in damage control. The less records available the better.

I mean, wouldn't we have all been better off if Jim Tressel had just used a fucking gmail account?
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