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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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knapplc;1957747; said:
If you guys aren't the most heinous wrongdoers in the history of everything, NOW who do I blame for every evil in the world?
I should have thought that to be obvious. :shake:

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matcar;1957752; said:
Wow this is great news!

I just may have to eat some crow for suggesting that we were in for major sanctions. I'll enjoy eating that if that's the case.

I bought the Pryor car thing hook line and sinker. I will admit it.

I will gladly eat crow for all this. I honestly thought we were fucked.

Please pass the ketchup
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I'm wondering, though, if there is still something to come from the "additional" investigation into cars/golf/signing stuff for money. In other words- there may be another NOA to come.

Although Dohrman said that his "source" would not talk to the NCAA due to lack of confidentiality... so who knows.
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Looks like the only guy who comes out looking bad from all this is JT - but it is hard to look good when you are laying under a bus.


Also, I found this image when searching for "under the bus" images (no idea why). Thought I would post it because you can never have enough greenies.


And as a mod I am obligated to mention that this is an image that pushes the limits - just to be clear.
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This should be a link to the 139 pages of the transcript of JT's interview with the NCAA on February 8, 2011.

Copy/paste this into your browser to see it. Yeah, they misspelled Tressel in the name for the link. It's also accessible by going to the link in post #1 of this thread, and clicking on Exhibit 2-4 of the list inside that link.


I haven't read it yet.
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BB73;1957766; said:
This should be a link to the 139 pages of the transcript of JT's interview with the NCAA on February 8, 2011.

Copy/paste this into your browser to see it. Yeah, they misspelled Tressel in the name for the link. It's also accessible by going to the link in post #1 of this thread, and clicking on Exhibit 2-4 of the list inside that link.


I haven't read it yet.

Interesting that Tress implied other schools were trying to buy Pryor, but that Sarniak was the one who told TP that ""You don?t do that. That?s not the way you do things. No one?s gonna own you."

Tress also said that Sarniak wanted TP to go to Notre Dame...
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