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georgedohrmann George Dohrmann
NCAA met with SI source on OSU story, said it couldn't grant him confidentiality. So, players walk. Happens. SI story still 100% accurate

Does the 100% figure reflect the players who reportedly swapped jewelry for tats and have no tats?

100%? Really?
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Merih;1957915; said:
Cue mgoblog 18 page sophomoric post about the NCAA not having the balls to persecute without proof, how this shows that Michigan Man morals are eroding in College Football, and pining for the pre WWII days of football when the game was clean and Michigan wasn't celebrating the hire of a barely 500 coach...

Talking to UM fans can be quite simple if you follow some basic rules (such as not using verbs). Here is an example:

UM FAN: You guys got off because of the NCAA not having the balls to persecute without proof.

OSU FAN: 37-7

UM FAN: That game never happened.

OSU FAN: Seven Straight wins.

UM FAN: You are a bunch of cheats and everybody knows it.

OSU FAN: 2,799 days.

UM FAN: Without that cheating Tressel you will get your ass kicked by Hoke.

OSU FAN: Appalachian State

UM FAN: Gene Smith is a cheat who used his connections with the NCAA to hide the truth.

OSU FAN: 37-7

Repeat as necessary till they walk away.

Our secret, you see, is that it is all about football - and they know it.
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Just knowing how some media outlets operate, I imagine ESPN, CBS Sports and the like will put a poll question on their respective college football sites that resembles:

"Do you agree with the NCAA's decision not to hit Ohio State with a failure to monitor charge?"

The sites may already have the poll up. It would probably be like 90 percent "No", so ESPN (and others) can more/less voice their opinion without actually doing it.

I'm somewhat glad I avoid those sites.
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While i'm elated about not getting the failure to monitor, I'm still concerned that this will only embolden Mickey Mouse Sports et al to come after us and do anything they can to try to find something. I just hope our house is clean enough to make an operating room look dirty
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AuTX Buckeye;1957933; said:
While i'm elated about not getting the failure to monitor, I'm still concerned that this will only embolden Mickey Mouse Sports et al to come after us and do anything they can to try to find something.

They (ESPN) kind of already did that to be honest.

"Outside the Lines" wouldn't allow the producer to return without something on Ohio State a few weeks ago, forcing her to more/less beg former OSU players to talk to her (which they didn't).

The network sued OSU for those e-mails (the NCAA already has).

The only thing I can think of is ESPN start planting evidence, which I wouldn't put past the network.
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CHU;1957936; said:
They (ESPN) kind of already did that to be honest.

"Outside the Lines" wouldn't allow the producer to return without something on Ohio State a few weeks ago, forcing her to more/less beg former OSU players to talk to her (which they didn't).

The network sued OSU for those e-mails (the NCAA already has).

The only thing I can think of is ESPN start planting evidence, which I wouldn't put past the network.

Yeah I remember reading that, your right i wouldn't put it past ESPN or anyone to start making up evidence or throw around so much money that someone just says what they want to hear to get the money.

At this point I think I'll be able to relax maybe sometime next year after they've spent a year and untold sums of money trying to get more evidence. I don't wanna shit on everyone's parade today, just a pessimist I guess
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Merih;1957915; said:
Cue mgoblog 18 page sophomoric post about the NCAA not having the balls to persecute without proof, how this shows that Michigan Man morals are eroding in College Football, and pining for the pre WWII days of football when the game was clean and Michigan wasn't celebrating the hire of a barely 500 coach...
Barely .500? Try .485...
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