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OSUK;1962799; said:
Forgive my skepticism, but I suspect that most of these guys swearing off ESPN will be watching a lot of CFB Live, The Blitz, and the preview shows in August. You'll be there every Sat morning watching Gameday. Yeah, they have sucked with how they have treated our Bucks, and Mark May is a wonderful euphemism for what comes out of the extreme lower portion of the GI tract, but where else are you going to get info on the game we love? I'll watch. I'll just be throwing stuff at the TV.
You make it sound like ESPN is to college football fans as heroin is to H junkies. I don't think that's the case. It's possible to follow college football (or any other sport) very closely, without paying much attention to ESPN.
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matcar;1962853; said:
The loss of Craig Kilborn was the end for me. Ceased being amusing which was all I ever really wanted from ESPN.
Ah, yes.. the glory days.

As good as the "talent" (I really hate using that word when talking about a sportscaster... especially today's sportscaster) was back in those days, it seems to be what ruined the network. The schtick became the focus, and it looks forced... the run from maybe 92 - 96 was not forced and seemed genuinely "fun" without a real objective other than being funny while providing sports highlights. Even the fights they picked (ie NASCAR driver Jeremy "the man" Spencer) were funny and not with some sort of over riding agenda. Of course, I was younger then... maybe I missed it.

In any case - pairing the Kilborn crew with the commercial campaigns they used to run which were premised upon the notion that all of sports emanated out of Bristol... somewhere along the way, the "joke" has become the objective.
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BuckeyeNation27;1962872; said:
I sync up baseball games as often as I can. If I could find a radio feed of OSU games I would be in heaven.


I no longer live in God's country (Ohio) and to date have not been able to find a way to listen to Keels call the games..but also confess I haven't tried. I just assumed I wouldn't be able to.

I'd be willing to pay...and would prefer an app so I can listen via my phone no matter where I might be....
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IronBuckI;1962882; said:
Buckeye Web pass

I've never tried it, so I don't know how well it works, or how much it costs, but this is a way to pay for streaming game audio.
Right but I'm not sure you can adjust the delay to match up with TV delay as well as your DVR's individually distinct delay from archiving the content.
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HINYG8;1962877; said:

I no longer live in God's country (Ohio) and to date have not been able to find a way to listen to Keels call the games..but also confess I haven't tried. I just assumed I wouldn't be able to.

I'd be willing to pay...and would prefer an app so I can listen via my phone no matter where I might be....

Until Apple gets the 30% off the top nonsense out of their head I don't think you are going to see a lot of innovative new apps that involve any kind of transaction.

My thought was more along the lines of a simple alternate feed from BTN or whomever that you could pay a small fee for that gave you a noiseless feed.
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jwinslow;1962812; said:
I will suffer through their garbage once in awhile in the spring for a glimpse at various teams (though ESPN360 is changing that, now that I can grab archived spring games & clips online). But even then I regret it, since you typically get 1 minute of action clips and the rest is mind numbing.

There's almost nothing worth watching on ESPN outside of games. Sometimes I'll break down in my hunger for football, but I always regret it immediately.

They don't show football. They have immensely dim-witted dolts like Jesse Palmer, Mark May & Desmond Howard spout of surface level garbage that is as informative as the comments on a youtube video.

There is no Jaws or Gruden to break down film, nor an insightful analyst like Bilas. They don't even have a sharp mind like Scott Van Pelt or Kenny Mayne to entertain you. They bash you over the head with stereotypes, catch phrases and bleacher report level content.

I will occasionally watch CFB Final if I am really intrigued by other programs (Texas, SEC, USC, Oregon) that are in the title hunt or playing a big game, but I watch it on mute and listen to music or play a video game.

If I want big ten highlights, I watch the BTN, where I get 10 plays per team, not 2-4 for a couple big ten teams. I might even tune into the coaches shows if I really want to scout a bitter rival or an upcoming opponent.

Fair enough. To each his own, but I am a fan of the Buckeyes first and then CFB as a whole. I agree the B10 network is great, but there are guys on there that drive me nuts too (basically everyone with ties to NW). ESPN covers the entire sport - admittedly inanely at times, but still they let you know what is being talked about across the country.

For example, on CFB Live last week I saw this ridiculous attempt by the hosts to have a couple of Okla players Landry Jones and Ryan Broyles do a version of the dating game. But I also got to hear what those guys did over the summer with a trip to Haiti. Very impressive. I am a fan of those guys now. I'll be pulling for them to do well, unless the Buckeyes need them to do poorly. Point is that I wouldn't have known anything about those guys unless I watched.
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OSUK;1962893; said:
Fair enough. To each his own, but I am a fan of the Buckeyes first and then CFB as a whole. I agree the B10 network is great, but there are guys on there that drive me nuts too (basically everyone with ties to NW). ESPN covers the entire sport - admittedly inanely at times, but still they let you know what is being talked about across the country.

For example, on CFB Live last week I saw this ridiculous attempt by the hosts to have a couple of Okla players Landry Jones and Ryan Broyles do a version of the dating game. But I also got to hear what those guys did over the summer with a trip to Haiti. Very impressive. I am a fan of those guys now. I'll be pulling for them to do well, unless the Buckeyes need them to do poorly. Point is that I wouldn't have known anything about those guys unless I watched.
I like watching special interest stories about players, especially when you get to see how they are behind the scenes (to an extent) or how they got to there.

But those moments are the exception to the rule. To get those useful 20-60 seconds of practice film or a useful interview, you have to sit through 18 minutes of Jesse Palmer driving me to run headlong into the wall to put an end to the assault on my senses & sensibilities.
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OSUK;1962799; said:
Forgive my skepticism, but I suspect that most of these guys swearing off ESPN will be watching a lot of CFB Live, The Blitz, and the preview shows in August. You'll be there every Sat morning watching Gameday. Yeah, they have sucked with how they have treated our Bucks, and Mark May is a wonderful euphemism for what comes out of the extreme lower portion of the GI tract, but where else are you going to get info on the game we love? I'll watch. I'll just be throwing stuff at the TV.

You're wrong. I don't watch, and will not watch, that network unless there is a live sporting event being covered that I would enjoy.

You can get better info from sites such as BP than you could ever get from that network.
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