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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Magua;1965910; said:
This. Had you posted that on Friday, that would have been one thing. But after what transpired over the weekend you could have taken that a better route :(

I would say they are the A-Team...

The A team is perfect:

Holthzzz - Hanibal (Odd Leader of the pack)
Herbstreet - Face (Con Man)
Reece Davis - Murdock (Insane pilot)
May - Bad Attitude Baracus (Alway a POed & more strength than sense)
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briegg;1965921; said:
The A team is perfect:

Holthzzz - Hanibal (Odd Leader of the pack)
Herbstreet - Face (Con Man)
Reece Davis - Murdock (Insane pilot)
May - Bad Attitude Baracus (Alway a POed & more strength than sense)

Swap Reece Davis and Holslltltlsszz and I would agree. Holtz is the crazy one (Murdock) who sounds batshit insane. Reece is the "host" of the group so we'll make him leader.
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I read some comments from a couple of geniuses in my Sporting News last night.

Matt Hayes in his "First and 10" feature: "I'm not sure I've ever been more excited about the Big Ten. New team, new divisional alignment, new motivation. And no more Ohio State at the top of the pack."

This guy must have some insight into the future that no one else has. No doubt losing the dearly departed is tough, but the last time I checked, OSU has the best recruits every year, always reloads on defense, and has had at least a share of the conference title the last 6 years. This is either wishful thinking or Matt thinks OSU will not be eligible for the title.

In "One-Two Punch" David Whitley makes a ton of curious statements that seem to belie the known facts of the OSU situation. He contends that OSU could learn lessons from Dr. Phillips' High in Orlando who went 14-1 last year, losing only in the 4A championship. They vacated all of their wins when they found an ineligible player was on their roster.

Whitley says, "If it had been handled the Ohio State Way, Dr. Phillips would still be 14-1 and the ineligible kid would be driving a Nissan 350Z." Didn't OSU vacate 12 wins, and didn't it turn out that the 350Z complied with NCAA rules?

"Maybe we'll finally hear Tressel explain why he let Pryor and four teammates play despite knowing they'd sold memorabilia and gotten free tattoos." Seems like I read what Tressel said to the NCAA about why he did what he did. Evidently, Whitley missed that.

"It will also be interesting to see if his Ohio State enablers admit they should have been more vigilant. Or at least not let Pryor and his ink-stained friends play in the Sugar Bowl." Didn't the NCAA find that the efforts and cooperation of the compliance department warrented no failure to monitor charge? And wasn't it the NCAA itself who sanctioned those owner of illegitimate ink to play in the Sugar Bowl?

Look, I can understand a reasoned and informed opinion. What I have little tolerance for is writers who combine ignorance with laziness.
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OSUK;1965949; said:
Look, I can understand a reasoned and informed opinion. What I have little tolerance for is writers who combine ignorance with laziness.

Let me know if you ever find an outlet with more of the former and less of the latter. Good luck!
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OSUK;1965949; said:
"I'm not sure I've ever been more excited about the Big Ten. New team, new divisional alignment, new motivation. And no more Ohio State at the top of the pack."

"If it had been handled the Ohio State Way, Dr. Phillips would still be 14-1 and the ineligible kid would be driving a Nissan 350Z."

Maybe we'll finally hear Tressel explain why he let Pryor and four teammates play despite knowing they'd sold memorabilia and gotten free tattoos."

"It will also be interesting to see if his Ohio State enablers admit they should have been more vigilant. Or at least not let Pryor and his ink-stained friends play in the Sugar Bowl."

It's crap like this that pisses me off and I wouldn't mind if you guys did only have the one loss.....as long as it's to us :biggrin:
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alexhortdog95;1965931; said:
A bit late on the news, guys. Sorry. I meant no disrespect to my fellow members of the Armed Forces.

How about more like the Mod Squad?
OK, but you better make sure Julie Barnes shows up.

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I don't get why you guys are so upset about the low expectations in the press. Low expectations put the pressure on the other guys. By week 6, we'll see exactly what these guys have to say.

I just hope that the Big Ten takes care of business in the OOC schedule this year. Then, they won't be able to say success is due to a weak B1G.
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BUCKYLE;1965969; said:
You don't speak for me, sir.

I want to beat Nebraska both times. Maybe welcome them to the B1G by starting a blocked punt for TD tradition like PSUP6's.
I'm hoping for five straight NCs, but with a rookie QB and many question marks, I'll take a 13-1 season all day long.
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jwinslow;1965972; said:
I'm hoping for five straight NCs, but with a rookie QB and many question marks, I'll take a 13-1 season all day long.

Only five? I think your constitution for victory is weak! :pirate1:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBksHaTQCbU"]‪Apocalypse Now Gasoline Smell =Victory‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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