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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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y0yoyoin;1968064; said:
listen, if someone wants to throw beer on herbie or fowler i by no means will stop them...therefore a repeat of what i saw at a earlier time would not piss me off...were talking about beer...not a grenade or joe schad's decapitated head

I'm with Max on this one...nothing good comes from tossing a beer at the ESPN crew. Staging a competing event that draws a significant number of fans away from the gameday set is another story.

Or we could just burn that bitch down. :biggrin:
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So "Ellis" all of a sudden got religion and thinks talking to the NCAA is the right thing to do? Get [censored]in' real. Not buying it. I think the media types are just jerking the chains of Buckeye fans. The media knows the value of all things Buckeye scandal related and are making money off this in a big way. Money is driving all of this.
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Got a feeling this "Ellis" guy will not be safe if there is some BS coming from him at this late a date trying to further take down tOSU. Buckeye fans are fanatical to the bone and there will be repercussions I'm sure.
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Bestbuck36;1968105; said:
Got a feeling this "Ellis" guy will not be safe if there is some BS coming from him at this late a date trying to further take down tOSU. Buckeye fans are fanatical to the bone and there will be repercussions I'm sure.

I'm not advocated this but similar things have happened before (Although this was later ruled a suicide) hahahahaha:

Convicted Bama booster found dead at his home

MEMPHIS, Tenn. -- A University of Alabama football supporter convicted of bribing a high school coach to get a top recruit was found dead in his home, police said Tuesday.

"The nature of the attack was brutal," Higgins said. "The entire house is a crime scene."

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Bestbuck36;1968105; said:
Got a feeling this "Ellis" guy will not be safe if there is some BS coming from him at this late a date trying to further take down tOSU. Buckeye fans are fanatical to the bone and there will be repercussions I'm sure.

Fanatical Buckeye Fans Injure Seeker of Truth

Tressel Still Made Millions
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Here are my thoughts on this, call me a homer on this but i don't care:

1.) If there were was even a 10th hand rumors of photo's dohrmann would have mentioned it.. this leads to #2
2.) He doesn't show them to Dohrmann but shows them to local dip[Mark May] radio host... come on now...
3.) Photos do not prove anything. Unless they were signing a football or handing over gold pants while getting a tattoo with a sign in the background saying "HEY EVERYONE I TRADED MY [Mark May] FOR A FREE TATTOO", lets hope "Ellis" isn't realy Lsufreek otherwise we're screwed
4.) Even if he was asking for a metric [Mark May]ton of money, someone would have paid for it if they thought they were real, which leads me to conclude they are bull[Mark May]
5.) Like everyone else said.... Now? really smells fishy to me
6.) IF the NCAA has spoken to him.. and IF the NCAA believes him.. and IF this is about Tatgate. Then why isn't the hearing tomorrow postponed?

It will be funny to see what the Kleins and others do if "Ellis" names them again.... Hey Lawyers.... Can you use the "I have a right to face my accuser" to find out the identity of "Ellis" for purpose of a lawsuit?
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TexasBuck;1968113; said:
I'm not advocated this but similar things have happened before (Although this was later ruled a suicide) hahahahaha:

Convicted Bama booster found dead at his home

MEMPHIS, Tenn. -- A University of Alabama football supporter convicted of bribing a high school coach to get a top recruit was found dead in his home, police said Tuesday.

"The nature of the attack was brutal," Higgins said. "The entire house is a crime scene."



Get a grip folks, honestly. The Buckeye program has dug itself a huge hole at this point. I'm not going to argue the silliness of most of it, because I feel that most charges were petty. I have defended them over and over, including Tress and TP. With this said, I would not be surprised by anything anymore.

I just find it sad that our fan base has gotten to the point of discussing what the retaliation would be to those that come out against the program. Seriously, it's a college sport. We are fans........and it ends there. Do not lose sight of it.
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ESPN hasn't even recently said anything on this "Ellis" guy. Probably not even a real person, or some random guy who made up some quotes to get in an article. The Media is just trying to grab some last second money on the story that is finally coming to an end in my opinion.

Anyways... What time is the hearing tomorrow?
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"Ellis" is real and so are the pictures......the pictures I imagine do not show any NCAA violations but could make some kids look bad. I may be wrong but "Ellis" could do more damage to some of the players more so than Ohio State as an institution.
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bassbuckeye07;1968162; said:
"Ellis" is real and so are the pictures......the pictures I imagine do not show any NCAA violations but could make some kids look bad. I may be wrong but "Ellis" could do more damage to some of the players more so than Ohio State as an institution.

And therein lies the rub. How many family members are going to stand for this much longer? Frankly I wouldnt blame many of them for whatever stand they take. Family first.
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