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tOSU Recruiting Discussion

Urban has his players now. There are questions on the team, especially the O Line. Can Brax make the same step up he did last year? If he is a serious Heisman contender and/or we are in the 4 team play off then all of this changes. I expect our defense to be much, much better this year. We don't have the O Line or Hyde to rely on the pounding run game. Do we have all the pieces to run the track meet spread offense? Urb's first few classes were based on his resume prior to tOSU, this class and beyond will be based on his results at tOSU. My hope is we continue to throttle teams offensively and with an improved defense we are a national contender again. If that happens I have no doubt we end up with a top 5 class.
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Pantoni makes a valid(yet cryptic) message. I take it that he's referring to PSU, Franklin is a new house(item) that seems so perfect. Until a few months down the line you realize there a creeks everywhere, the water heater is 60yrs old, the foundation has termites and squirrels frequently get in the attic. I believe he's in over his head too, as he didn't do as much as people believed at Vandy, well see the loyalty of these commits when PSU loses 5-6 games. Franklin has made a career of raking up wins against teams he should beat OOC and the bums at the lower tier of the SEC, and beating the big name SEC teams in off years(I.e. injury riddled UGA and UF last year and a very bad Auburn team in disarray in 2012).
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Pantoni makes a valid(yet cryptic) message. I take it that he's referring to PSU, Franklin is a new house(item) that seems so perfect. Until a few months down the line you realize there a creeks everywhere, the water heater is 60yrs old, the foundation has termites and squirrels frequently get in the attic. I believe he's in over his head too, as he didn't do as much as people believed at Vandy, well see the loyalty of these commits when PSU loses 5-6 games. Franklin has made a career of raking up wins against teams he should beat OOC and the bums at the lower tier of the SEC, and beating the big name SEC teams in off years(I.e. injury riddled UGA and UF last year and a very bad Auburn team in disarray in 2012).
Funny, Bill King was just saying how PSU is going to recruit top tier talent under Franklin. I remain skeptical, having driven through the area.
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Funny, Bill King was just saying how PSU is going to recruit top tier talent under Franklin. I remain skeptical, having driven through the area.

I'm sure he'll recruit top tier talent, but can he keep them committed is the question. This isn't Vandy, where e fan base was happy with them beating UK, Ole Miss and a lowly Tennessee. There will only be so much time in Happy Valley when they get tired of wins against Purdue, Illinois, Indiana, etc and start expecting wins again Ohio St, Mich st, and Wisky(can't bring myself to include scUM in the top class of Big 10 schools) and a Big 10 title and a playoff berth. I just don't see that happening under Franklin. Especially with Urban at the OSU helm
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Every year we talk about the possibility of decommits from the Spring 'hot' schools but it rarely happens. Even Kentucky (who won 2 games last year) and Tennessee were able to keep together their classes last year in spite of subpar performances on the field.

So I would expect Penn State to keep this class together - though I think the scholarship reductions will take a big toll this year on the field.
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True but as many as the Bucks, who have many? Recruiting is not an exact science but it usually produces results. Bama winning 4 recruiting titles in a row is a good starting point...

I just feel some panic right now amongst the troops, especially with the loss of Wimbush to PSU and the lack of a recent commit. We obviously aren't going to get everyone we want, but I feel we will get a solid class that will contribute to what Urban is building. I also believe in the ability of the coaches to coach kids up, which is what I see Wisky and MSU coaches doing a solid job of. :computerbuck
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I just feel some panic right now amongst the troops, especially with the loss of Wimbush to PSU and the lack of a recent commit. We obviously aren't going to get everyone we want, but I feel we will get a solid class that will contribute to what Urban is building. I also believe in the ability of the coaches to coach kids up, which is what I see Wisky and MSU coaches doing a solid job of. :computerbuck

Oh absolutely and to be clear, I have no doubts we smoke the likes of MSU on the recruiting trail per the usual. And PSU having one good recruiting class does not concern me in the slightest in terms of where our program will be under Meyer. Frankly, the last two classes were so phenomenal that a homerun class is not necessary. Of course we want the best out there but some solid role players and depth will do the trick. And I think when we go out and take care of business on the field, the buzz will be right back in our corner. Right now it seems slow just based on the class we had by this time the last two years...by this time last year we had 7 highly rated guys committed and 11 in '13. Then again, if you look at those classes we had the most commits between June-September, so I would think we have to be due soon.
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We are a victim of our own success in bringing in a lot of young talent.
Give Franklin his due for kicking ass in recruiting. But just look at his Vanderbilt record. Not so great is it? He may be a better recruiter than O'Brien was but time will tell how well he does in the BIG. O'Brien was a special coach. And what if he flops this year? The sanctions hit him the worse THIS year. His offensive line is a hot mess right now. If Hack gets the hell beat out of him how will that play nationally? But he ain't going no where for now so there will be a honeymoon for him. Maybe he toughs it out.
Urban will keep bringing in great classes because he's Urban and that's just what he does. Every year in recruiting is a little bit different. Recruiting changes year to year. Ohio talent is up and down. But Urban is recruiting the whole country. And I think we will get a boost in recruiting from our guys getting pub on NFL Draft day.
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Its funny that no one is mentioning that PSU's 2015 class is made up of guys from MD, PA, NJ, VA, CT and IN. These are regions that PSU has always recruited well and stacked their teams with in the past. Urban is after kids from literally all over the nation. Regardless of the talent level in OH, Urban has let it be known that he's going after the best in the country and not just a specific region like Franklin has done. And with Urban going after the best from around the country, it'll require us to have to wait and be patient and let the staff earn their paychecks on the recruiting trail. Urban could've went the FrAnklin route and gone after mostly OH, IN, MI, PA, etc guys, but he's trying to win NCs and not just Big 10 titles. Urban is playing chess while Franklin is still playing checkers
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Its funny that no one is mentioning that PSU's 2015 class is made up of guys from MD, PA, NJ, VA, CT and IN. These are regions that PSU has always recruited well and stacked their teams with in the past. Urban is after kids from literally all over the nation. Regardless of the talent level in OH, Urban has let it be known that he's going after the best in the country and not just a specific region like Franklin has done. And with Urban going after the best from around the country, it'll require us to have to wait and be patient and let the staff earn their paychecks on the recruiting trail. Urban could've went the FrAnklin route and gone after mostly OH, IN, MI, PA, etc guys, but he's trying to win NCs and not just Big 10 titles. Urban is playing chess while Franklin is still playing checkers
I wouldn't call it playing checkers. Tressel racked up a ton of wins and some NC appearances mining just Ohio and the surrounding area.
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