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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

MUBuck;1254517; said:
I suppose you could go through and find 1 play in which he hung for too long, but that doesn't happen all too often.

I guess you and I disagree here man. No biggie.

FWIW, I am really pulling for Todd B. this week. Us Buckeye fans have a tendency to want to rush the current guy off the field for the new craze (in this case, Pryor). Obviously Tressel trusts Todd, he wouldn't start him if he did not. I guess I am not one who acts like he knows more than the OSU coaching staff. I am just a fan, so are all of you. Sometimes passion can overshadow that reality. :wink2:
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I am here to say that Todd is the best QB we have right now. He is our starter and will remain there. Anyone who thinks differently is out of touch with reality. I was at the OU game and could visibly see the level of preparedness that Pryor is at, and I am here to tell you that USC would shut him down. While his potential is vast he is not the leader of this team right now.
Todd is.
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Best Buckeye;1254534; said:
I am here to say that Todd is the best QB we have right now. He is our starter and will remain there. Anyone who thinks differently is out of touch with reality. I was at the OU game and could visibly see the level of preparedness that Pryor is at, and I am here to tell you that USC would shut him down. While his potential is vast he is not the leader of this team right now.
Todd is.
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Best Buckeye;1254534; said:
I am here to say that Todd is the best QB we have right now. He is our starter and will remain there. Anyone who thinks differently is out of touch with reality. I was at the OU game and could visibly see the level of preparedness that Pryor is at, and I am here to tell you that USC would shut him down. While his potential is vast he is not the leader of this team right now.
Todd is.

I don't think many people disagree with that. Terrelle can still bring an intangible to this game that Todd dos not posses. Hell, even Oakland ran the "Wild Hog" last night effectively with McFadden at QB. It was one of there only successful plays of the night.

I'd love to see Terrelle come in occasionally and have the opportunity to throw short/medium balls and hopefully have the chance to get outside the pocket and create some havoc.

But the bottom line is, Todd needs to play well for tOSU to win. Without Todd, this game is probably a -21 line for USC.
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billmac91;1254568; said:
I don't think many people disagree with that. Terrelle can still bring an intangible to this game that Todd dos not posses. Hell, even Oakland ran the "Wild Hog" last night effectively with McFadden at QB. It was one of there only successful plays of the night.

I'd love to see Terrelle come in occasionally and have the opportunity to throw short/medium balls and hopefully have the chance to get outside the pocket and create some havoc.

But the bottom line is, Todd needs to play well for tOSU to win. Without Todd, this game is probably a -21 line for USC.

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billmac91;1254568; said:
I don't think many people disagree with that. Terrelle can still bring an intangible to this game that Todd dos not posses. Hell, even Oakland ran the "Wild Hog" last night effectively with McFadden at QB. It was one of there only successful plays of the night.

I'd love to see Terrelle come in occasionally and have the opportunity to throw short/medium balls and hopefully have the chance to get outside the pocket and create some havoc.

But the bottom line is, Todd needs to play well for tOSU to win. Without Todd, this game is probably a -21 line for USC.

I agree that Todd is our best QB by far and that he needs to play well for us to have our best shot. However, I disagree with the notion that a balanced offense, of which Todd is an intricate part, is the right formula for winning this game. And this is not a verdict on Todd but on the lack of success of pocket QBs against SC in general. As the sack totals from the Rose Bowls against Michigan demonstrate, even efficient pocket passers and powerful OLs aren't immune to SC's defensive schemes. IMHO, the best game plan is to have Todd throw 20 passes and Beanie to have around 35 carries, give Boom a few carries and Pryor a few carries to physically exhaust SC's defense. No reason to be 50 50 when one phase of the offense is arguably the best in the nation.
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Also, did people not see the way USC handled Illinois Juice Williams. I could be way wrong without re-watching this but they did a very good job on a mobile QB. I really hope our D plays well so we can keep running it if that in fact is what is working.

Tresselbeliever - Good point on USC's success with a pocket QB. If there is one thing that will really help Todd it is to have has internal clock dialed in. Find primary route, not there, scan... pass/run/throw it away. That is a lot to do in 3-5 seconds but he can not be taking big hits and sacks.
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Rewatching the OU game I noticed that Todd played better than what it looked like live. He certainly wasn't helped by the drops. His timing in the pocket seemed off....perhaps that was a result of all the hits by the DL. I find it slightly disconcerting that our O is still having trouble getting into the groove. I can only imagine that the senior leadership will pull together and will this team to a level of cohesion. Todd's experience should pay off here.

Todd certainly has the arm to make teams pay for bump and run coverage. I just hope we can give him 3 or 4 seconds to find them.
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Todd Boeckman: Something to prove
With a command performance against Southern California, QB might earn a game ball or two from his critics
Saturday, September 13, 2008 3:07 AM
By Tim May


No romp in the park Ohio State quarterback Todd Boeckman takes off running against Ohio University in the first half. The Buckeyes generated only 272 yards of offense.

As the second quarter unfolded in last season's national championship game, Ohio State quarterback Todd Boeckman was taking a beating and his team was in the process of getting beat. LSU was bringing pressure, it was hitting Boeckman, and it was covering all his receivers.
In the midst of it all, Boeckman stood tall and on one particular play dropped a pinpoint fade pass toward the usually capable hands of Brian Robiskie. A catch would have meant a touchdown, and might have provided relief at the right moment for a team that had blown a 10-0 lead and yet was still tied 10-10.

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craigblitz;1254782; said:
Also, did people not see the way USC handled Illinois Juice Williams. I could be way wrong without re-watching this but they did a very good job on a mobile QB. I really hope our D plays well so we can keep running it if that in fact is what is working.

Tresselbeliever - Good point on USC's success with a pocket QB. If there is one thing that will really help Todd it is to have has internal clock dialed in. Find primary route, not there, scan... pass/run/throw it away. That is a lot to do in 3-5 seconds but he can not be taking big hits and sacks.

Juice isn't in Pryor's zip code as an athlete.
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