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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

All fame is fleeting ...

Sparty has a ***chance*** to win (3) B1G championships in five years.

The last 3 games should be very interesting! :nod:

And yes, Nick Saban is looking better and better all the time, if possible.

Oh the irony if this team ends up beating Wisky for the B1G title.

Yielding back the balance of my time.
It's no surprise considering who's running the show at Sparty
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Here's the biggest difference I see from Tressel to UFM..

With tressel if we had a weak point we knew it and we could count on other areas to get us through.

With UFM it could be the special teams, it could be the offense or it could be the defense. You never know which part of team is going to [Mark May] the bed but at least one unit [Mark May]s the bed every game.

With Tressel you knew the defense was going to fight their ass off every game and the sts would be solid as fuck. It all always came back to was the offense going to come to play
Agree wholeheartedly although even with Tressel we knew which offense would show up. Usually the boring RUN RUN PASS offense. Occasionally he'd fuck around and pass to a tight end but you usually knew what you were getting. With Urban one side of the ball has absolutely horrendous games. Like, even if the offense showed up today, they would have had to score 50 to beat fucking Iowa. IOWA. They were moving the ball at will. Now it feels like the only thing you can count on with Urban is that the team he fields is usually the most talented one.
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I'm OUT. Beat Sparty. Beat Simple Jim. Beat Wiscy. I'm not terribly confident, but we're still The Ohio State University.

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Agree wholeheartedly although even with Tressel we knew which offense would show up. Usually the boring RUN RUN PASS offense. Occasionally he'd fuck around and pass to a tight end but you usually knew what you were getting. With Urban one side of the ball has absolutely horrendous games. Like, even if the offense showed up today, they would have had to score 50 to beat fucking Iowa. IOWA. They were moving the ball at will. Now it feels like the only thing you can count on with Urban is that the team he fields is usually the most talented one.
Don't even care anymore. He does the least with the most. It's proven and backed up with mountains of fact.

They were so poor on offense all year and then we give up over 50. Just unreal.

Another thing I've noticed with UFM teams is if you get on us early and make it a game we typically fold. We panic and then we fold. Last week being the outlier of course.
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Well, we are who we thought we were the past 2 seasons. Team simply cannot put it together.

Urban is a phenomenal coach, but he is clearly not the same coach he was at Florida - either that, or the game has passed him by to a degree. He's also not going anywhere anytime soon, and to be frank I hope he doesn't. Just look at Tennessee, Texas, Penn State (until last year), Michigan until Harbaugh, USC, LSU and Florida to see how bad it can be. But things certainly need to change on many fronts.
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