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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

Well, we are who we thought we were the past 2 seasons. Team simply cannot put it together.

Urban is a phenomenal coach, but he is clearly not the same coach he was at Florida - either that, or the game has passed him by to a degree. He's also not going anywhere anytime soon, and to be frank I hope he doesn't. Just look at Tennessee, Texas, Penn State (until last year), Michigan until Harbaugh, USC, LSU and Florida to see how bad it can be. But things certainly need to change on many fronts.

Yeah, don't want anyone to think differently, i want him to stay as long as possible. The only coach id be ok with leaving is Davis.

But hopefully something changes to make this a more consistent, cohesive program.
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No screw this. This leads to undisciplined and uncontrolled football which loses games against well coached teams.
Sorry, I'm not following. I think you are agreeing with me that this mentality leads to big plays when backed up by strong fundamental football technique, but also leads to us shooting ourselves in the foot when we're dealing with inexperienced players and/or badly coached ones
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Not sure what is worse following an tOSU loss: the Buckeye fanbase overreaction, e.g. “Meyer has to go”, “Barrett is the worst ever”, “we may not win another game” OR not being able to watch/listen to any sports radio/tv program for a week because I don’t want to listen to the talking heads with their not so subtle shots.
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I hoped the team was going to come out pissed off in the second half with the right coaching adjustments. Not sure what the coaching staff told them but it seems like the team thought the game was over judging by their piss poor play.
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Well, we are who we thought we were the past 2 seasons. Team simply cannot put it together.

Urban is a phenomenal coach, but he is clearly not the same coach he was at Florida - either that, or the game has passed him by to a degree. He's also not going anywhere anytime soon, and to be frank I hope he doesn't. Just look at Tennessee, Texas, Penn State (until last year), Michigan until Harbaugh, USC, LSU and Florida to see how bad it can be. But things certainly need to change on many fronts.

He's NOT a phenomenal coach. He's a phenomenal recruiter. Phenomenal coaches don't get punked by Iowa 55-24.
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