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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

Fuck. Did I really write that? I meant East of course.
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Don't even care anymore. He does the least with the most. It's proven and backed up with mountains of fact.

They were so poor on offense all year and then we give up over 50. Just unreal.

Another thing I've noticed with UFM teams is if you get on us early and make it a game we typically fold. We panic and then we fold. Last week being the outlier of course.

I have to disagree with this (although recent history backs you up). It feels like Urban teams always start slowly / shoot themselves in the foot, and then come back to win. The Alabama game in 2014, Purdue game in 2013, Penn State last week obviously, Michigan last year, and more come to mind. Even the Oregon NC game - how many stupid turnovers did we have in the first half? It was a miracle we didn't lose by 3 TD.

My problem is, why the hell do we keep shooting ourselves in the feet?
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Well, we are who we thought we were the past 2 seasons. Team simply cannot put it together.

Urban is a phenomenal coach, but he is clearly not the same coach he was at Florida - either that, or the game has passed him by to a degree. He's also not going anywhere anytime soon, and to be frank I hope he doesn't. Just look at Tennessee, Texas, Penn State (until last year), Michigan until Harbaugh, and Florida to see how bad it can be. But things certainly need to change on many fronts.
I'm with you.. something is different about UFM and its probably the intensity and ruthlessness that he had at UF. However he vowed to never be that man again and I agree he shouldn't be that way. Unfortunately though it's what made him so good when he was younger but I don't blame him for not wanting to be that way.

How Saban is so intense and ruthless yet doesn't have health issues is just insane. Not even in the same stratosphere as Saban.

Maybe UFM should study the guys at bama to figure out what makes them so unbeatable
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I'm with you.. something is different about UFM and its probably the intensity and ruthlessness that he had at UF. However he vowed to never be that man again and I agree he shouldn't be that way. Unfortunately though it's what made him so good when he was younger but I don't blame him for not wanting to be that way.

How Saban is so intense and ruthless yet doesn't have health issues is just insane. Not even in the same stratosphere as Saban.

Maybe UFM should study the guys at bama to figure out what makes them so unbeatable

Or just play some more traditional BIG 10 style ball? Say want you want...there are coaches that would be running the hell out of JK.
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Don't even care anymore. He does the least with the most. It's proven and backed up with mountains of fact.

They were so poor on offense all year and then we give up over 50. Just unreal.

Another thing I've noticed with UFM teams is if you get on us early and make it a game we typically fold. We panic and then we fold. Last week being the outlier of course.

Eh...Cal, Purdue, MSU, TSUN in 12, TSUN, Clemson in 13, MSU, Bama, Oregon in 14. I'm missing a few.

I do think Meyer panics and becomes a control freak. He looks for a knockout punch instead of calming down and waiting. But its not every close game. They didnt panic last week, but they do against fucking Iowa? Makes no sense.

The knockout punch analogy is the best thing i can think of. This seemed like a game Meyer wanted to get out to a 20 pt lead and just coast till next week. Defense was blitzing constantly and Barrett was trying way too hard to make unecessary throws. When it was obvious that this was not going to be an easy win, Meyer panicked and clamped down on the O...but they were already down 14.

I dunno. Whatever it is, this starts and ends with Meyer trusting his coaches and players.
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OC coordinator panicked....

Wilson called a good first quarter and then Iowa made some really good adjustments and then he goes full retard. Not the first time we’ve seen this and it is concerning. The same can be said with Schiano. You know what Iowa is going to run as their offence is one dimensional yet they did what they wanted to do all game long. We weren’t able to counteract their adjustments and that’s a total embarrassment.
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Really, nobody really thought we were NC quality, right?
This team has by far the most top-notch talent from top-to-bottom in the entire conference. We should never, ever lose to any conference opponent by 31 points, especially to a team that's middle-of-the-road at best and we have historically dominated big time...
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